Digital Marketing


Conversion Rate Optimization in B2B LinkedIn Marketing

In the past years, LinkedIn has changed a lot. Earlier LinkedIn was known as just a job portal website but now it has grown as a social media platform for professionals. You can use LinkedIn to find the right job or internship, connect and strengthen professional relationships, and learn the skills you need to excel in your career. You will also get to know conversion rate optimization. You can also use LinkedIn to organize offline events, join groups, write articles, and post photos and videos. LinkedIn has become so feature-rich that now it’s also a big platform for marketing especially Business to Business (B2B) marketing.

This article focuses on conversion rate optimization in B2B LinkedIn marketing. In fact, 80% of B2B social media leads come from LinkedIn. If you are a B2B business house looking to reach more leads, it’s time to start optimizing your ad campaigns to improve your LinkedIn conversion rate.


Why choose LinkedIn?

Do you know that the average conversion rate for LinkedIn ads is much higher than on other social media platforms? Let’s have a look at conversion rates of different social media platforms:

LinkedIn 6.1 %
Facebook 4.7 %
Instagram 3.1%
Pinterest 2.9%
Twitter 0.9%

platform and conversion rate

As you can see, LinkedIn contains the potential for you to earn more conversions if you do the right advertising. By looking at the conversion rate for LinkedIn advertisements, you will get to know what you can expect and achieve.


LinkedIn conversion types

It’s not that only conversion on LinkedIn is all about sales. Many businesses will use different types of conversion for their LinkedIn ads. On LinkedIn, you can earn different types of conversions like:

  • Completing forms
  • Downloading content
  • Registering for events
  • Making sales


How to do Conversion Rate Optimization in B2B LinkedIn Marketing?

Let us discuss in detail LinkedIn marketing strategy. For a better conversion rate in LinkedIn marketing, you need to have an effective strategy in order to successfully generate tons of warm leads and convert them into new business. Below are some points to consider:

  • Target the right people

Target the right people

To get more people engaged with your ad, you have to target the right people. It’s not very difficult to understand that people will click your ad only if they feel it is relevant to their profession or interest. Targeting the right audience is the best practice in B2B LinkedIn marketing strategy. Many businesses make the mistake of targeting the wrong people with their advertisements. As a result, LinkedIn shows their ads less.

Hence it leads to fewer conversions and higher costs per lead. To avoid this you should target people based on demographic information, career and professional interests, and more. Setting up the right audience will help you reach more people interested in your products, which will deliver a better conversion rate for your LinkedIn ads.

  • Create professional and creative ads

Create professional and creative ads

Creating professional and creative ads is a must in your LinkedIn marketing strategy once you have established your target audience. Advertisements and sponsored content appear in the LinkedIn newsfeed just like other posts. If you want to get people to stop scrolling and check out your ad, you need creative and compelling ad copy. The LinkedIn audience expects to see content, like industry news and posts about professional topics in their feed. The context of your LinkedIn ad plays a fundamental role in determining whether your audience engages with your ad. You can make your ad more attractive by using video or eye-catching graphics in it.

  • Test your ad copy

Test your ad copy

It’s always a good practice to test your ad copy first. If you are not testing your ad copy you might not get the best results for your business. Test your ads to get the most out of your LinkedIn advertising campaign. Create multiple versions of your ad and deliver them to different people. Monitor how your audience engages with the different ad types to see which one gathers the most engagement. That will help you to find out which version of your ad is best and will be your final lead generation ad.

  • Create landing pages that are informative

Create landing pages

Creating informative and relevant landing pages helps in improving LinkedIn conversion rates. A creative ad with a weak landing page won’t get people to convert. You need to keep the momentum going by creating an excellent landing page to go with your ad. Keep your landing page simple, clean, and easy to follow. Include all the essential details on your landing page to ensure your audience feels informed.

  • Ad content should be posted organically

post Ad content organically

If you are new to advertising on LinkedIn then you can try testing your ad copy as an organic post first. It will help you to see whether your ad copy connects with your targeted audiences or not. This LinkedIn marketing strategy can help you to determine if you should run a paid campaign with the same information or not. If you see higher responses to a post, you can promote that content and turn it into an ad. This strategy will be helpful for you in two ways. First, you can manage your ad budget efficiently, and second, you will have a real insight into the type of content that will get leads and engagement.

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14 Tips To Promote Your Small Business

Actually, more than half of all spending on advertising has now moved to online mediums. We are going to look at 14 incredibly simple yet highly effective ways to promote your small business in 2022. You can implement all of these without needing special expertise or significant investment.

1. Create a Website

Every business needs a website, no matter how old-fashioned your business or clients may be. A user-friendly and informative website can help you establish your business and ensure consumers can learn more about your product and services. You should optimize your website for both computers and mobile phones to make it easy for customers to find the information they need regardless of the device they use. Depending on the type of your business, you should have the following information available on your website:

      • Store operating hours
      • Location
      • Range of products and services
      • Contact number and email id
      • Customer contact form
      • Mission and values
      • History and background
      • Employee’s information


Create a Website


2. Create a Business Blog

Writing blogs will expand your website and enable you to connect directly with your customers. Blogs can also help to increase your search engine rankings. You can regularly write about business topics that relate to your product and services and encourage customers to leave comments or contact you for more details.

Create a Business Blog


3. Develop Social Media Presence

Nowadays almost everyone is active on at least one social media platform. Promoting your brand on social media is very effective if you continually create posts, which helps you regularly connect with consumers and gather more followers. Try to post something which includes information about discounts and offers, updates about new products, and fun and quiz content. This is known as social media marketing in which you can promote your business at a very low cost or budget.

Develop Social Media Presence


4. Connect with Your Community

Connecting with your community can help a lot because many communities help small businesses to grow up. These communities offer a low-cost way to spread information about your business like they can offer a strong customer base, spread your brand by word of mouth, and much more.

Connect with Your Community


5. Build relations with your vendors

Developing relationships with your vendors can provide several benefits. Your vendors can help you get some business partnerships because these local vendors have strong connections with other local businesses. If you have very good relations with your vendors they can help in your hard times also.

Build relations with your vendors


6. Get your business listed

To increase your ranking on search engines, get your business listed on major listing services. Listing on major listing services will help consumers find your business when they search for a specific term.

Get your business listed


7. Email Marketing

Depending on your market, sending emails to consumers is still a good option. Email campaigns can help to keep your products and services top of mind for your consumers.

Email Marketing


8. Press Releases

Whenever your business does something newsworthy, it is a very good practice to send it out for a press release to your local and regional news outlets. The press release is a powerful media tool to use to help generate publicity. You can also use websites for press releases such as PRLog and 24/7 Press Releases.

Press Releases


9. Influencer Marketing

Influencers are people who have a large follower base on social media like Instagram and also on YouTube. You can collaborate with these influencers to promote your business digitally. Influencer marketing can help to both grow your brand reach and offer sales incentives.

Influencer Marketing


10. Advertise on YouTube

Advertising on YouTube is a paid strategy that you can follow to promote your business. YouTube advertising can be an investment that pays off if it’s done in a proper way. You can advertise on YouTube by creating video ads that play before videos in relevant categories.

Advertise on YouTube


11. Form Partnerships

Partnering with a non-competitive business that serves the same clients can be a great way to promote your small business in your local area or network. Once you have established a relationship you can help each other to grow your respective businesses.

Form Partnerships


12. Sponsor Local Events

Even in today’s era of digital promotions, hosting or sponsoring events in your community is a great way to promote your business. Sponsoring or hosting local events will strengthen your connection with local customers.

Sponsor Local Events


13. Advertise Locally and Offline

You can also advertise on traditional platforms such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television to promote your business if your budget is good enough.

Advertise Locally and Offline


14. Exhibit at Trade Shows

Trade fairs attract a mass group of buyers and sellers from every particular industry. If you can afford to get a slot in trade shows, go for it. It will showcase you in front of many industry leaders and will also help you get your business promoted to a large number of quality customers.

Exhibit at Trade Shows

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How To Analyze Market Research In 6 Steps To Grow Your Small Business

Do you know why, how, and when to do market research and then how to analyze market research? Let’s understand the term ‘Market Research’ first. Market research can be defined as the process of evaluating the feasibility of a new product or service, through research conducted directly with potential customers.

Analyzing market research is the process of conducting research to know how current or potential markets may receive a product, then analyzing the results of the research to determine a marketing strategy. Analyzing market research is an important part of your business and of course a larger part of any company’s marketing team job duties.


Why Conduct Market Research?

The purpose of conducting market research is to understand the market associated with a particular product or service and to decide how the audience will react to a product or service. Doing market research helps you position yourself in the market so that you can differentiate yourself from your competitors and also identify unmet needs in potential customers. Conducting market research can also help you understand what other potential markets you can move into and continue to grow your business.

Why Conduct Market Research?


Reasons for Analyzing Market Research

Here are some reasons to analyze market research:-

    • Helps in strategic planning

      Market research analysis can help you draw conclusions about your company’s financial health and where you can continue to grow, whether it is into new markets or with new initiatives. You can analyze the strength of each plan and determine the strategic benefits.

    • Identifies trends

      Analyzing your market research can help you to identify relevant trends before your competitors and stay ahead of the market. Research work will be very easier when you will identify the current trend of the market.

    • Clarify your position

      Market research data analysis can help you to place your product or brand in a better position as compared to your competitors. You can clarify how to best position yourself to potential customers.

    • Forecasts business projections

      Analyzing your market research data can help you create an idea of what the future of your business might look like. You can plan your or your company’s future growth by it.


How to analyze market research?

Here are 6 steps explained that you can follow to analyze market research.

How to analyze market research

1. Set an objective

You should have a clear goal or objective in your mind. To have a successful analysis, it’s helpful to start with a clear goal or question that you want to answer to help you focus your research. Understanding what you want to know can also help you determine how you go about conducting your market research. When conducting marketing research, you can gather data that will answer the following questions:

      • Who are my potential customers?
      • What are the common shopping habits of these customers?
      • How large is my target market and how many competitors are there?
      • What are the price points in this market?
      • How do I compare to the competition?

2. Develop a research plan

Develop a plan to execute your research. In this step, you can determine if you want to conduct your own primary research, if you can rely on secondary research or if you want both. You can find out which markets you want to reach out to and how to contact your target customers in a better way. You can also determine what parameters you would like to set for the research.

3. Collect data

Collecting data is very important in market research analysis. During this step, you gather the data you can analyze later, so you want to be as thorough as possible. You might put together a team to conduct various types of research and for the collection of research data. You may also want to look into different technologies or web services that can help you conduct your research in the most organized way.

4. Analyze the data

After the collection of data, it’s the turn of analyzing it. You can organize the data into categories and look through them to identify patterns. You can use any of the analysis models listed above for this portion of your research analysis. During this step, you look for any information that may help you answer your objective or key question.

5. Present the findings

Once you have identified the patterns, you can organize the data into a presentable form and share it with your team. This will help you communicate what you learned during your research and analysis. Additionally, you may want the input of other teams and managers when creating an action plan based on your market research, which is why presenting it to them can be helpful.

6. Draw conclusions

This is the final step in which you can draw conclusions from the market research analysis you have done. In order to draw a conclusion, you can follow the steps appropriate for the type of analysis you used, including the feedback from your team and coming up with an answer that fulfills your objective. You can take help from these conclusions for your next research.

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