social media marketing

How to Improve Facebook Lead Ads

How to Improve Facebook Lead Ads: Step by Step Guide in 2023

Facebook lead ads are an effective tool to generate leads and engage with a target audience. By creating targeted campaigns, businesses can capture valuable lead information from interested prospects that can be used for further follow-up. However, if done poorly, the campaigns may not produce the desired results. 

To ensure success and maximize ROI, it is important to understand how to improve Facebook lead ads.

Improving your lead ads begins with identifying what goals you want to achieve with your campaign. Are you looking to increase brand awareness or drive conversions? Knowing this will help you craft content that aligns with those objectives. You’ll also need to consider who your target audience is and create messaging that resonates with them. 

Once you have a clear understanding of your objectives and audience, you can create an effective campaign strategy.

Why You Must Run a Lead Generation Campaign With Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are one of the most powerful tools available for lead generation. With the ability to target specific demographics and interests, your ads can reach the exact people you want to convert into leads. Not only does this allow you to get more qualified leads, but it also allows you to do so in a cost-effective manner.

You don’t need large budgets or lengthy campaigns to generate leads with Facebook ads. Leveraging detailed targeting capabilities, you can create highly targeted campaigns that reach users who are already interested in what your company offers. This means that they’re more likely to click on your ad and convert it into leads. Additionally, by limiting wasted impressions and clicks from unqualified audiences, you save money while increasing the value of each lead.

The other advantage of running a lead generation campaign with Facebook ads is the ability to track and measure results in real-time. With detailed analytics that shows you how much it costs to generate each lead, you can ensure that your campaigns are as cost-effective as possible. You can also quickly adjust strategies based on performance data, allowing for rapid optimization and continuous improvement of your campaigns.

By utilizing the right targeting and tracking capabilities, you’ll be able to maximize the potential of your lead generation efforts while reducing wasted ad spend. That’s why running a lead generation campaign with Facebook ads is the best way to get more qualified leads at an efficient cost!

Which awareness levels should a lead generation campaign target?

Lead generation campaigns should target three different levels of awareness: unaware, aware, and informed. Unaware leads need to be made aware of the brand and what it offers. This requires an educational approach that focuses on introducing the product or service in simple terms and providing basic information about it. 

Aware leads already know about the brand, but they need to understand why they should choose it over competing options. To address this, marketers should focus on emphasizing the unique features of their product or service and how they differentiate from others in the market. 

Finally, informed leads have done their research and are ready to make a purchase decision; this is where marketers can use persuasive strategies such as special offers or discounts to encourage them to buy. Through targeting all three levels of awareness, lead generation campaigns can be tailored to each individual’s knowledge and experience. As a result, marketers can more effectively capture the attention of leads at different stages in the buying cycle.


Here are 7 ways to improve your Facebook lead ads


1.  Define Your Target Audience  

Make sure you know your target audience and create custom audiences to reach the right people. When it comes to defining your target audience on Facebook, there are a couple of things to consider. 

Define Your Target Audience

First, you want to determine who your ideal customer is: what do they look like, where do they live, and why would they be interested in what you have to offer? Knowing this information will help you better understand the types of people you should be targeting with your Facebook ads.

You also need to decide which demographics or interests best match up with your audience. This could include an age range, gender, location, or even specific interests related to the product or service you’re offering. 

You can use the Audience Insights tool within Facebook Ads Manager to help you identify potential audiences that may align with your offering.

The last part is to create a personalized message or promotion that will appeal to your target audience. This could involve creating ads that are tailored specifically to their interests, utilizing specific imagery and language they can relate to, or offering discounts or other promotions. Utilizing these strategies will help ensure you’re connecting with the right people and providing them with an incentive to engage with your business.

2.  Use an Attention-Grabbing Headline

A headline that grabs the reader’s attention will increase the likelihood that they will fill out your form.  

Improve your Facebook lead ads by using an attention-grabbing headline. Your headline is often the first thing that potential customers see and can be a powerful tool to attract their interest. A great headline should succinctly convey the value of what you’re offering without being too wordy or overstating its benefits. Make sure it accurately reflects the content of your ad, and consider adding an element of surprise or mystery to grab someone’s attention. Crafting an effective headline can make all the difference in generating leads from your Facebook lead ads!

Creating effective Facebook lead ads doesn’t have to be difficult, but it does require some thought and planning. By utilizing an attention-grabbing headline, businesses have a better chance of drawing in potential customers and increasing their leads. Keep your headline concise, accurately reflect the content of the ad, and consider adding a surprise or mystery element for maximum impact. With an effective headline, you’ll be well on your way to successful Facebook Lead Ads campaigns!

3. Keep the form short

Keep your form as short as possible to maximize completion rates. When it comes to lead generation, Facebook Lead Ads can be a great way to get more leads quickly. However, if the lead form is too long and complicated, potential customers may not bother filling it out. To get the most out of your Facebook lead ads, keep the lead form brief and to the point. Ask only for information that is absolutely necessary so that potential customers don’t feel like they are giving away too much personal information.

Additionally, try keeping the number of form fields short; no more than five or six fields should be included in the form. This will help ensure that submitting leads does not become an overly time-consuming task for potential customers. By streamlining your lead forms in this way, you can increase your chances of getting more leads and growing your customer base.

4. Offer Value

Offer something of value to the reader in exchange for their information, such as a discount or a free resource.

Offering value is a great way to improve your Facebook lead ads. Your leads will be more likely to convert to customers if they feel that they are getting something of value in exchange for their information. 

Consider offering an e-book, whitepaper, discount code, or another special offer as part of the lead ad. Doing so can help you increase conversion rates and get more qualified leads. Be sure to add a clear call to action in the lead ad so people know exactly what they’re signing up for and how it can benefit them. 

Additionally, consider providing incentives such as reward points or exclusive offers after a successful sign-up. This will help maintain customer loyalty and encourage longer engagement with your brand.  Ultimately, when you offer value, your leads are more likely to convert and become customers. 

Investing in the right value-added offer can help you increase conversion rates and better engage with potential customers.  With the right offers and incentives, you can ensure that your Facebook lead ads are highly effective.  Try offering something valuable today for improved results! 

5. Make it mobile-friendly

Facebook lead ads are mobile-optimized, so ensure that your ad looks good on mobile devices.

Mobile-friendliness is a key aspect of improving lead ads. By making the ad mobile-friendly, you ensure that your target audience can view and interact with the ad on their phones or tablets. Having a mobile-friendly strategy will help to maximize conversions and reduce bounce rates.

Make It Mobile-Friendly

To make your lead ads more accessible to viewers on mobile devices, consider the following tips:

  • Design your ad for smaller screens – Make sure that all components of the ad, including text, images, buttons, etc., fit within the confines of smaller screens.
  • Use high-resolution images – Images should be optimized for small screens and have a minimum resolution of 640×960 pixels. This ensures sharper visuals on displays with higher resolutions.
  • Utilize larger fonts – Text should be large enough to read on mobile devices, so use font sizes that are easy to view.
  • Include multiple CTA buttons – Have multiple call-to-action buttons throughout the ad to ensure viewers can easily take action on their phone or tablet.

By following these tips, you’ll help make your lead ads more accessible to viewers on mobile devices and increase conversions. With a little extra effort, you can improve your lead ads and maximize the potential return.

6. Test, test, test

Test different variations of your ad to see what resonates best with your target audience.

It’s the key to success with Facebook lead ads. To get the most out of your lead ads, you need to experiment with different strategies and approaches while carefully tracking and measuring the results.

  • Start by setting clear objectives for your campaigns—what do you want to achieve? Are you looking to increase leads, focus on engagement, or build brand awareness? Once you define your goals, create several versions of an ad campaign and test them against each other. Rotate between different targeting options; use different images, copywriting styles, and calls-to-action; tweak design elements such as button color; or try a combination of all these factors. This will help you identify which combinations work best for your target audience.
  • Keep track of the performance of each ad—note down how many clicks it generated, what percentage of users completed the form, and other relevant insights. Don’t forget to review the data at regular intervals to see if any changes are necessary or if an ad needs to be paused or adjusted. With experimentation and analysis, you can find effective ways to reach your lead generation goals.  So start testing today and make sure your Facebook lead ads are as successful as possible!

7. Follow up promptly

Make sure to follow up with leads promptly and consistently to maximize conversions.

When engaging with your target audience, it is important to follow up promptly and effectively in order to maximize the success of Facebook Lead Ads. A quick response will ensure that potential customers don’t lose interest or forget about you. 

Furthermore, following up shows customers that their input and feedback are valued and appreciated, which can help build a positive relationship between you and your target audience.

To make sure you follow up quickly, set up notifications when new leads come in so that they can be addressed in a timely manner.

Additionally, consider automating some of the processes, such as personalizing responses based on customer data or sending automated emails with discounts or special offers after a lead has been generated. This will save time while still making sure customers feel valued.









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Social Media Marketing Strategies

How To Create Successful Social Media Marketing Strategies – Ultimate Guide In 2023

Social media marketing can be a great way to promote your small business, but it’s important to create a strategy that will work for you. In this blog, we’ll share some tips on how to create successful social media marketing strategies. Keep reading to learn more!

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the process of using online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to build relationships and interact with potential and current customers.

It’s a way to connect with people who might be interested in your product or service, as well as stay in touch with existing customers. Social media marketing can also help you build brand awareness and create a community around your business.

There are a number of different strategies that businesses can use to approach social media marketing, and it’s important to find the one that best suits your company’s goals. If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve put together a guide to get you started.

Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of internet marketing that uses social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach.

SMM can be a very effective way to connect with customers and create a community around your business. It’s also important to remember that social media should be used as part of an overall marketing strategy and not as a replacement for other marketing channels.

When used correctly, social media marketing can help you build relationships, drive traffic, and generate leads for your business. It can also be a great way to stay in touch with existing customers and keep them updated on what’s going on with your company.

What are social media marketing’s benefits?

social media marketing's benefits

There are many benefits to social media marketing, including:

  • Increased brand awareness
  • More website traffic
  • Greater engagement with your target audience
  • Improved search engine rankings
  • Generating leads and sales

Social media marketing is an affordable way to reach out to more people and build stronger relationships with your existing customers. It’s also an excellent platform for promoting content, products, and services. If you’re not already using social media marketing, now is the time to start!

Social media marketing can help you achieve all of these objectives:

  • Increase brand awareness

Social media platforms are a great way to increase brand awareness and reach new audiences. You’ll get more people interested in your business when you post regular updates, share interesting content, and engage with your followers.

  • Drive website traffic

Social media can also be used to drive traffic back to your website. When you include links to your website in your posts, you’ll encourage people to visit your site. You can also use social media ads to drive traffic to specific pages on your website.

  • Engage with your target audience

Social media is a great way to connect with your target audience and build relationships. By engaging with people who are interested in what you do, you can create a loyal following of customers and potential customers.

  • Improve search engine rankings

Social media signals (such as likes, shares, and links) can help improve your website’s search engine rankings. The more people who share your content, the more likely it is that your website will rank higher in search results.

  • Generate Leads And Sales

Social media can also be used to generate leads and sales for your business. By sharing information about your products and services, you can encourage people to buy from you. You can also use social media ads to target specific audiences and promote specific products and services.

Top secrets to creating a social media marketing strategy?

  • Social media marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach

There is no single silver bullet when it comes to social media marketing. The most successful businesses tailor their social media strategy to fit their specific needs and goals.-

  • Define your goals and objectives

Before you launch a social media marketing campaign, you need to define what you want to achieve. Do you want to increase brand awareness? drive traffic to your website? Generate leads? Boost sales? Once you know your goals, you can create content and campaigns that are more likely to help you achieve them.

  • Know your audience

Know your audience

One of the most important aspects of social media marketing is understanding who your target audience is and what they want. By understanding your audience, you can create content that appeals to them and better meets their needs.

  • Use the right platform

Use the right platform

Not all social media platforms are created equal. Different platforms have different demographics, so it’s important to choose the right one for your business. For example, if you’re targeting young adults, you’ll want to be active on Snapchat or Instagram. If you’re targeting a more mature audience, Facebook or LinkedIn may be a better fit.

  • Create quality content

If you want people to pay attention to your social media marketing campaign, you need to create quality content that is interesting, informative, and engaging. Remember, social media is a two-way street—it’s not just about broadcasting your message, but also about listening to and responding to your audience.

  • Be consistent

Social media marketing takes time and effort, so you need to be patient and consistent with your posting. If you only post sporadically, people are less likely to take notice. Try to post regularly, and make sure your posts are relevant to your audience.

  • Measure your results

The only way to know if your social media marketing campaign is successful is to measure your results. Look at things like engagement (likes, comments, and shares), reach (how many people see your posts), and click-through rate (how many people click on links in your posts). By tracking these metrics, you can adjust your strategy as needed and make sure you’re getting the most out of your social media marketing.

  • Use paid advertising

Organic reach on social media platforms is getting harder and harder to come by, so you may need to invest in paid advertising to get your content seen by your target audience. Paid ads can be a great way to boost your reach and get your message in front of more people.

  • Work with influencer

Work with influencers

Influencer marketing is a great way to amplify your message and reach a larger audience. By working with influencers, you can get your content posted on their platforms and exposed to their followers. This can help you reach new people and grow your business.

  • Stay up-to-date on the latest trends

Social media is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. By keeping your finger on the pulse of the latest social media trends, you can adjust your strategy as needed and make sure you’re always ahead of the curve.


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10 Effective Ways to Reach the Target Audience in 2023

Introduction : 

As a business owner, it is essential to have a clear understanding of your target audience. This allows you to create marketing campaigns that are designed to appeal to the specific needs and interests of your target market. There are a number of effective ways to reach your target audience. 

An important thing to remember is that your target audience is composed of individuals who have their own unique needs and preferences. As such, it is essential to tailor your marketing messages to meet the specific requirements of your target market. 

What are the benefits of the target audiences?

There are many benefits to targeting your audience. When you target your audience, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. This can significantly increase the chances of making a sale.

Additionally, by targeting your audience, you can save money on marketing costs. This is because you will be able to avoid wasting time and resources on marketing to people who are not interested in your products or services. Finally, by targeting your audience, you can build relationships with potential customers.

This is because you will be able to provide them with targeted content that is relevant to their interests. By building these relationships, you will be able to turn potential customers into lifelong fans of your business.

Here are 10 ways you can make sure your content reaches your target audience in 2023:

  1. Pay attention to SEO
  2. Go beyond Google
  3. Create content for specific channels
  4. Develop a strong social media presence
  5. Invest in targeted advertising
  6. Make use of email marketing
  7. Implement retargeting strategies
  8. Use influencer marketing
  9. Harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing
  10. Keep your finger on the pulse of emerging trends

1. Pay attention to SEO

As we prepare to move into 2023, businesses need to be aware of the latest trends in marketing if they want to remain competitive. One of the most important changes that are taking place is the increasing importance of SEO. In the past, businesses could rely solely on traditional marketing methods to reach their target audience. However, with the rise of the internet, that is no longer the case. Now, businesses need to ensure that their website is optimized for search engines if they want to be visible to potential customers. 

There are a number of different factors that go into SEO, but some of the most important factors include keyword research, website structure, and content creation. By paying attention to these elements, businesses can ensure that their website appears at the top of search engine results, making it more likely to be seen by potential customers. In a world where everyone is searching for information online, businesses need to make sure that they are visible in order to reach their target audience. 

2. Go beyond Google

Google may be the most popular search engine, but it is not the only one. In fact, there are a number of different search engines that people use when looking for information online. As a business, it is important to ensure that your website appears on all of the major search engines if you want to reach as many potential customers as possible.

In addition to Google, some of the other major search engines include Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo. By appearing on these search engines, you will be able to reach a wider range of potential customers, increasing your chances of making a sale. 

3. Create content for specific channels

Another important trend that businesses need to be aware of is the importance of creating content for specific channels. In the past, businesses would create general content that could be posted on any platform. However, with the rise of social media, it is now necessary to create content that is specifically designed for each platform.

For example, if you are posting on Instagram, you will need to use images and videos that are optimized for the platform. Similarly, if you are using Twitter, you will need to make sure that your tweets are concise and to the point. By creating content specifically for each channel, you will be able to reach a wider range of potential customers and engage with them in a more effective way. 

4. Develop a strong social media presence

Develop A Strong Social Media Presence

Social media platforms are some of the most popular websites in the world. As a business, it is important to have a strong presence on these platforms if you want to reach your target audience. There are a number of different ways to do this, but some of the most effective include creating engaging content, running ads, and interacting with potential customers.

By taking the time to develop a strong social media presence, you will be able to reach a wider range of potential customers and significantly increase your chances of making a sale. 

5. Invest in targeted advertising

Another way to reach your target audience is through targeted advertising. This is where businesses create ads that are specifically targeting their ideal customer. This can be done through a number of different platforms, including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads.

By investing in targeted advertising, businesses can ensure that their ads are seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in what they have to offer. This is an effective way to reach potential customers and generate leads for your business.

6. Make use of email marketing

make use of email marketing

Email marketing is another effective way to reach potential customers. This is where businesses send emails to potential customers in an attempt to generate sales. Email marketing can be used to promote new products, offer discounts, and build relationships with potential customers. By making use of email marketing, businesses can reach a wide range of potential customers and significantly increase their chances of making a sale. 

7. Implement retargeting strategies.

Retargeting is an effective way to reach potential customers who have already shown an interest in your business. This is where businesses create ads that are specifically targeted at people who have visited their website or engaged with their content in the past.

By doing this, businesses can ensure that their ads are seen by people who are more likely to be interested in what they have to offer. Retargeting is an effective way to reach potential customers and generate leads for your business.

8. Use influencer marketing

Use influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is another effective way to reach potential customers. This is where businesses work with influencers to promote their products or services.

Influencers are people who have a large following on social media and are trusted by their followers. By working with influencers, businesses can reach a wider range of potential customers and significantly increase their chances of making a sale.

9. Harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers. This is where businesses rely on their satisfied customers to promote their products or services to their friends and family. This is an incredibly powerful form of marketing, as it allows businesses to tap into a large network of potential customers.

By harnessing the power of word-of-mouth marketing, businesses can reach a wide range of potential customers and significantly increase their chances of making a sale.

10. Keep your finger on the pulse of emerging trends

Emerging trends are always happening in the world of marketing. By keeping your finger on the pulse of these trends, you will be able to adapt your marketing strategy and reach potential customers in new and innovative ways. Some of the most popular emerging trends include social media marketing, mobile marketing, and video marketing.

By making use of these emerging trends, businesses can reach a wider range of potential customers and significantly increase their chances of making a sale.


In conclusion, there are a number of effective ways to reach the target audience in 2023. Businesses should consider using a mix of traditional and digital methods to reach their target market. Traditional methods such as print advertising, TV commercials, and radio ads can be used to reach a wide audience.

However, businesses should also use digital methods such as online advertising, social media marketing, and email marketing to reach their target market. By using a mix of traditional and digital marketing techniques, businesses can effectively reach their target audience in 2023.

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How to Use Google My Business Profile to Get More Customers in 2022

Nowadays in order to gain more visibility on Google, local businesses create a Business profile also known as a ‘Google Business listing’. To Utilize your Google Business Profile, you need management and editing capabilities to work as an effective lead generation and Search Engine Optimization tool.

So how to manage your Google Business Profile?

You need to create a separate Google My Business profile to manage your Google Business profile.

Setting up a Google Business Profile is by far the easiest way for people to find a local business on Google search and Google Maps. 

With a Google Business profile, you can interact with your customers through messages, showcase your products and services, build customer trust through reviews, understand how your customers find your business, and even specify what health and safety measures you have put in place to protect them.

Formally known as Google My Business, your Google Business profile can be managed and updated directly on the Google search either from your computer or if you are always on the go, using your smartphone makes it easy to make your business information accurate at all times.

Any business, small-scale, mid-scale, or large-scale is eligible for a Google Business profile. The good news is – 

  • It’s easy to setup
  • Takes minutes
  • Doesn’t require any particular computer skills 

And I almost forgot… it’s also totally FREE!

Having a well-optimized Google Business Profile in 2022 is going to be more important than ever before for every local business.

Let us first understand what Google My Business is.


What is Google My Business? 


What is Google My Business_

Google Business profile or Google My Business is a free Business listing from Google. It helps local businesses to manage their online presence across Google search and Google Maps. It allows customers to find your business online. You can verify and update your business information on your Google My Business profile. 

For example, if you run a business like a restaurant, a medical store, or a retail shop that serves customers at a particular location, your Google Business profile can help them find you. A verified business is considered reputable on Google.

Google My Business profile helps you to claim ownership of your Business profile and also provides you the rights of management. It allows you to utilize its free features to gain visibility on Google.

Now that you know Google My Business, let me tell you about Bing business place which will also help you gain visibility for your business.


Why “Bing Business Place” is important for local businesses?

Bing business place is a FREE service that allows you to manage your business listing on Bing Search results and Bing Maps. 

    • Bing Business Place helps local businesses stand out from their competitors by updating business information like store time, latest pictures of storefront and interiors, etc.
    • To ensure that your users always see the accurate and latest information about your business, you might want to add your business listing on Bing search and maps. It allows you to edit the Business name, address, map location, contact details, website, etc.
    • It provides tips on how to make your business listing more visible.


As a local business owner, you should take advantage of both services. Google remains a dominant search engine, but the search behavior of users is constantly evolving and millions of internet users turn to Bing to help them navigate. Bing commands billions of people and high-intent searches per month.


How to optimize your Google My Business profile? 

Google Business profile optimization is the key to getting found in local search. An optimized Business profile can improve the engagement of customers, boost the local ranking to provide more visibility with your business and convert more leads.

Here are the ideas to turn your Google business profile into a 24*7 lead-generating tool for your business.

1. Set up a Google My Business account

Firstly, understand that the Google business profile and Google My Business account are separate entities. In order to optimize your Business profile, you need to create a Google My Business account and later connect it with your Google Business profile. 

Set up a Google My Business account

To create a Google My Business account 

    • Search for
    • Sign in with the Gmail account you use for business

Once you create your business profile, don’t forget to claim your Google business listing on Google maps. It helps your local business to get found. 

2. Fill in every section 

Completeness of your Business profile helps Google to rank you higher in local searches. You can provide the latest and updated business information to gain trust and build a reputation.

Fill in every section

Some of the important aspects of your business profile that need to be filled right away are:

    • Business name
    • Address
    • Phone
    • Website 
    • Opening hours/ working hours 
    • Products and services
    • Posts and reviews
    • Questions and answers 
    • “From the business” description


3. Verify your business 

Once the profile is created, get your Business verified. To verify your business head to and click on “Start Now”. Verification makes sure that the information in your Google Business listing is correct. 

Verify your business

The information includes your business name, address, phone number, website URL, and store time.

Google will send you a verification code which you will have to enter on the website. You can get the verification code by postcard or a phone call, further instructions will be provided after you create your business profile.

4. Include high-resolution photos

Google likes visual content, so utilize plenty of good quality photos of your business inside and outside.

 To add photos to your Google My Business profile, select the photo tab, click “add photos” and choose the photos you want to upload.

Include high-resolution photos

Points to remember:

    • Add a high-quality cover photo that will represent your brand.
    • Showcase different aspects of your business such as products, services, and storefront.
    • The standard photo size is 800×600 pixels (Photos smaller than 800×600 will be enlarged to fit the screen and larger images will be cropped to fit the space)


5. Use keywords in your profile

Use of the relevant keywords in your Google business profile is one of the important optimization tips. This will help customers to find local businesses like yours while they are searching on search engines. Include keywords that are most relevant to your business such as services and products you offer or the location of your store.

Use keywords in your profile

There are two areas where the use of keywords plays a vital role in getting your business found 

    • “Name” field:  Name field is important because it serves as a link to your business profile.
    • “Description” field: Adding keywords in the description field helps your profile show up for related searches. The description area is the place that potential customers will see when they find you in search results.


6. Enable messaging

This feature allows customers to directly send a text message through your Google Business profile.

Enable messaging

This is a great opportunity for consumers to get in touch with you.

7. Performance measurement 

Monitoring your Google My Business profile on a regular basis is very important. You can set up alerts via Google My Business account. If someone leaves a review you will get a notification on your phone or desktop. 

Performance measurement

Check how things are working, how many views or clicks you are getting, and whether the visibility is increasing or decreasing. By checking GMB listings you can make required changes in your business plan.

8. Get customer reviews 

Reviews from your customer play an important role to show your business higher in search results. If you get a list of search results for a restaurant, which one would you choose? The one with a 5 yellow star rating or the one with a 1-star rating with no reviews at all?

Get customer reviews

Reviews influence customer choice, so this is the key ranking factor in Google’s algorithm.

Keep in mind – 

    • Always have Good ratings and customer reviews
    • While asking for reviews from customers, keep it polite.
    • Thank your customers who post a review, whether the reviews are good or bad.


9. Ask and answer questions

Google offers a feature “Questions & Answers” on your Google Business profiles. Answering the questions in this section will give potential customers confidence that you are a credible business.

Ask and answer questions

You can do this simply by logging in to your Google My Business Profile and going to your “Questions & Answers” section.



This guide will help you to know how to make your Google My Business listing accurate and complete. Follow the above steps and you will reap its benefits. It will help you to improve your ranking in local search results.

Have you tried optimizing your Google Business profile? Share your tips in the comment section below.

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How Does LinkedIn Matched Audience Help In Generating Leads?

How does LinkedIn Matched Audience help in Generating Leads?

Today, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions provides a convenient and unique way to target members by Company, Industry, Skills, Titles, Categories, and more; but what if you want to reach the people you already know? If you want to generate or nurture warm leads, customizing your ad targeting can help in your lead generation process which allows you to reach people who matter most to your business. Lead generation is an expensive process whether you run ad campaigns on social media platforms or buy lead data from third-party companies.

LinkedIn’s Matched Audience provides a set of target options to combine your business data with LinkedIn’s professional data. It helps you to convert hard-to-get and highly-valued leads into customers, which you may not have reached otherwise.

For many people, the matched audience on LinkedIn is a completely new topic so, in this article, we’re going to explain everything you need to learn about LinkedIn lead generation strategies.


    • What are LinkedIn matched audiences?
    • What are the types of LinkedIn matched audiences?
    • Best ad targeting practices for strong lead generation
    • How to analyze your campaign performance?


What is LinkedIn Matched Audience?

Matched audiences on LinkedIn are the same as the custom audiences on Facebook. It finds out people who are already interested in your products or services. Matched audience allows more specific reach to the users. It is a set of tools used to connect businesses with their target audiences by leveraging the potential of their contacts in the database. It helps you to re-impact users who have interacted with your business earlier and provides better lead generation. 

What is LinkedIn Matched Audience?

Lead generation is essential for B2B businesses, but it is not just a number game. To get better results you need to focus on getting the right quality of leads. Quantity with no desired outcome is of no use.

To get started with matched audiences keep your conversion tracking enabled. It will allow you to measure the actions of the users who are coming to your website through LinkedIn ads or campaigns. The key actions can be a content download, page views, signing up through a lead gen form, etc.

Matched Audiences helps you to retarget website visitors, upload a list of accounts (companies), or email contacts to your target business. With this offering, LinkedIn becomes an ideally advanced lead generation strategy for always-on campaigns. It helps you to build a richer lead generation marketing plan to increase ROI and business revenue.


What are the types of LinkedIn matched audiences?

LinkedIn’s matched audience concept helps businesses to reach website visitors and retarget them by utilizing LinkedIn ads as they browse the internet. Matched audiences include parameters such as retargeting, Contact targeting, Company or Account targeting, and Lookalike targeting. With these parameters, businesses can perform 10 times better than usual.

Let us see how this works…

  • Retargeting

Retargeting or Website retargeting helps you to deliver relevant ad content to the audiences based on visits to your website page or action taken by the users with your LinkedIn ads. 


Now let me simplify this to make it more understandable for newbies. 


How does retargeting work on LinkedIn? 

It is a simple 7-step process:

  1. People see LinkedIn ads in their LinkedIn feed.
  2. They click on that ad.
  3. They land on your website page.
  4. They interact in some way, perhaps by downloading content or submitting a lead gen form, viewing video ads, or just by visiting your website page.
  5. They become a lead in your system.
  6. Their history is stored in your cookies and the data is delivered to LinkedIn.
  7. Retargeting ads are shown to these users.

With all these efforts you can hope for the potential 8th step where the leads take a step forward to become your customers.

Now, the next question popping up is …

How to set up a retargeting campaign on LinkedIn?

It is simple…

If you are retargeting visitors to your company website, LinkedIn Insight Tags (javascript code) can be used to track conversions, retarget, and find real-time insights on the content preferences of your website. You need to incorporate LinkedIn Insight Tags on your website’s page to enable this feature.

Create an audience to retarget by website, video ads, Lead Gen Forms, or a LinkedIn event. (Each type of matched audience needs to generate at least 300 people before ads can be delivered to that audience)

Share a copy of your matched audiences across any of your ad accounts.

Let your audience build, which will take nearly 48 hours. Your audience will continue to grow as more LinkedIn members engage with your ads. Once the audience is built, you can add it to a campaign using ad format.

View the status of audiences synced from your data management platform.

Utilize the A/B test to check the performance of your LinkedIn ad campaigns to discover which ad campaign is performing better and which is not.

  • Contact targeting

It helps you to market to prospective customers and known contacts by securely uploading your very own list of email addresses to match against LinkedIn members.

Contact targeting

You can get started by a CSV upload or by the data integration process. 

The LinkedIn algorithm will scan the list of email addresses and search within its own database to see if any email address coincides. If at all any email coincides then that user has used the exact same email to register on your website as well as on the LinkedIn account. Only in such cases, LinkedIn can find a match and you can re-impact those users on social media channels

Here are some pointers to keep in mind when it comes to contact targeting.

    • Deliver highly relevant ads to the leads.
    • Consider uploading a larger list of contacts for better results.
    • When selecting your contacts target top influencers.
    • Divide your contacts into customized audience segments such as current clients, prospects (members regarded as potential customers), and churned customers (customers which stopped using the company’s services)


There are two ways to get started with contacts targeting:

      • Contact targeting by uploading emails 
      1. Upload a list of contacts as per LinkedIn guidelines
      2. In the campaign manager find the account assets menu and click ‘matched audience’ from the drop-down list.
      3. Create an audience and then upload the list
      4. Finish the setup process by adding your file of matched audiences to a new or existing campaign.
      • Contact targeting by data integrations 
      1. To get started you need to have access to the creative manager on your campaign manager account to integrate with a data integration provider.
      2. Select your data integration partner for LinkedIn ads. The next step is completed within your data integration partners’ system.
      3. Your list will automatically populate on the ‘uploaded lists’ page of the matched audience tab.

This is how you upload or integrate your contact lists and add them to an existing or a new campaign.

  • Account targeting

 Account targeting is also known as company targeting helps you to target specific companies that are on your target list. It allows you to reach decision-makers to your target accounts (companies), by adding target company names to your campaign.

Account targeting

It runs Account-Based Marketing (ABM) campaigns by matching your target companies against 13 million LinkedIn pages on LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn account targeting provides 7 options to target your audiences by company name, company industry, company size, company connections, company followers, company growth rate, and company category. 

For example, you can upload a CSV file of the company (names/size/industry/category/growth rate) you want to target. LinkedIn will match your list with nearly 1300 company names in its database. If LinkedIn finds a match then you can target that company rather than targeting an individual. It provides you wider net to deepen engagement.

Here are a few tips for using account targeting:

    • Reach out to the top influencers who make buying decisions at your target accounts.
    • Drive more conversions by guiding decision-makers along their buying journey and generating more qualified leads.
    • Upload a list of at least 1000 companies for better match rates.
    • Avoid Hyper Targeting which can limit the delivery of the campaign.


Step-by-step set-up process for account targeting:

  1. Firstly, create an account list as a single column. One account per row inserting company names, industry, website, company country, etc. Save this list as a CSV file.
  2. Next, set up company or account targeting for LinkedIn ads 
  3. On the audience creation page in the campaign manager, click on the create an audience tab, choose a match based on a list of accounts, upload your file and click the next button.

The matched audience list will become available after 48 hours for targeting.

  • Lookalike targeting

Lookalike audiences allow you to reach new professional audiences similar to your existing customers, website visitors, and target accounts.

Account targeting

Here are a few tips for using Lookalike audiences:

    • Perform tests to check the type of audience. For example, test the website with your CSV list of uploaded contacts and discover what works best.
    • Review campaign demographics to discover the top engaging list & create a lookalike audience using the best performing list.

This is how LinkedIn Matched Audiences helps you to Generate and Retrieve quality leads.


Best ad targeting practices for generating leads 

Now that you know about the LinkedIn matched audience concept, it is important to find out the best practices for quality lead generation. Even if you are an experienced digital marketing strategist LinkedIn works differently than other social media platforms. 

Lookalike targeting

So, read on to find out best practices from LinkedIn’s professional ad targeting capabilities for generating leads.

1. Location

Firstly, identify where you would like to reach LinkedIn users. Location is a mandatory targeting field. You can specify a city, metropolitan area, state, or country.


        This facet is based on the location a LinkedIn member has used in his profile or their IP address.

2.  Build your audience

Build your audience

       Select your audiences based on company, demographics, education, job experience, and interests.

3. Use audience template

 Utilizing an audience template can help you save time during the campaign setup process.

Use audience template

It helps you to create key audiences such as event planners, recent graduates, doctors, millennials, and more without manually selecting the right mix of targeting options.

   4. Avoid hyper-targeting

At the beginning of the campaign, a limited scale may hurt the results. We suggest you start with a target audience of over 50,000 for sponsored content. This allows you to cast a wider net and find out which lead generation strategy works best for your business.

    • Perform A/B test – Testing two similar campaigns with different targeting criteria, you can find out which campaign is most effective. For A/B testing you need to duplicate a campaign and make slight changes in the targeting parameters.
    • Use custom targeting options – Custom targeting on LinkedIn allows you to find additional audiences similar to your target audience also known as a lookalike audience.
    • Tailor your content to your audience – Share content that is more relevant to your audience’s interests. 
    • Gain insight with campaign demographics – Once your ad campaign has gathered enough data, check the demographics tab in the campaign manager and find out which professionals visited your ad and converted it into customers.


How to analyze campaign performance?

To measure the performance of a LinkedIn ad campaign, utilize a wide range of metrics that the campaign manager reports for every campaign you run. 

  • Choose your goals

Firstly, identify what is your goal. Is it building brand awareness (the upper funnel) or driving engagement (mid-funnel) or lead generation (bottom-funnel)?

Choose your goals

Select an objective from the funnels. Strong lead generation relies on a full-funnel content strategy.

  • Set up conversion tracking and lead gen form

Conversion tracking will help you to measure the performance based on conversions, conversion rate, and cost per conversion.

Set up conversion tracking and lead gen form

Lead gen forms allow you to measure the leads and cost per lead.

  • Optimize with performance insight

By accessing campaign insights you can find out how your ads are performing. It will help you to make changes in budgets.


Final thoughts

LinkedIn is a potential B2B marketing giant especially if it is used to convert targeted leads. The matched audience is one of the best features provided by LinkedIn marketing solutions to nurture leads that are generated from LinkedIn ads.

Will you try LinkedIn-matched audiences for generating leads? 

Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

If you have any questions regarding LinkedIn ads or you want to take your business to the next level, connect with us below and let’s get to work.

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How to Utilize Facebook Business Manager for Clients: Ultimate guide in 2022

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Do you want to run a Facebook ad for your client? Are you worried about the safety of access to your client’s account? In this post, I will guide you on how to connect your Business manager account to your client’s account and share that access with your team safely and securely. 

Firstly, understand exactly what is a Business Manager, anyway? 


What is Facebook Business Manager?

What is Facebook Business Manager?

A Facebook business manager is a place where all the Facebook marketing tools live. You can manage all your Facebook advertising and marketing activities here.  It helps to keep your business organized and safe. If you are using Facebook marketing strategies to grow your business, then you should be a business Facebook Business Manager

The business manager is like your hub. So, this is where you are putting all of your people, your Instagram account, Facebook pages, ads account, and your pixels.  And, this is also where you can determine who’s in charge of what and what they are able to do in each of these assets. In other words, it is a one-stop shop to manage business tools and marketing efforts in one place and share access to business assets across their team members, vendors, and partner agencies.  


What can you do with the Facebook Business Manager tool?

1. Create and manage multiple assets

FB business manager helps you to keep your business and personal profile separate from each other. But, let me tell you that it does not allow you to create a fake Facebook personal account just to run your ads. You need to connect your ads manager, business manager, and business suite to your actual personal Facebook profile. It can manage multiple assets like Facebook accounts, Instagram accounts, or product catalogs, all in one place.  

Create and manage multiple assets

2. Track Facebook Ads

It is a control center where you can track your  Facebook ads more efficiently with easy overviews. It provides a centralized dashboard that allows you to check account performance to analyze and further frame marketing strategies

Track Facebook Ads

3. Controls user access

It helps you to control user access and permissions for everyone who works on your ad accounts, pages, and apps. The main goal is to bring all of your assets together to your business manager so that you can disperse permission from your team members, employees,  partners, contractors, etc.

The Facebook business manager is a powerful tool that makes Facebook marketing more effective and convenient. But, the catch is – This tool is not easy.  It takes time for new users to understand and get used to the many features it provides.  

Here we would like to overview the benefits of the Facebook Business Manager to promote your small business on Facebook.  

Controls user access


Benefits of Facebook Business Manager at  a glance

Facebook Business Manager tool is one of the most powerful tools to achieve a  competitive advantage over other agencies. If you don’t know about the benefits of the Facebook Business Manager tool, then you are surely lagging behind your competitors. 

Here are some benefits of the Facebook Business Manager tool, which make it  essential for every agency to rely upon: 

1. Integrity

FBM manages your business from a centralized dashboard. The dashboard helps you to access and organize multiple Facebook accounts,  pages, assets, etc.  

It removes the hassle of using several tools for business management. The centralized dashboard streamlines workflow and responsibilities. It also helps in saving production time.

2. Scalability

FBM tool can be easily scaled. It can be utilized by small-scale,  mid-scale, or even large-scale businesses for Facebook marketing. 

It helps to create and manage pages, and accounts along with the ownership maintained for different assets.

3. Accountable

You get the authority to assign access to your team members based on the requirements without any security issues. If you want to perform work on behalf of someone else’s company on their pages or ad accounts, then you need to request access to that ad account as you don’t own them. 

If your staff resigns, you can remove their access with a click from your administration account and track any changes they made in the past. Thus, it is easy to determine who has the access to which data and who has permission to modify it. 

4. Security

Facebook business manager tool provides secure access to other people like vendors, clients, team members, and partners as it uses two-factor authentication. It is easy to prepare business reports with FBM as they provide customized options that are user-friendly.

5. Collaboration

With the visibility and powerful platform that this tool offers, you can create collaboration opportunities within your team. It provides an increased level of transparency for your organization as it shows a complete picture of business operations and objectives. 

With all these benefits you can push forward your business graph online.  

Now that you know why you should use Facebook business manager, let’s get you set up. 


How to Create a Facebook Business Manager for Agencies?

The setup process is very simple. The first step is to create a Facebook Business  Manager. If your client does not have a Facebook Manager account, then they should, because that is the preferred way of running Facebook ads. If your client already has a Business Manager then you’ll need to get connected to their  Business Manager.  

There are two ways to get connected to someone’s Business Manager: 

1. With a personal account

You are added to their personal account and given the employee access. 

With a personal account

2. Through partners

In this case, clients add you to their Business Manager account and provide you access to their assets such as Facebook accounts,  pages, and so on. This way is preferred to run ads for clients. 

Client’s ads should be run on their Business Manager. But, why so? 

Through partners

There are three main reasons why you should run your client’s ads from their  Business Manager and not your own. 

    • Retain pixel data

      Pixel data is a piece of code for your website that enables you to organize the audiences for your ad campaign. The client will retain Facebook pixel data, and it won’t get confused with any other pixel data that is already there, on your personal account.

Retain pixel data

    • Single billing method

The Business Manager allows a single billing method for a single ad account, so your client will have their own billing methods attached to their ad account.

Single billing method

    • Minimize risk

      Running multiple ad campaigns on your personal ad account is not a good idea. Because, if that ad account gets shut down, then you are putting all your client’s ads at risk.


Businesses and agencies follow different setup processes to create a Business  Manager account.

create a Business  Manager account

Let’s understand the Business Manager setup process from an agency perspective. 


Following are the steps to connect to your client’s Business Manager as a  partner:

Step 1  Go to the link. 

Step 2  Get your Business Manager ID from the Business Info section and share your ID with your client.

Step 3  Have your client go into their Business Manager Settings  link (same link). 

Step 4  Ask them to click Partners under the Users menu in the left sidebar. 

Step 5  Next, ask them to click the blue “Add” button menu and select “Give a  partner access to your assets”.

Step 6  In the popup menu, they need to add your Business Manager ID into the  “Add a new partner” pop up and click next. 

Add a new partner

Step 7  Then you will get access to their pages, ad accounts, and possibly  Instagram accounts, Facebook pixel, and catalog. 

Facebook pixelr

Step 8  Finally, in your Business Manager, you need to grant access permission for assets to yourself and your team members in order to work on those assets. 

Your clients can grant you any level of access to their assets on their own Business  Manager by adding your agency partner ID. By giving access to your team members also, you allow them to act on behalf of your client’s business to provide better control of their assets and information. 

Let us dive in little deeper into each of the above steps.

When you go to the Business manager setting link, and you see many business manager accounts, that means you created more than one business manager account or you have been added to the business manager accounts as your personal profile. 

Click on the “Business Manager” for your agency 

Let’s say that the name of our Business Manager is Ecsion Inc. It is always on the top of the screen in the left-hand corner.  

Scroll down and click on the “Business info”. 

In the Business information, you can find your Business Manager ID right at the top. 

Copy that Business Manager ID and send it to your clients. Ask your clients to run steps 3 and step 7 in the above list. 

Firstly, have your clients go to their business manager settings and then click on  “Partners” under the “Users”. 

Next, click on the “Add” button and “Give a partner access to your assets”. 

The client needs to type your (agency) Business manager ID into the “Add a new partner” popup and click on the Next button. 

Now, they need to select the asset type and give you access to Facebook pages and Facebook ad accounts, etc. 

The clients can choose each of the assets and then configure them before saving the changes. Once they have all the required assets assigned, click the blue “Save  Changes” button.  

When all of that is done you should receive a mail inviting you to your client’s  Business Manager Account. 

Grant Access permission

Now that you connected your Clients’ Business Manager account to your own  Business Manager Account, grant permission to people in your Business manager to work on that asset. Don’t forget to give permission to track the performance. 

As an agent firstly, you need to go into your Business Manager settings, Select  “pages” on the left side under the “accounts” section. Find the page you have been given access to and then select “Add People”. In the dropdown menu, you can give access to yourself and your team members to create ads on that page. 

Repeat the same procedure for the “ad accounts” on the left side. Select people to manage campaigns and Click the “assign” button.

Navigate between client accounts

When the assets are assigned, you can go into your ads manager and use the dropdown menu to navigate between different client accounts. If the client forgets to name their ads account then you will just see a long string of numbers.  But, if you utilize the dropdown menu then you will always be able to see the  Business Manager name there. 

Share ads manager reports 

Now that you as an agency get connected with your client’s ad campaigns, they might want to check the results. You can share the report link from the ads  Manager reporting area.  

Share ads manager reports 

FBM allows you to customize the columns to show your clients the data they wish to see. When that is done, you can share that link from the report’s dropdown menu with your clients. 



Facebook Business Manager tool is for entrepreneurs who want to make a mark on their businesses. This tool provides a 360-degree view of the business process on a centralized dashboard to allow transparency in workflow between the client and the agency.  

It supports your digital marketing strategies and business goals. 

Are you running an ad campaign for a client or you would like to be? For any queries and doubts write to us in the comment section below. 

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Easy Twitter Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses In 2022

Easy Twitter Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses In 2022

If you are running a small business, you might not have the budget or time to invest in high-cost marketing strategies to achieve your business objectives. You need to focus on low-cost marketing solutions to introduce your small business to people even without advanced marketing expertise.

Twitter is the 5th most popular marketing tool in social media marketing. According to Twitter’s solid Q4 reports, its daily user base grew 13% to reach 217 million. With these numbers, Twitter becomes one of the best channels on social media to build trustworthy relationships with followers. Easy Twitter marketing ideas open a gateway to encourage two-way communication between the marketers and the existing as well as future customers.

Why Twitter?

Twitter …

…is free.

…allows small business owners to promote their business in seconds.

…expands your reach to the audience.

…allows you to provide instant customer support and services.

…allows you to communicate with your followers.

…share the latest updates about your company.

Twitter is an educational platform where people can build or destroy a company’s reputation. It allows people to tweet about you, your firm, and your business. So, it is important to log in to Twitter regularly to check for any negative tweets to avoid the fall of your business. It is important to maintain a positive reputation.

Let’s dig this goldmine to discover new opportunities, customer insights, and a loyal fan following for your small business.


What Is Twitter Marketing Strategy?


What Is Twitter Marketing Strategy?

Twitter marketing is a plan to create, publish and distribute your content to your followers through a social media channel. The main objectives of this type of marketing strategy are to drive more traffic, generate more leads, boost conversions, enhance brand recognition and expand sales to grow your small business.

A winning Twitter marketing tip is to craft your content beautifully. An attractive content might just hit the bull’s eye and go viral!


Why Use Twitter Marketing Strategy?

Twitter is an engagement goldmine. It is just like a business owner sitting in the mine not knowing where the gold is. You need to dig deep to find something golden. Twitter allows you to dig deep to find your audiences, polish your business strategies and shine like a superstar business.

According to statistics, Twitter has around 336 million monthly active users. Such phenomenal numbers had led many small-scale businesses to incorporate Twitter marketing into their plan. The chief financial officer of Twitter says the main goal of Twitter marketing is to double the revenues.

Twitter marketing can help a small business to fulfill social media marketing requirements in four ways:

1. Strengthens the Brand – A good brand value, no matter big or small is vital for a company to shine through. It is very important to have a recognizable voice and crystal-clear company values. If you share good information and the latest company updates through your tweets consistently, people will start to recognize you, your brand name, your company name, and your industry, thus creating a reputable business in the market.

2. Establish Stronger Relationships – Developing and maintaining good relationships with your customers is imperative. This strategy will allow you to get more coverage on social media and expand professional relationships with your followers. The best part about using Twitter from the user’s point of view is how fast the big brands like Reebok, Nike, or Business models like IRCTC responds to your queries or even complaints and provide services. This is proof that even big companies consider Twitter a boon in social media.

3. Improves Organic Search Engine Rankings – Twitter helps you to grow your followers or customers organically. It acts as a search engine medium that allows users to do sufficient research about different businesses, their products, and services. Tweets that link to your blog posts can generate inbound hits, which helps you to rank your site higher by Google.

4. Monitors your profile –Twitter is also a great source of news media. It helps you to monitor unfavorable customer reviews, testimonials, and even complaints on social media. There is no other way to find out whether the consumer is happy about your services or not. It allows small business owners to check in, learn about the issues faced by customers and fix them on an urgent basis.

Now that you have sorted, keep reading to discover the secrets used by expertise to grow a small-scale business on Twitter.


What Are The Twitter Marketing Ideas Used For Small Businesses?

Exposing your local business to a powerful social networking site such as Twitter, can boost growth and build a business. With the best Twitter marketing strategies, you can bring users to your website and convert them into potential leads.

Following are the best Twitter marketing practices to grow small businesses

  • Identify your objectives
  • Customize your profile
  • Include relevant hashtags
  • Run polls and surveys 
  • Use the right call-to-action button (CTA button)
  • Create Twitter list
  • Create Twitter moments
  • Curate Content
  • Schedule your posts
  • Evaluate your performance


1. Identify your objectives:

One way to find out if your Twitter marketing strategy is working fine or not is to set ambitious goals. Identify your goals.

Identify your objectives

For example, do you want to drive users? Or maybe you have a strong user base and want to boost sales.

Whatever is it, note down your goals and identify meaningful metrics by using Twitter analytics to track what is working for your business. These metrics include

  • Engagements – likes, views, comments, and retweets
  • @Mentions – How many followers mentioned you or your company name in their tweets
  • Impressions – How many people watched your video or saw your tweet

2. Customize your profile: 

Optimize your Twitter profile to provide better visibility.

Customize your profile

Create an interesting Twitter handle by following these tips.

Keep it simple – Choose a perfect username for your Twitter handle so that it can be found easily by your audiences. It is the first impression on social media. Companies can simply use their name as a Username. For example, our username is “ecsioninc”

Mention the issues you solve in the bio section – Use the format:

“We help (your demographics) get (the issues that you solve) by (a method used for solving the issue).”  For example, “We help businesses to get more leads by paid ads”

A compelling author bio can attract prospective customers and compel them to contact you for your services.

3. Include Hashtags:

Find out relevant hashtags and use them in your tweets to get better visibility on social media platforms. When people search for business-specific topics or conversations they use hashtags in the search engine to reach relevant topics.

Hashtags can help you increase engagement. Even non-followers may land on your page by using hashtags. 

4. Run polls and surveys:

Features like surveys and polls help brands to converse with their followers. You can encourage users to join the conversations and learn about their priorities and concerns. For example, ask them playful industry-specific poll questions, find out their preferences and finally improve your marketing content. You can also run surveys on your Twitter handle and learn from your followers to help refine your business.

5. Use the right call-to-action button:

The use of relevant Call-to-action buttons in your tweets can help you get more visits to your website. Compel your audience to share your content, visit your website, and use a coupon from your landing page. The basic purpose of CTAs is to reach your marketing objectives. For example, if your social media audit shows low sign-ups, use CTAs to compel the audience to subscribe.

6. Create a Twitter list:

What is a Twitter list? For those who don’t know, this is one of the most important features on Twitter. It helps you to create a list of curated groups of accounts.  For example, your home page shows you all kinds of stuff from different people you follow, but that is like out of control. Creating Twitter lists can help you add relevant people to that list.

7. Create a Twitter moment:

The Twitter moment is an extended format where people find a dynamic way to tell their stories. It is a powerful feature that marketers can take advantage of in their business. It is a group of collected tweets that are collected under a Twitter moment name. The good part of this feature is that anyone on Twitter can see your moments even if they don’t follow you or you don’t follow them.

8. Curate Content:

Don’t just rely on your own content. Share content from different sources that are performing well and retweet helpful articles on your Twitter account. It helps you diversify your posts and better connect with your audience.

   NOTEPublish only the third-party content that matters to your audience

9. Schedule your posts:

Schedule your tweets when your followers are most active. The scheduling feature can help you save time and reach your audiences at peak hours even when you are not around.

Schedule your posts

For example, you are a company headquartered in India but have customers from around the world. You might want to schedule specific tweets/posts for the audiences of America. Scheduling tweets allows you to post during peak hours.

10. Evaluate your performance:

Use different platforms to get an insight into your best and worst-performing tweets. This allows you to evaluate what your audiences are looking for. It helps you to refine your content and discover which strategy is performing well in your Twitter marketing campaigns.



Don’t waste your marketing budget. Implement the best Twitter marketing practices to achieve long-term business goals. Keep it real, and resonating for your followers to show the best of your brand.

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10 Easy LinkedIn Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses in 2022

10 Easy LinkedIn Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses in 2022

LinkedIn has emerged as the world’s largest professional networking site. This American business is not just a social media platform that connects job seekers with employers but has transformed into a powerful marketing tool for small businesses.

LinkedIn marketing strategies enable small businesses to build the brand value of their company by creating new connections that matter the most to their business. It provides real-time business and professional relationships on social media.

But this is not all, LinkedIn can help you take your small-size or mid-sized business to the next level.

Keep reading, this article will cover:

    • What is LinkedIn Marketing?
    • Why LinkedIn Marketing is important for small businesses?
    • How to use LinkedIn to Market your Small Businesses?

These are LinkedIn’s Frequently asked questions FAQs.

Let’s Dive-in…


What is LinkedIn Marketing?



Marketing on LinkedIn helps small business owner to engage with a group of professionals to drive actions that matters most for their business. It attracts followers, generates b2b leads, drives website traffic, and builds brand awareness by posting informative content on a free LinkedIn page. 

The process of utilizing LinkedIn to promote a business to get greater attention of the followers to their LinkedIn business profile is termed as LinkedIn marketing

LinkedIn also provides additional functionalities such as –

1. LinkedIn Boosting

 Boosting helps you to boost your high-impact content to a wide range of audiences.

Now, you might want to know – How to boost a post on LinkedIn

Well, It’s “Just a small number of clicks and a credit card away”. Boosting on LinkedIn turns your content into paid campaigns to get more traffic and see faster results.

To boost your Rockstar post,   

  1. Simply click on the boost button
  2. Next, select your campaign goals (engagement, views, awareness)
  3. Select target audience
  4. Set your budget and schedule
  5. Add payment method 

It’s done! You can track the performance of your boosted post.

2. LinkedIn Ads

Advertising on LinkedIn can be highly effective for B2B campaigns or for reaching the target audience on social networks. You need to use some part of your marketing budget for advertising on LinkedIn. LinkedIn ads are paid ads shared on LinkedIn. It may be quite expensive, but these ads help you reach the target audience and leaders of the industry, higher conversions, promote your services and products, track website visits, increase traffic, and connect your social media accounts. 


3. LinkedIn Ads Manager

Allows you to create, launch and track the performance of an ad campaign.

LinkedIn Ads Manager

The LinkedIn ads are categorized into 4 types

    • Sponsored content

      Ads that promote content are called Sponsored content.

    • Sponsored messaging

      Ads that allows sending personalized messages directly to the inboxes of LinkedIn member is called Sponsored Messaging

    • Text ads

      These ads create texts that compel your target audience to visit your website and make conversions.

    • Dynamic ads

      These types of ads pull information from LinkedIn profiles to use in ads. Dynamic ads incorporate personalization to connect with your target audience.

    • Showcase Pages

      A LinkedIn showcase page works similarly to your community page. Showcase pages are created to highlight a particular area of your business. LinkedIn users can follow your showcase pages as per their interests on the topic. For example, Google shows three showcase pages inside their main community page Google Adwords, a career in Google, and think with Google.

For example, Google shows three showcase pages inside their main community page Google Adwords, a career in Google, and think with Google.

People only interested in “careers in Google” will receive updates related to the same topic.

Showcase pages help to segment the audience by-product which helps to increase brand awareness.


Why LinkedIn Marketing is important for small businesses?

You might have heard that LinkedIn is important for small businesses, but is it? If so, why LinkedIn?  

Why LinkedIn Marketing is important for small businesses?

LinkedIn is a platform with 800 million users today. Two new professionals join LinkedIn every second. The report says, companies include the use of any proprietary public-facing tools on LinkedIn for marketing purposes which includes organic and paid functions.

Here are 7 reasons to utilize LinkedIn marketing strategies for small businesses:

1. It provides a Powerful job board 

A Jobseeker can research a company, business, or industry through LinkedIn before applying for jobs or accepting a job offer. LinkedIn allows people to search for jobs by keywords like company name, career interest, or location. 

A human resource manager of a company who has a connection with a co-worker can easily find out when he is open for a job switch through LinkedIn.

2. It helps you to build your brand value

You need to build your company brand online. You must stand out in your business industry. Think of all the possible ways to make yourself marketable.

LinkedIn helps you to upload a profile and update a powerful summary that includes important company information. Brand awareness is a key factor in building a reputation, attracting leads to your page, and growing your small-sized business.

3. It helps you to rank higher on Google 

Ranking a small business on Google’s first page is a tricky job, but a LinkedIn profile can help you rank on Google. That is why it is important to have a LinkedIn profile to stand out in the crowd. Your Linked Business Profile is social proof that must be tailored smartly.

4. It helps to maintain your contacts 

Physically you might have met many interesting people and business leaders in life. But, can you remember all of them? Do you have their contact details?

Let’s say for instance, can you remember that intelligent young business owner you met at a business conference, who was interested in your business? The answer is NO. There is a possibility that you might have stuffed his business card somewhere in your desk drawer and his email-id somewhere in your old address book.

In cases like these, LinkedIn comes to your rescue. You can simply add these people to your LinkedIn network. Reconnect with them in the future when the time is right. 

“A true business of every company is to make and keep the customers”

5. Keep audiences updated about your business 

Every company needs to post updates, and information, and share company news and insight on LinkedIn. Audiences find these updates from their connections, and groups on their LinkedIn timeline every time they log in. 

To gain trust and build brand value small businesses need to connect with their new and old customers to update them with the latest news about their businesses.

LinkedIn allows you to connect with different people, but you can’t just follow anyone you want. You must know someone professionally before they accept and connect you. 

That is why … LinkedIn!


How to Market on LinkedIn for Small Businesses?

You can connect your brand with over 800 million professionals across the globe. 

Below are 10 of the finest ways to help you generate leads, and establish your brand and strategic partnerships on LinkedIn.

    • Optimize your LinkedIn Business profile
    • Create an effective LinkedIn page
    • Cross-Promote your LinkedIn Business Profile
    • Identify your Audience and Objectives
    • Optimize Page Search 
    • Publish Engaging Content Consistently
    • Grow your follower base
    • Ask your employees to connect with your company’s page
    • Take advantage of LinkedIn groups
    • Get advanced in LinkedIn analytics


1. Optimize your LinkedIn Business profile 

Optimize your LinkedIn Business profile 

The first impression is the last. Your profile can decide your future. So, don’t miss this opportunity to impress the audience visiting your business profile. 

2. Create an effective LinkedIn page 

Create an effective LinkedIn page 

A LinkedIn page is just like a profile for a company. You can share important information about your business or company like who you are. What do you do? Who do you do it for? And why customers should choose you? But, don’t just go on telling them about what you do – tell them how you serve your customers.

Be sure to add your phone number, company size, website, type of business, and industry. Add your company logo and a username to your LinkedIn page which will help people recognize your brand.

3. Cross-Promote your LinkedIn Business Profile 

Cross-Promote your LinkedIn Business Profile 

Once you set up your LinkedIn profile start cross-promotion on different social media networks. Use your LinkedIn icon on your website and email signature. Share LinkedIn your information in the profile section of different social media accounts like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

4. Identify your Audience and Objectives 

Targeting is the key, whether you are generating new leads or raising awareness. Firstly, understand what you want to achieve. Once you are clear about your vision, it’s easier to define your goals. If your company sells a marketing tool for social media, your goal may be to reach people with job titles like “social media manager”.

5. Optimize Page Search 

A well-organized company page can help you get more visibility among audiences searching for your company.

Use keywords: Insert keywords and phrases in your article that a potential customer might use to search for your services.

Link your page: Link your company website to your LinkedIn page. It is a win-win formula to drag traffic to your website.

6. Publish Engaging Content Consistently 

Publishing the finest content regularly on your company page has a good return on the investment of your time and efforts. Watch out for your competitor’s page and find out what kind of content they publish. Find out what type of posts get the most engagement. Is it video content or just an article? Studying a lot about your audience can help you drive engagement on your website. Tag your brand partners to increase visibility and gain more leads. 

7. Grow your follower base 

Your updates directly appear in your follower’s feeds on LinkedIn. If your content is relevant and informative there is a high chance to drive more followers.  Use a “Follow” button on your company page.

You can promote your page in newsletters, emails, and blog posts.

8. Ask your employees to connect with your company’s page 

Employees have a larger network than the company. Leverage this resource and expand your reach by asking your workers to connect to your company’s page. When your employees comment on your content that post is shown to all their connections. This is one of the best ways to reach far wider than usual.

9. Take advantage of LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn has millions of groups on the platform. You can engage in relevant conversations with other members and bring them to your page. Aim to build authentic connections.

10. Get advanced in LinkedIn analytics 

Discover which content is evergreen, which means which is the most compelling content for your audience. There are different options like LinkedIn page analytics and LinkedIn campaign manager that can help you find out the performance metrics of a campaign.

LinkedIn analytics 

#TIP: Cater to your follower’s craving for visual content by experimenting with various rich media contents like images, videos, etc.


There you have it! Now you can grow your small business tremendously using the above-mentioned tips. I hope you enjoyed reading this article. 

For any queries or help, you can reach out to us. 


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Easy Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses in 2022

Easy Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses in 2022

Facebook Marketing is booming in a big way.

It is very rare for a Facebook user to go by without scrolling through Facebook feeds every day. According to Digital Marketing Research, 66% of Facebook users log in on their smartphones or desktop daily. With over 1.785 billion active Facebook users, marketers need to get smarter to take advantage of Facebook Marketing Ideas to grow their audience and small or mid-sized business.

Facebook marketing can be tricky for a small-sized business, but nothing is impossible!

Smart and easy Facebook marketing may alone take your business to the next level.

So, before we dive deep into the ocean of success strategies let’s understand two main WH questions related to Facebook Marketing – What and Why


What is Facebook marketing for small businesses?


Facebook marketing for small businesses

Facebook is a social media platform that allows small businesses to market their services and products to their users on Facebook. Facebook marketing can be done through organic strategies (Free strategies) and targeted strategies (paid strategies).

Firstly, Facebook’s marketing plan follows organic strategies to develop the user base and brand value of the company without any investment. Once a considerable amount of user base is reached, the second step is to utilize paid Facebook marketing strategies such as targeted ads.


Why use Facebook marketing for small businesses?

Facebook Marketing is an effective tool to improve your customers and businesses exponentially. Facebook marketing provides an opening for companies to interact with users/customers. People can learn more about the products, services, and organizations on social media platforms. Facebook is the biggest social networking platform which provides the opportunity for businesses to build and maintain relations with the users.

So, it is important to “Make connections that matter

To help you out in the crowded social media market, I’ve put together a comprehensive list of Facebook marketing ideas as given below.

    • Common Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses.
    • Free Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses.
    • Paid Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses.


Common Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

1. Create and optimize your company page – If you are looking forward to building up a social media presence on Facebook then there’s some groundwork to do. You need to create and optimize your Facebook page to translate your Facebook likes into actual clicks and conversions.

optimize company page


2. Work on Page Details – Particularly in the world of business appearance can speak volumes, that is why it is important to pay attention to the UI (User Interface) of your company page.

 Work on Page Details


3. Add a profile picture with your brand logo – An updated, professional and consistent profile picture that represents your brand name looks more organized. It develops the right impression on your audience.

4. Enable custom URL or “Username” – Username helps people to find and remember your page. When you create a username for your company, it appears in a customized web address for your Facebook page. It helps your page to rank higher and also helps people to find your page easily with that username.

edit page info

5. Always add a “Description” – Never leave the company about us section blank. Use all the 250 characters to write about your company. Original content helps to build page rank.

edit page description

6. Add your website – A website is self-explanatory. It helps you to build your company’s reputation.

7. Create a Community business page and Facebook group – The main idea behind creating a Facebook community page and group is to provide like-minded people with a platform for live conversations, discussions, and sharing information based on their interests.

Create a Community business page and Facebook group


For example, Users interested in Tour and Travel’s topic would be very much interested to join a Tours and Travels Facebook community or a group rather than a community or a group discussing Facebook Marketing Strategies.

Anybody can join, post, invite new members, hold discussions, and share information on the group.

  • Running a contest or a giveaway with a tempting offer helps you increase engagement rates and grow audiences in your group.
  • Target specific audiences on Facebook – Selecting audiences based on what and where you are selling your products can be an impressive strategy in Facebook marketing for small businesses. If your audience selection is broad it requires a large budget. ALERT! If you go too specific this strategy can backfire on you. Let’s say, for example, if you are promoting a childcare brand, you might first want to check the family status of Facebook audiences. Small businesses on a budget can use smart ideas to cut costs and still reach their target audiences and build the business.


Free Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Today, the Facebook marketing channel is a platform where you have to pay to play. Small Businesses on a low budget are still using Facebook to market.

Does it work? The answer is YES!

You can still leverage Facebook to promote your business for FREE! FREE! FREE!

Here are some free Facebook marketing ideas that support small business owners to “breathe a sigh of relief”.

1. Provide consistent and quality posts with user intent – According to studies, you should post the finest content to your Facebook page 2-3 times a week.

Provide consistent and quality posts with user intent

Consistency and quality are the mantras for success in social media” Facebook page posting every 30 minutes is a thing of the past. It doesn’t work for Small or average businesses. If are you posting too often you may experience a drop-in engagement rate. Think logically and always post when your audience is online and most interactive. For example, if you are a local business in India, you should focus on the times when people in India are awake.

2. Provide solution-based primary text – Solution-based approach is a strategy for transforming business objectives and goals into a plan. How does a content strategy align with a small business objective?

Provide solution-based primary text

The answer is simple, understand the search intent of users, if you fail to persuade your audience then you are missing out!

Your audience wants

To learn something new

To find solutions to their problems

To do better work

To reach their goals

Focus on these four pointers to reach your business objectives.

3. Use of the call to action button – The call to action (CTA) button plays important role in boosting your conversion rate. It is a clickable element on a website, email, blog post, or Facebook page that appeals to users and redirects visitors to an offer. You might have seen a lot of different call-to-action buttons about anywhere on a website. Here are some most commonly used CTA buttons:

      • Call Now
      • Add to Cart
      • Download Now
      • Read More
      • Sign up


Take your time to develop your button. Quality CTA buttons help to increase the conversion rate and sales.

4. Post consistent blog posts on Facebook -“Consistency and content are the keys to growth in social media”.

Post at consistent blog posts on Facebook

Post content that your followers want to read. Understand how to often post, what to post, when to post & what type of content to post. Creating a posting schedule can help you improve your engagement rate.

5. Use of Hashtags in Facebook – Facebook’s search is not as good as Google’s search, but it still has the potential to find you there. A hashtag (#) helps your followers to find a post relevant to their interest and interact with other users who share the same interest by joining the discussion on Facebook groups or communities.

For example, let’s take #FacebookMarketingPlan. Using that hashtag in your Facebook posts can land new people on your page who are searching for the same hashtag in your Facebook search.

6. Market your services – On social media platforms like Facebook, you might want to post the finest content so that it is good enough to impress your audience and build your service-based Business.

Never miss a chance when you get to market your services. You can also add a service section on your Facebook page.

7. Offer discounts – Offering discounts is one of the easiest marketing tools to grow your business on social media. Offers and discounts are attractive to customers.

Offer discounts

It not only helps you to bring new clients but also helps to bring back previous customers. Especially on social media, word-of-mouth traffic can increase your sales and business exponentially.


Paid Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Facebook’s paid ads are a useful marketing tool that allows businesses to Facebook’s paid campaigns. Facebook’s active user count in the year 2022 is over 6+ billion, with India having a number (of 251 million) Facebook users. So, using Facebook marketing packages you can reach half of the world’s population.

1. Set priorities and business goals – This is one of the fundamental parts of a Business plan. Check where is your business now … and where you want to take it. A clear vision can help you to prioritize time to focus on your plan promotion budget and achieve your business objective.

2. Create advertising strategiesAdvertising is persuasion! Advertisements are used to increase awareness about your newly launched company and persuade target customers to buy your product or services and you’re your business.

3. Decide your Audience – Facebook automatically shows your ads to the audience who are most likely to find your ads relevant. You can further target your audiences with 3 audience selection tools.

    • Core audiences are based on criteria such as age, location, and interests.
    • Custom audiences are people who engaged with your business either online or offline.
    • Lookalike audiences are people with similar interests.


4. Set Facebook ads budget – Pay to promote only your best content. Spend a low budget on your Facebook ads and prevent the risk of your marketing budget vanishing into thin air without even achieving your conversions.

Don’t let your Superstar content fade away, boosted content will still resonate with a larger audience if it did well earlier.

Caution! “go-easy on your pocket

5. Market Facebook event – During occasions or even as a regular part of your Facebook marketing strategy, you can host an event to connect with your customers to give them an unforgettable experience. Hosting an event means an investment of time, effort, and money.

Let’s understand how to get started, it is a 6 steps plan:

Step 1. Create an event on your Facebook business page

Step 2. Choose a video or image

Step 3. Name your event

Step 4.  Fill in all details (time, location, date, description)

Step 5. Choose the Frequency of the event

Step 6. Promote your event organically


    • Add co-hosts to increase distribution and response rate
    • Boost that event on Facebook Business Group
    • Turn events into an ad that converts


6.  A/B testing – The A/B test is a process of comparing two different campaigns to check which one has the better This technique is used to find out which ads design (ad headline, body copy, CTA button ) performs well to attract your target audience to boost conversion rates on a landing page.

7. Track performance metrics – A Small business owner might want to keep an eye on the performance of the business which includes sales, customer satisfaction, warehouse efficiency, and so on.

Data which includes activities, employee behavior, and productivity is used to track processes within the business by the employer to track performance metrics. It provides valuable information to plan strategies, grow business and increase profits.

Performance metrics are divided into four groups:

    • Business Performance – It provides access to how your business is performing in the Sales, marketing department, and profitability.
    • Sales performance – It provides access to measure performance in the sales department. It measures total revenue and customer reach.
    • Project management– It measures the profitability of various projects and provides insight into how to make projects even more efficient.
    • Employee performance- It is obvious that if your employees are performing as per the standards set, then your business will grow; but if their performance is poor, then your business might suffer.

It is important to track your employee’s performance by the quality, efficiency, and productivity of their work.

A Business that performs well, is a business that grows well


I know, I know: there’s still so much to learn when it comes to Facebook marketing. But the good news is you have a fair amount of knowledge to get started now.

So, look no further. Start here, start now.

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How To Build Your Social Media Presence For Engaging New Customers

Social media presence can be understood as a full accounting of an individual’s or company’s activity across all social media platforms. Social media presence includes posts, replies, or other interactions on all platforms by any person or company. Most companies have dedicated staff for social media tasks. In this article, we will discuss the importance of social media presence and how to build your social media presence for engaging new customers.


Why is a social media presence important?

As we all know that people nowadays are spending so much of their time on social media platforms, so advertising on these platforms will be very beneficial. A successful social media presence is very important for businesses because it allows communication with consumers directly. The popularity of social media is an efficient way to connect and get your message about your products or services to customers quickly and directly. Other benefits to build a social media presence for your company are as follows:

  • It establishes your company’s brand

    Every company needs a strong brand identity and social media can help with it. A company’s social media presence will help it to be in minds of customers.

  • It grows your customer base

    Social media presence expands the reach of your company to potential customers who did not know about you previously. Hence your customer base increases tremendously.

  • Helps in new product marketing

    Social media is a great platform to introduce and market new products. Your social media presence is an opportunity to increase anticipation for your product among consumers who have already shown interest in it.

  • Builds customer loyalty

    By interacting with customers on social media, you can work to increase their loyalty and create a positive impression of your company.


Why is a social media presence important


How to build your social media presence?

To get maximum benefits from social media platforms, you have to grow your reach among customers. Given below are some steps to follow to increase your social media presence:


1. Make sure you use the right platform for you

Depending upon your type of business choose the right social media platform for you. Trying to get famous on every platform is not necessary. Choose the right social media which will help to promote your business. This is a very important aspect of social media management. If you are stuck as to where to start, then put your focus on Facebook and Instagram as both platforms are the most used in the world.

2. Set your social media goals

You should set goals that are specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bounded. Set a goal of your choice. They may be long-term goals as well as short-term goals. For example, you can set a long-term goal of growing your Instagram followers count by 50% in three months or you can set a short-term goal of increasing your follower count by 10% every month.

3. Be Human

Gone are those days when brands promoted their products and services in a very boring and inhuman manner. In the modern age of transparency, people want to get to know your company on a more personal level. Many brands today crack jokes and talk to their followers in a very frank manner. The idea is to connect with your customers in a very human manner.

4. Focus on your content

Producing quality content is one of the important keys to growing your social media profile. If your content is good the conversion rates get higher, which means each new viewer is more likely to become a follower and a user of your products.

5. Create an editorial schedule

Creating an editorial schedule is a good practice in social media management. Maintaining a schedule helps to post your advertisement or any social media post in a proper and timely manner.

6. Keep it fresh

Don’t be that person who posts the same link over and over again. Audiences like to see fresh and exciting content that cuts through the competition. Try to create content that is bespoke to you and your business. The content should be fresh, and exciting and it should stop a reader from scrolling down and let them engage with you.

7. Respond to your followers

Respond to users who reply to your posts. It will increase your interactions as well as it will help in building loyalty. This is a part of social media management in which followers develop an attachment to your company’s products and services and promote your business for free.

8. Keep an eye on algorithms and updates

Most social media platforms are using some level of algorithm. If you can follow these algorithms and updates your social media presence will enhance drastically. For example, some platforms like Facebook give priority to visually engaging content over less visual content. You just have to follow the algorithm in such a way that your posts are most liked by customers and followers.

9. Always be with the trend

Always be up to date and be with the current trend. Brands always have something new to post or advertise if they keep an eye on current affairs, trending hashtags, or any latest meme.

10. Use tools to monitor your activity

There are many tools available online which can help you in identifying your top-performing content, performance trends, and many more. These tools will help you in determining whether you are heading in the right direction or not. The data analyzed through this type of tool can help you treat social media less like a guessing game and more like a science.


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