Kevin Anderson

Social Media Marketing Strategies

How To Create Successful Social Media Marketing Strategies – Ultimate Guide In 2023

Social media marketing can be a great way to promote your small business, but it’s important to create a strategy that will work for you. In this blog, we’ll share some tips on how to create successful social media marketing strategies. Keep reading to learn more!

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the process of using online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to build relationships and interact with potential and current customers.

It’s a way to connect with people who might be interested in your product or service, as well as stay in touch with existing customers. Social media marketing can also help you build brand awareness and create a community around your business.

There are a number of different strategies that businesses can use to approach social media marketing, and it’s important to find the one that best suits your company’s goals. If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve put together a guide to get you started.

Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of internet marketing that uses social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach.

SMM can be a very effective way to connect with customers and create a community around your business. It’s also important to remember that social media should be used as part of an overall marketing strategy and not as a replacement for other marketing channels.

When used correctly, social media marketing can help you build relationships, drive traffic, and generate leads for your business. It can also be a great way to stay in touch with existing customers and keep them updated on what’s going on with your company.

What are social media marketing’s benefits?

social media marketing's benefits

There are many benefits to social media marketing, including:

  • Increased brand awareness
  • More website traffic
  • Greater engagement with your target audience
  • Improved search engine rankings
  • Generating leads and sales

Social media marketing is an affordable way to reach out to more people and build stronger relationships with your existing customers. It’s also an excellent platform for promoting content, products, and services. If you’re not already using social media marketing, now is the time to start!

Social media marketing can help you achieve all of these objectives:

  • Increase brand awareness

Social media platforms are a great way to increase brand awareness and reach new audiences. You’ll get more people interested in your business when you post regular updates, share interesting content, and engage with your followers.

  • Drive website traffic

Social media can also be used to drive traffic back to your website. When you include links to your website in your posts, you’ll encourage people to visit your site. You can also use social media ads to drive traffic to specific pages on your website.

  • Engage with your target audience

Social media is a great way to connect with your target audience and build relationships. By engaging with people who are interested in what you do, you can create a loyal following of customers and potential customers.

  • Improve search engine rankings

Social media signals (such as likes, shares, and links) can help improve your website’s search engine rankings. The more people who share your content, the more likely it is that your website will rank higher in search results.

  • Generate Leads And Sales

Social media can also be used to generate leads and sales for your business. By sharing information about your products and services, you can encourage people to buy from you. You can also use social media ads to target specific audiences and promote specific products and services.

Top secrets to creating a social media marketing strategy?

  • Social media marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach

There is no single silver bullet when it comes to social media marketing. The most successful businesses tailor their social media strategy to fit their specific needs and goals.-

  • Define your goals and objectives

Before you launch a social media marketing campaign, you need to define what you want to achieve. Do you want to increase brand awareness? drive traffic to your website? Generate leads? Boost sales? Once you know your goals, you can create content and campaigns that are more likely to help you achieve them.

  • Know your audience

Know your audience

One of the most important aspects of social media marketing is understanding who your target audience is and what they want. By understanding your audience, you can create content that appeals to them and better meets their needs.

  • Use the right platform

Use the right platform

Not all social media platforms are created equal. Different platforms have different demographics, so it’s important to choose the right one for your business. For example, if you’re targeting young adults, you’ll want to be active on Snapchat or Instagram. If you’re targeting a more mature audience, Facebook or LinkedIn may be a better fit.

  • Create quality content

If you want people to pay attention to your social media marketing campaign, you need to create quality content that is interesting, informative, and engaging. Remember, social media is a two-way street—it’s not just about broadcasting your message, but also about listening to and responding to your audience.

  • Be consistent

Social media marketing takes time and effort, so you need to be patient and consistent with your posting. If you only post sporadically, people are less likely to take notice. Try to post regularly, and make sure your posts are relevant to your audience.

  • Measure your results

The only way to know if your social media marketing campaign is successful is to measure your results. Look at things like engagement (likes, comments, and shares), reach (how many people see your posts), and click-through rate (how many people click on links in your posts). By tracking these metrics, you can adjust your strategy as needed and make sure you’re getting the most out of your social media marketing.

  • Use paid advertising

Organic reach on social media platforms is getting harder and harder to come by, so you may need to invest in paid advertising to get your content seen by your target audience. Paid ads can be a great way to boost your reach and get your message in front of more people.

  • Work with influencer

Work with influencers

Influencer marketing is a great way to amplify your message and reach a larger audience. By working with influencers, you can get your content posted on their platforms and exposed to their followers. This can help you reach new people and grow your business.

  • Stay up-to-date on the latest trends

Social media is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices. By keeping your finger on the pulse of the latest social media trends, you can adjust your strategy as needed and make sure you’re always ahead of the curve.


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How to Increase Business Conversion Rate with Qualitative Analysis in 2022

How to Increase Business Conversion Rate with Qualitative Analysis in 2022

In the marketing world, the business conversion rate is marketing with the purpose of increasing conversions. Good conversions mean a strong ROI.

Every small business owner running an e-commerce site has a dream of growing their online business to rival all the big names. Everyone dreams to have thousands of customers daily, monthly revenue in millions, and a feature on the cover of fortunes. All of this can be achieved by increasing your business conversion rate.

The dream is familiar ….

I am sure you all have the same dream to achieve, but growing a small business is not an easy task. Initially, it looks easy but the actual process is quite complicated. You need to take care of the daily operations such as stocking products, arranging shipping and logistics, sourcing the best price, and so on.

You need to be flexible to adjust to your user expectations and antedate their needs. In the case of e-commerce stores, customers physically disconnect from their purchased items – this is the gap we need to seal. Just bringing more visitors to your website won’t help. You need to do measurable improvements unless the content gains trust and encourages potential customers to purchase your products or services.

To achieve revenue growth, CRO focuses on:

    • Providing a better UX
    • Relevant and engaging content
    • Increase visitor’s motivation


But, what is CRO?

Customer rate optimization is the process of boosting the percentage of visitors to take the desired action. CRO has the objective to understand what content and encouragement customers need to buy your products and services. When properly implemented, CRO strategy goes hand in hand with your SEO efforts. So, instead of an SEO replacement, CRO should be considered as an SEO multiplier. Improvements that CRO makes to your content will also make your website more SEO-friendly.

Let’s start from scratch.


What is Business Conversion Rate?


What is Business Conversion Rate?

The percentage of customer actions taken after total clicks on displayed ads is termed the conversion rate of a business. Conversion rate measures the number of people who converted as a percentage of the total number of users that visited your website. Digital marketing strategy defines your actions such as clicking on a link, opening an email, filling out a registration form online, downloading an asset, buying a product, signing up for a special retail offer, or giveaways.

Formula is:

 Conversion rate = (conversions / total visitors) * 100%

Each conversion brings a visitor one step closer to becoming a potential customer. With the right web analytics and conversion tools, you can convert more of your visitors into prospects and then into customers. The higher your conversion rate, the more effective your content, and the more successful your online campaigns. 


Why does Conversion Rate matter to your business?

Conversion rate allows you to determine how effective your marketing strategies are. It is one of the most accurate metrics that compare the conversion rate with the number of customer responses to the total number of contacts. 

Just imagine, if you had 60 people sign up for last month, your first instinct would probably be to celebrate.

You might rethink that response if you find out that those 60 people came from more than 60,000 who visited your site. Sadly, that’s only a 1% conversion rate.

A good conversion rate means a good return on investment. Having a high business conversion rate is the foundation of high sales volume. If your business conversion rate is decreased, then your ROI would likewise decrease and if this happens, then you might change your marketing strategy.


What’s Qualitative Analysis?

Qualitative analysis is a process of gathering, structuring, and interpreting qualitative data to know what it represents. It utilizes subjective judgment to analyze a business value based on non-quantifiable information. It deals with inexact, non-numeral, and unstructured information that is not easy to collect and measure. It helps you to understand people and industry culture. It also allows you to look at the company through the eyes of the customers and understand its competitive advantage assists.

What’s Qualitative Analysis?


Businesses mostly perform this analysis based on user feedback which includes reviews, chat messages, complaints, support center interactions, customer interviews, and social media comments. 

Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis are used together to examine a company’s operations and evaluate its potential as an investment opportunity.


How to increase business conversion rate with qualitative analysis?

Checking a large number of Qualitative Data can be a challenging task but with a little preparation and a few simple steps, it becomes easier to draw insights. 

How to increase business conversion rate with qualitative analysis?


Today, we will look at the simple steps to perform qualitative analysis to organize and code qualitative data. 

  • Gather your feedback

The first step for conducting a qualitative analysis of your qualitative data is to collect all the information such as comments and feedback which you want to analyze.  This data is available in different formats such as on post-it notes, on paper, or on various forums and surveys, so it’s important to gather all of your data in a single piece. To organize your content, you can use a master spreadsheet as a place to collect all of your comments and feedback, or you can set up your analysis template.

  • Coding your comments

The next step in qualitative analysis is about coding your comments and most importantly reading; making a decision on how each one should be organized.

There are two methodologies to approach this: 

  1. The first way assumes that you are looking for a predefined set or list of themes or issues. In this method, it is important you articulate your coding legend. A better way to do this is by creating a simple table outlining what each code is and what it covers. This can be mapped to the areas you need to report on or the key components of your project.
  2. The other way is focused on unpacking themes without having any prior expectations about what they should be. In the first method, it is important you articulate your coding legend. A better way to do this is by creating a simple table outlining what each code is and what it covers. This can be mapped to the areas you need to report on or the key components of your project. 
  • Run your queries

Once you are done coding all of your data it is time to run your queries. It means you need to check the insights of your data. Your reporting requirements will identify the extent and type of queries you run during this process.

Here are a few queries you run on your data:

    • Which are the most commonly used codes or themes? Represent this visually in order to get a sense of the most crucial areas.
    • How did people respond through different formats? Were there any variations in views based on the submission type?
    • Which issues are of more concern to different demographic segments?
    • Are there any relationships between issues?

Represent this visually to get a sense of the most crucial areas.

  • Reporting 

Now that you have run queries and explored your data you have a solid foundation and enough insight to begin your reporting. Reporting is the final step in your findings. This is a challenging step as it’s your turn to tell the story of what you have learned from your consultation. If you fail to perform this step well, your community will lose trust in your process and you might also face a community outrage.  Being on time and transparent is the best way to avoid this type of situation.  Utilize your insights to create a narrative about the issues and opportunities your community has identified.

While framing your insights you might consider using the following as useful ways of quantifying your findings:

    • Check what concerns were frequently raised by the participants 
    • See what most of the participants have commented 
    • Find out what most of the participants have suggested

You can utilize relative charts and visuals to help your community further explore your data. Once you have compiled and circulated your data, it’s better. Better to ask your community for their final comments. At this stage, you can check whether you have framed their concerns and issues correctly or not.    

You can decide to make any final changes if required before submitting the final report. Magic tools to collect qualitative data.

Here are a few magic tools you can use to gather qualitative data.

What is Business Conversion Rate?


  • Heatmap

It helps business owners to understand how customers are interacting with their site. Heatmaps show what people are clicking, it helps to determine what elements are converting and what are not. It analyzes the behavior of your visitors and helps you to decide where to place the best call-to-action button online. Heatmap shows the customer interactions with colored spots, where the visitors scroll the mouse, where the visitors click, and from where the visitors left the page. 

Heatmaps can be extremely useful for tracking shopping cart abandonment. It would give a clear idea of which products are your visitors clicking on, whether are they scrolling down the page, how are they moving about your conversion funnel, what is their reaction when they come on the checkout page, and what is exactly making them leave your online store. It is one of the main tools which provides amazing insight into your site visitors, which is why it is a must to put a heatmap on your online website.

  • Session recordings

Session recording lets you see your site from the eyes of a visitor and helps you to understand what made them leave or purchase. You can watch the recording of their individual browsing journey to find out why you are losing them. It allows you to find the issues with your website and help you fix them to increase the business conversion rate.

  • Customer survey

A micro survey gives you detailed feedback on what and how your customer thinks about your online site, however it highly depends on what type of questions you ask in the survey.

You need to keep the following things in mind while designing a customer survey

  1. Ask only important questions, avoid long and irrelevant questions 
  2. Keep your survey short and to-the-point
  3. Make it smart to gather some necessary details
  4. Do not push your customers to answer in a way you want them to answer, avoid biases.
  5. Have more yes/no – it is easy and time-saving too.
  6. Timing is important – conduct a survey when you think your customers would participate for sure.
  7. Offer perks, and incentives to make them fill and take your surveys seriously.
  • Live chat

Live chat can grab a higher number of customers in today’s world.  There is no more B2B or B2C anymore, this is the world of H2H: Human to Human. Having online customer service is the best way to promote your brand and convert your customers effectively.  Most of the customers prefer live chats to share their issues. 

Ensure that an expert is sitting on the other end to satisfy customer needs and fix their problems. 

Qualitative tools give you constant feedback from surveys and live chats, higher observations via session recordings, and problem identification to rectify it as soon as possible. 



Qualitative analysis allows you to look inside the mind of your customers. You will know what they exactly think, what they want, and, how they want it.  If you fail to find out why people are dropping off here and there, Qualitative analysis can help. The qualitative analysis provides you with all the customer demand details and customer interaction.

Numbers and stats are just plain data. Qualitative data have some extremely useful customer insights to help you increase your conversion rate for the longer term.

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How Does LinkedIn Matched Audience Help In Generating Leads?

How does LinkedIn Matched Audience help in Generating Leads?

Today, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions provides a convenient and unique way to target members by Company, Industry, Skills, Titles, Categories, and more; but what if you want to reach the people you already know? If you want to generate or nurture warm leads, customizing your ad targeting can help in your lead generation process which allows you to reach people who matter most to your business. Lead generation is an expensive process whether you run ad campaigns on social media platforms or buy lead data from third-party companies.

LinkedIn’s Matched Audience provides a set of target options to combine your business data with LinkedIn’s professional data. It helps you to convert hard-to-get and highly-valued leads into customers, which you may not have reached otherwise.

For many people, the matched audience on LinkedIn is a completely new topic so, in this article, we’re going to explain everything you need to learn about LinkedIn lead generation strategies.


    • What are LinkedIn matched audiences?
    • What are the types of LinkedIn matched audiences?
    • Best ad targeting practices for strong lead generation
    • How to analyze your campaign performance?


What is LinkedIn Matched Audience?

Matched audiences on LinkedIn are the same as the custom audiences on Facebook. It finds out people who are already interested in your products or services. Matched audience allows more specific reach to the users. It is a set of tools used to connect businesses with their target audiences by leveraging the potential of their contacts in the database. It helps you to re-impact users who have interacted with your business earlier and provides better lead generation. 

What is LinkedIn Matched Audience?

Lead generation is essential for B2B businesses, but it is not just a number game. To get better results you need to focus on getting the right quality of leads. Quantity with no desired outcome is of no use.

To get started with matched audiences keep your conversion tracking enabled. It will allow you to measure the actions of the users who are coming to your website through LinkedIn ads or campaigns. The key actions can be a content download, page views, signing up through a lead gen form, etc.

Matched Audiences helps you to retarget website visitors, upload a list of accounts (companies), or email contacts to your target business. With this offering, LinkedIn becomes an ideally advanced lead generation strategy for always-on campaigns. It helps you to build a richer lead generation marketing plan to increase ROI and business revenue.


What are the types of LinkedIn matched audiences?

LinkedIn’s matched audience concept helps businesses to reach website visitors and retarget them by utilizing LinkedIn ads as they browse the internet. Matched audiences include parameters such as retargeting, Contact targeting, Company or Account targeting, and Lookalike targeting. With these parameters, businesses can perform 10 times better than usual.

Let us see how this works…

  • Retargeting

Retargeting or Website retargeting helps you to deliver relevant ad content to the audiences based on visits to your website page or action taken by the users with your LinkedIn ads. 


Now let me simplify this to make it more understandable for newbies. 


How does retargeting work on LinkedIn? 

It is a simple 7-step process:

  1. People see LinkedIn ads in their LinkedIn feed.
  2. They click on that ad.
  3. They land on your website page.
  4. They interact in some way, perhaps by downloading content or submitting a lead gen form, viewing video ads, or just by visiting your website page.
  5. They become a lead in your system.
  6. Their history is stored in your cookies and the data is delivered to LinkedIn.
  7. Retargeting ads are shown to these users.

With all these efforts you can hope for the potential 8th step where the leads take a step forward to become your customers.

Now, the next question popping up is …

How to set up a retargeting campaign on LinkedIn?

It is simple…

If you are retargeting visitors to your company website, LinkedIn Insight Tags (javascript code) can be used to track conversions, retarget, and find real-time insights on the content preferences of your website. You need to incorporate LinkedIn Insight Tags on your website’s page to enable this feature.

Create an audience to retarget by website, video ads, Lead Gen Forms, or a LinkedIn event. (Each type of matched audience needs to generate at least 300 people before ads can be delivered to that audience)

Share a copy of your matched audiences across any of your ad accounts.

Let your audience build, which will take nearly 48 hours. Your audience will continue to grow as more LinkedIn members engage with your ads. Once the audience is built, you can add it to a campaign using ad format.

View the status of audiences synced from your data management platform.

Utilize the A/B test to check the performance of your LinkedIn ad campaigns to discover which ad campaign is performing better and which is not.

  • Contact targeting

It helps you to market to prospective customers and known contacts by securely uploading your very own list of email addresses to match against LinkedIn members.

Contact targeting

You can get started by a CSV upload or by the data integration process. 

The LinkedIn algorithm will scan the list of email addresses and search within its own database to see if any email address coincides. If at all any email coincides then that user has used the exact same email to register on your website as well as on the LinkedIn account. Only in such cases, LinkedIn can find a match and you can re-impact those users on social media channels

Here are some pointers to keep in mind when it comes to contact targeting.

    • Deliver highly relevant ads to the leads.
    • Consider uploading a larger list of contacts for better results.
    • When selecting your contacts target top influencers.
    • Divide your contacts into customized audience segments such as current clients, prospects (members regarded as potential customers), and churned customers (customers which stopped using the company’s services)


There are two ways to get started with contacts targeting:

      • Contact targeting by uploading emails 
      1. Upload a list of contacts as per LinkedIn guidelines
      2. In the campaign manager find the account assets menu and click ‘matched audience’ from the drop-down list.
      3. Create an audience and then upload the list
      4. Finish the setup process by adding your file of matched audiences to a new or existing campaign.
      • Contact targeting by data integrations 
      1. To get started you need to have access to the creative manager on your campaign manager account to integrate with a data integration provider.
      2. Select your data integration partner for LinkedIn ads. The next step is completed within your data integration partners’ system.
      3. Your list will automatically populate on the ‘uploaded lists’ page of the matched audience tab.

This is how you upload or integrate your contact lists and add them to an existing or a new campaign.

  • Account targeting

 Account targeting is also known as company targeting helps you to target specific companies that are on your target list. It allows you to reach decision-makers to your target accounts (companies), by adding target company names to your campaign.

Account targeting

It runs Account-Based Marketing (ABM) campaigns by matching your target companies against 13 million LinkedIn pages on LinkedIn. 

LinkedIn account targeting provides 7 options to target your audiences by company name, company industry, company size, company connections, company followers, company growth rate, and company category. 

For example, you can upload a CSV file of the company (names/size/industry/category/growth rate) you want to target. LinkedIn will match your list with nearly 1300 company names in its database. If LinkedIn finds a match then you can target that company rather than targeting an individual. It provides you wider net to deepen engagement.

Here are a few tips for using account targeting:

    • Reach out to the top influencers who make buying decisions at your target accounts.
    • Drive more conversions by guiding decision-makers along their buying journey and generating more qualified leads.
    • Upload a list of at least 1000 companies for better match rates.
    • Avoid Hyper Targeting which can limit the delivery of the campaign.


Step-by-step set-up process for account targeting:

  1. Firstly, create an account list as a single column. One account per row inserting company names, industry, website, company country, etc. Save this list as a CSV file.
  2. Next, set up company or account targeting for LinkedIn ads 
  3. On the audience creation page in the campaign manager, click on the create an audience tab, choose a match based on a list of accounts, upload your file and click the next button.

The matched audience list will become available after 48 hours for targeting.

  • Lookalike targeting

Lookalike audiences allow you to reach new professional audiences similar to your existing customers, website visitors, and target accounts.

Account targeting

Here are a few tips for using Lookalike audiences:

    • Perform tests to check the type of audience. For example, test the website with your CSV list of uploaded contacts and discover what works best.
    • Review campaign demographics to discover the top engaging list & create a lookalike audience using the best performing list.

This is how LinkedIn Matched Audiences helps you to Generate and Retrieve quality leads.


Best ad targeting practices for generating leads 

Now that you know about the LinkedIn matched audience concept, it is important to find out the best practices for quality lead generation. Even if you are an experienced digital marketing strategist LinkedIn works differently than other social media platforms. 

Lookalike targeting

So, read on to find out best practices from LinkedIn’s professional ad targeting capabilities for generating leads.

1. Location

Firstly, identify where you would like to reach LinkedIn users. Location is a mandatory targeting field. You can specify a city, metropolitan area, state, or country.


        This facet is based on the location a LinkedIn member has used in his profile or their IP address.

2.  Build your audience

Build your audience

       Select your audiences based on company, demographics, education, job experience, and interests.

3. Use audience template

 Utilizing an audience template can help you save time during the campaign setup process.

Use audience template

It helps you to create key audiences such as event planners, recent graduates, doctors, millennials, and more without manually selecting the right mix of targeting options.

   4. Avoid hyper-targeting

At the beginning of the campaign, a limited scale may hurt the results. We suggest you start with a target audience of over 50,000 for sponsored content. This allows you to cast a wider net and find out which lead generation strategy works best for your business.

    • Perform A/B test – Testing two similar campaigns with different targeting criteria, you can find out which campaign is most effective. For A/B testing you need to duplicate a campaign and make slight changes in the targeting parameters.
    • Use custom targeting options – Custom targeting on LinkedIn allows you to find additional audiences similar to your target audience also known as a lookalike audience.
    • Tailor your content to your audience – Share content that is more relevant to your audience’s interests. 
    • Gain insight with campaign demographics – Once your ad campaign has gathered enough data, check the demographics tab in the campaign manager and find out which professionals visited your ad and converted it into customers.


How to analyze campaign performance?

To measure the performance of a LinkedIn ad campaign, utilize a wide range of metrics that the campaign manager reports for every campaign you run. 

  • Choose your goals

Firstly, identify what is your goal. Is it building brand awareness (the upper funnel) or driving engagement (mid-funnel) or lead generation (bottom-funnel)?

Choose your goals

Select an objective from the funnels. Strong lead generation relies on a full-funnel content strategy.

  • Set up conversion tracking and lead gen form

Conversion tracking will help you to measure the performance based on conversions, conversion rate, and cost per conversion.

Set up conversion tracking and lead gen form

Lead gen forms allow you to measure the leads and cost per lead.

  • Optimize with performance insight

By accessing campaign insights you can find out how your ads are performing. It will help you to make changes in budgets.


Final thoughts

LinkedIn is a potential B2B marketing giant especially if it is used to convert targeted leads. The matched audience is one of the best features provided by LinkedIn marketing solutions to nurture leads that are generated from LinkedIn ads.

Will you try LinkedIn-matched audiences for generating leads? 

Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

If you have any questions regarding LinkedIn ads or you want to take your business to the next level, connect with us below and let’s get to work.

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Easy Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses in 2022

Easy Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses in 2022

Facebook Marketing is booming in a big way.

It is very rare for a Facebook user to go by without scrolling through Facebook feeds every day. According to Digital Marketing Research, 66% of Facebook users log in on their smartphones or desktop daily. With over 1.785 billion active Facebook users, marketers need to get smarter to take advantage of Facebook Marketing Ideas to grow their audience and small or mid-sized business.

Facebook marketing can be tricky for a small-sized business, but nothing is impossible!

Smart and easy Facebook marketing may alone take your business to the next level.

So, before we dive deep into the ocean of success strategies let’s understand two main WH questions related to Facebook Marketing – What and Why


What is Facebook marketing for small businesses?


Facebook marketing for small businesses

Facebook is a social media platform that allows small businesses to market their services and products to their users on Facebook. Facebook marketing can be done through organic strategies (Free strategies) and targeted strategies (paid strategies).

Firstly, Facebook’s marketing plan follows organic strategies to develop the user base and brand value of the company without any investment. Once a considerable amount of user base is reached, the second step is to utilize paid Facebook marketing strategies such as targeted ads.


Why use Facebook marketing for small businesses?

Facebook Marketing is an effective tool to improve your customers and businesses exponentially. Facebook marketing provides an opening for companies to interact with users/customers. People can learn more about the products, services, and organizations on social media platforms. Facebook is the biggest social networking platform which provides the opportunity for businesses to build and maintain relations with the users.

So, it is important to “Make connections that matter

To help you out in the crowded social media market, I’ve put together a comprehensive list of Facebook marketing ideas as given below.

    • Common Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses.
    • Free Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses.
    • Paid Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses.


Common Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

1. Create and optimize your company page – If you are looking forward to building up a social media presence on Facebook then there’s some groundwork to do. You need to create and optimize your Facebook page to translate your Facebook likes into actual clicks and conversions.

optimize company page


2. Work on Page Details – Particularly in the world of business appearance can speak volumes, that is why it is important to pay attention to the UI (User Interface) of your company page.

 Work on Page Details


3. Add a profile picture with your brand logo – An updated, professional and consistent profile picture that represents your brand name looks more organized. It develops the right impression on your audience.

4. Enable custom URL or “Username” – Username helps people to find and remember your page. When you create a username for your company, it appears in a customized web address for your Facebook page. It helps your page to rank higher and also helps people to find your page easily with that username.

edit page info

5. Always add a “Description” – Never leave the company about us section blank. Use all the 250 characters to write about your company. Original content helps to build page rank.

edit page description

6. Add your website – A website is self-explanatory. It helps you to build your company’s reputation.

7. Create a Community business page and Facebook group – The main idea behind creating a Facebook community page and group is to provide like-minded people with a platform for live conversations, discussions, and sharing information based on their interests.

Create a Community business page and Facebook group


For example, Users interested in Tour and Travel’s topic would be very much interested to join a Tours and Travels Facebook community or a group rather than a community or a group discussing Facebook Marketing Strategies.

Anybody can join, post, invite new members, hold discussions, and share information on the group.

  • Running a contest or a giveaway with a tempting offer helps you increase engagement rates and grow audiences in your group.
  • Target specific audiences on Facebook – Selecting audiences based on what and where you are selling your products can be an impressive strategy in Facebook marketing for small businesses. If your audience selection is broad it requires a large budget. ALERT! If you go too specific this strategy can backfire on you. Let’s say, for example, if you are promoting a childcare brand, you might first want to check the family status of Facebook audiences. Small businesses on a budget can use smart ideas to cut costs and still reach their target audiences and build the business.


Free Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Today, the Facebook marketing channel is a platform where you have to pay to play. Small Businesses on a low budget are still using Facebook to market.

Does it work? The answer is YES!

You can still leverage Facebook to promote your business for FREE! FREE! FREE!

Here are some free Facebook marketing ideas that support small business owners to “breathe a sigh of relief”.

1. Provide consistent and quality posts with user intent – According to studies, you should post the finest content to your Facebook page 2-3 times a week.

Provide consistent and quality posts with user intent

Consistency and quality are the mantras for success in social media” Facebook page posting every 30 minutes is a thing of the past. It doesn’t work for Small or average businesses. If are you posting too often you may experience a drop-in engagement rate. Think logically and always post when your audience is online and most interactive. For example, if you are a local business in India, you should focus on the times when people in India are awake.

2. Provide solution-based primary text – Solution-based approach is a strategy for transforming business objectives and goals into a plan. How does a content strategy align with a small business objective?

Provide solution-based primary text

The answer is simple, understand the search intent of users, if you fail to persuade your audience then you are missing out!

Your audience wants

To learn something new

To find solutions to their problems

To do better work

To reach their goals

Focus on these four pointers to reach your business objectives.

3. Use of the call to action button – The call to action (CTA) button plays important role in boosting your conversion rate. It is a clickable element on a website, email, blog post, or Facebook page that appeals to users and redirects visitors to an offer. You might have seen a lot of different call-to-action buttons about anywhere on a website. Here are some most commonly used CTA buttons:

      • Call Now
      • Add to Cart
      • Download Now
      • Read More
      • Sign up


Take your time to develop your button. Quality CTA buttons help to increase the conversion rate and sales.

4. Post consistent blog posts on Facebook -“Consistency and content are the keys to growth in social media”.

Post at consistent blog posts on Facebook

Post content that your followers want to read. Understand how to often post, what to post, when to post & what type of content to post. Creating a posting schedule can help you improve your engagement rate.

5. Use of Hashtags in Facebook – Facebook’s search is not as good as Google’s search, but it still has the potential to find you there. A hashtag (#) helps your followers to find a post relevant to their interest and interact with other users who share the same interest by joining the discussion on Facebook groups or communities.

For example, let’s take #FacebookMarketingPlan. Using that hashtag in your Facebook posts can land new people on your page who are searching for the same hashtag in your Facebook search.

6. Market your services – On social media platforms like Facebook, you might want to post the finest content so that it is good enough to impress your audience and build your service-based Business.

Never miss a chance when you get to market your services. You can also add a service section on your Facebook page.

7. Offer discounts – Offering discounts is one of the easiest marketing tools to grow your business on social media. Offers and discounts are attractive to customers.

Offer discounts

It not only helps you to bring new clients but also helps to bring back previous customers. Especially on social media, word-of-mouth traffic can increase your sales and business exponentially.


Paid Facebook Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Facebook’s paid ads are a useful marketing tool that allows businesses to Facebook’s paid campaigns. Facebook’s active user count in the year 2022 is over 6+ billion, with India having a number (of 251 million) Facebook users. So, using Facebook marketing packages you can reach half of the world’s population.

1. Set priorities and business goals – This is one of the fundamental parts of a Business plan. Check where is your business now … and where you want to take it. A clear vision can help you to prioritize time to focus on your plan promotion budget and achieve your business objective.

2. Create advertising strategiesAdvertising is persuasion! Advertisements are used to increase awareness about your newly launched company and persuade target customers to buy your product or services and you’re your business.

3. Decide your Audience – Facebook automatically shows your ads to the audience who are most likely to find your ads relevant. You can further target your audiences with 3 audience selection tools.

    • Core audiences are based on criteria such as age, location, and interests.
    • Custom audiences are people who engaged with your business either online or offline.
    • Lookalike audiences are people with similar interests.


4. Set Facebook ads budget – Pay to promote only your best content. Spend a low budget on your Facebook ads and prevent the risk of your marketing budget vanishing into thin air without even achieving your conversions.

Don’t let your Superstar content fade away, boosted content will still resonate with a larger audience if it did well earlier.

Caution! “go-easy on your pocket

5. Market Facebook event – During occasions or even as a regular part of your Facebook marketing strategy, you can host an event to connect with your customers to give them an unforgettable experience. Hosting an event means an investment of time, effort, and money.

Let’s understand how to get started, it is a 6 steps plan:

Step 1. Create an event on your Facebook business page

Step 2. Choose a video or image

Step 3. Name your event

Step 4.  Fill in all details (time, location, date, description)

Step 5. Choose the Frequency of the event

Step 6. Promote your event organically


    • Add co-hosts to increase distribution and response rate
    • Boost that event on Facebook Business Group
    • Turn events into an ad that converts


6.  A/B testing – The A/B test is a process of comparing two different campaigns to check which one has the better This technique is used to find out which ads design (ad headline, body copy, CTA button ) performs well to attract your target audience to boost conversion rates on a landing page.

7. Track performance metrics – A Small business owner might want to keep an eye on the performance of the business which includes sales, customer satisfaction, warehouse efficiency, and so on.

Data which includes activities, employee behavior, and productivity is used to track processes within the business by the employer to track performance metrics. It provides valuable information to plan strategies, grow business and increase profits.

Performance metrics are divided into four groups:

    • Business Performance – It provides access to how your business is performing in the Sales, marketing department, and profitability.
    • Sales performance – It provides access to measure performance in the sales department. It measures total revenue and customer reach.
    • Project management– It measures the profitability of various projects and provides insight into how to make projects even more efficient.
    • Employee performance- It is obvious that if your employees are performing as per the standards set, then your business will grow; but if their performance is poor, then your business might suffer.

It is important to track your employee’s performance by the quality, efficiency, and productivity of their work.

A Business that performs well, is a business that grows well


I know, I know: there’s still so much to learn when it comes to Facebook marketing. But the good news is you have a fair amount of knowledge to get started now.

So, look no further. Start here, start now.

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How To Build Your Social Media Presence For Engaging New Customers

Social media presence can be understood as a full accounting of an individual’s or company’s activity across all social media platforms. Social media presence includes posts, replies, or other interactions on all platforms by any person or company. Most companies have dedicated staff for social media tasks. In this article, we will discuss the importance of social media presence and how to build your social media presence for engaging new customers.


Why is a social media presence important?

As we all know that people nowadays are spending so much of their time on social media platforms, so advertising on these platforms will be very beneficial. A successful social media presence is very important for businesses because it allows communication with consumers directly. The popularity of social media is an efficient way to connect and get your message about your products or services to customers quickly and directly. Other benefits to build a social media presence for your company are as follows:

  • It establishes your company’s brand

    Every company needs a strong brand identity and social media can help with it. A company’s social media presence will help it to be in minds of customers.

  • It grows your customer base

    Social media presence expands the reach of your company to potential customers who did not know about you previously. Hence your customer base increases tremendously.

  • Helps in new product marketing

    Social media is a great platform to introduce and market new products. Your social media presence is an opportunity to increase anticipation for your product among consumers who have already shown interest in it.

  • Builds customer loyalty

    By interacting with customers on social media, you can work to increase their loyalty and create a positive impression of your company.


Why is a social media presence important


How to build your social media presence?

To get maximum benefits from social media platforms, you have to grow your reach among customers. Given below are some steps to follow to increase your social media presence:


1. Make sure you use the right platform for you

Depending upon your type of business choose the right social media platform for you. Trying to get famous on every platform is not necessary. Choose the right social media which will help to promote your business. This is a very important aspect of social media management. If you are stuck as to where to start, then put your focus on Facebook and Instagram as both platforms are the most used in the world.

2. Set your social media goals

You should set goals that are specific, measurable, relevant, and time-bounded. Set a goal of your choice. They may be long-term goals as well as short-term goals. For example, you can set a long-term goal of growing your Instagram followers count by 50% in three months or you can set a short-term goal of increasing your follower count by 10% every month.

3. Be Human

Gone are those days when brands promoted their products and services in a very boring and inhuman manner. In the modern age of transparency, people want to get to know your company on a more personal level. Many brands today crack jokes and talk to their followers in a very frank manner. The idea is to connect with your customers in a very human manner.

4. Focus on your content

Producing quality content is one of the important keys to growing your social media profile. If your content is good the conversion rates get higher, which means each new viewer is more likely to become a follower and a user of your products.

5. Create an editorial schedule

Creating an editorial schedule is a good practice in social media management. Maintaining a schedule helps to post your advertisement or any social media post in a proper and timely manner.

6. Keep it fresh

Don’t be that person who posts the same link over and over again. Audiences like to see fresh and exciting content that cuts through the competition. Try to create content that is bespoke to you and your business. The content should be fresh, and exciting and it should stop a reader from scrolling down and let them engage with you.

7. Respond to your followers

Respond to users who reply to your posts. It will increase your interactions as well as it will help in building loyalty. This is a part of social media management in which followers develop an attachment to your company’s products and services and promote your business for free.

8. Keep an eye on algorithms and updates

Most social media platforms are using some level of algorithm. If you can follow these algorithms and updates your social media presence will enhance drastically. For example, some platforms like Facebook give priority to visually engaging content over less visual content. You just have to follow the algorithm in such a way that your posts are most liked by customers and followers.

9. Always be with the trend

Always be up to date and be with the current trend. Brands always have something new to post or advertise if they keep an eye on current affairs, trending hashtags, or any latest meme.

10. Use tools to monitor your activity

There are many tools available online which can help you in identifying your top-performing content, performance trends, and many more. These tools will help you in determining whether you are heading in the right direction or not. The data analyzed through this type of tool can help you treat social media less like a guessing game and more like a science.


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five easy instagram marketing ideas for small business

5 Easy Instagram Marketing Ideas For Small Business In 2022

As of today, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It has a vast user base and it’s an excellent platform for advertisers to show off their products to a significantly broad audience. If you are going to use Instagram for marketing your small or large business products, you are going to reap benefits from it. And if you are looking for Instagram marketing ideas to support your small business then this information is for you. Gone are those days when small business entrepreneurs found it difficult to promote their products to the masses.

Unlike big business houses, small business entrepreneur hasn’t have that much revenue to advertise their products in television commercials, YouTube ads, or big hoardings by the roadside. And here comes advertising through platforms like Instagram. It is very feasible for Small businesses to get marketing benefits from Instagram because it’s cheaper and reaches customers as well with not too much hard work. Let’s have a look at the advantages of marketing through Instagram:


Instagram marketing advantages

1. Instagram has almost 1 billion monthly active users. These users are your main target customers who can buy your product or services.

2. Instagram has 500 million daily, active users. You can well estimate how many people are going to see your products and advertisements daily. That’s the magic of digital marketing on platforms like Instagram.

3. Marketers who have already taken advantage of Instagram for small business ideas can attest to more than 7 billion dollars of revenue being generated from Instagram.

4. It is also the home of more than 2 million advertisers. By referring to their advertisement idea you can get your advertisement ideas too.

5. Instagram offers increased conversions. Research indicates that almost one-third of the audience using Instagram has used it to purchase items. It indicates that the more you advertise on Instagram, the higher the chances of your product being sold.

6. Instagram also offers a plethora of targeting options. That’s because Instagram, like Facebook, has access to features like advertising based on age, location, gender, interests, etc.

7. As a platform, Instagram enables you to engage in conversations with your followers and build relationships with them. This is known as brand-follower relationships. Understanding your audience based on engagement will also help you make smart decisions about your content. Once the customers have faith in your products there is no looking back for you.


Instagram Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

Having an idea of how advantageous marketing through Instagram is now let us discuss five easy Instagram marketing ideas which will be useful for small businesses in 2022.

1. Create an eye-catching Instagram profile and optimize your bio:

Before you get started with Instagram marketing you should create an Instagram business account for yourself. After that, make sure that your profile is optimized for your business and target audience. Your small or big business brand’s Instagram profile should be nothing but about the story of your brand.

create eye-catching profile

Your Instagram bio offers your viewers the first look at your brand. That’s the reason why your bio needs to be captivating, informative, and engaging. Your bio can be used to give a basic idea of your product, what kind of content you plan to post, brand hashtags links to other social media platforms, etc. You should also include a trackable URL to which you want to drive traffic, a link to your brand’s website, or the product page.

2. Create awesome Instagram stories

Stories are a key part of good Instagram marketing ideas. They are active for 24 hours only and thus create curiosity among viewers. Half of the small businesses on Instagram use stories and they are getting good results as well. To create good stories play with the GIFs, add music to your stories, mention people, add hashtags, etc.

Instagram’s new Poll feature can help bend the bridge between you and your audience. Polls and opinions can help you improve your products while making your audience feel directly connected to your business.

create fascinating stories

3. Make your business easy to find by tagging your location

Your small or large business must be accessible both online and offline. The location tag on Instagram helps you pinpoint your correct address. The location tag lets people know where to find you and brings more exposure by making you easier to find in Instagram searches when people are close by. This creates a sense of faith and trust in your brand.

Add location

4. Partner with influencers for a wider reach

If you want to reach potential customers on Instagram the easiest and fastest way to do that is through influencers who have already built an audience with a large following. Many people are buying services or products based on what they see in their Instagram feed from the influencer they know. If you can partner with the right industry influencer, you can get your brand out in front of those users. It works the same way as some big business houses partner with celebrities or cricketers or their brand endorsements.


5. Post at the right times

 Did you know that the best time to post on Instagram varies based on your industry or business? Yes, as per the research there is the best time for every Instagram post. In 2022 there will be a focus on what to post and when to post to gain maximum benefits. One of the best ideas is to post during peak days and hours when your followers are online. Here are the best times to post for each industry we analyzed:

Instagram calendar

  • Travel and tourism: Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Media and entertainment: Tuesday and Thursday, 12 to 3 p.m.
  • Food and beverage: Friday, noon.
  • Retail: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, noon.
  • Professional services: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 or 10 a.m.
  • Non-profit: Tuesday, 10 a.m. or 4 p.m.
  • Non-retail e-commerce: Thursday, 4 or 9 p.m.
  • Pharma and healthcare: Wednesday and Sunday, 9 a.m.
  • Personal care: Thursday and Friday, 1, 2, or 3 p.m.
  • Technology: Monday and Tuesday, 2 p.m.
  • Education: Thursday, 4 or 5 p.m.


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which website is right for your business

Which Website Is Right For Your Business?

Familiarizing yourself with the various kinds of web pages is very crucial. It does not matter whether you are a small business owner or a designer. This knowledge will help you meet your specific needs and you can discover which website is right for your business. Additionally, studying and comparing what your competitors choose allows you to create the perfect format for your website. Not just that.

Seeing the different examples will also serve as an inspiration in your work. From this, you can start figuring out what websites you want to create, what type of website you are best at building, and how you can improve your website based on the current design trends.


Types Of Business Websites: Which Website Is Right For Your Business?

Here, we look at the different types of websites to build. We also look at how each functions. This is by no means a complete list. Still, it is a great launch point. Every website can be built with a variety of different tools and programs. Consequently, they are all great examples, providing the perfect answer to the question “Which website is right for your business?” These common types of websites will you the general idea:

1. Portfolio Website

Ideally, a portfolio website allows creative professionals to showcase their best work. This makes it the perfect place for artists, designers, filmmakers, writers, and even furniture builders. A portfolio website is naturally creative.

portfolio website

Therefore, it is an ideal place to try unique layouts and add interesting features. Adding every single project you have previously worked on is not necessary when building a portfolio. What will count is that you focus on creating categories of items and highlighting each category’s best work.

2. Blog Website

Almost everyone is familiar with blogs, or you have come across blogs in your browsing experience. Typically, blogs are online journals. They are informational pages that undergo regular updates. Often, they are managed by an individual or a small group. Initially, compared to magazines, blogs started with more casual, personal content. Now, though, it is extremely common for major brands and businesses to have their blog. Blogs can cover any topic, from travel tips to financial advice. Most blogs are written in an informal or conversational style.  

blog website

Over time, professional blogging has emerged to be very popular. Besides providing material for social media posts and email campaigns, adding expert content improves the overall credibility of a company or an individual.

Keep in mind that a blog can become cumbersome for smaller companies. For this reason, you must establish a team and strategize to keep your content fresh before you consider launching one.

3. Homepage

A homepage is your site’s main hub. It is the face of your brand. When visitors want to go to different areas of your site, your homepage comes in handy. The design is critical here because most people come to you through your homepage. When designing a homepage, keep in mind that the homepage’s main purpose is that it should serve as the main point of navigation and point of interest for site visitors.

This is not to say that a homepage should take a particular look, no. It can take many different forms, provided you make clear what the business is and offer the unique value proposition upfront. Your homepage sets the tone of the business’ image- it should tell a story about who you are through images and words.


You can achieve this by utilizing your brand’s color palette, images, and logos highly relevant to the business. An excellent example of a homepage website is Matcha Kari. The navigation at the top of this page sets the tone for what you will find on the site. For this website, the homepage serves as the beginning of the conversion funnel. Consequently, visitors can get a coupon, watch a video about their products or subscribe to the mailing list.

4. E-commerce website

E-commerce websites are online shopping destinations where users can buy products or services from companies. This is an online store, which can function as a standalone website or be combined with a blog or corporate website. Take an example of a purely corporate business. Even without the eCommerce functionality, it can still indirectly encourage users to make purchases but cannot accept any payments.

eCommerce site

If you are settling for this type of website, ensure it is a very versatile platform. It should enable you to sell across multiple channels, including Facebook, eBay, Instagram, and Amazon. Creating a robust e-commerce web page will make it easy to browse products, filter by categories, make purchases and highlight special sales.

When it concerns designs, e-commerce platforms offer various templates that match the needs of nearly any business type. E-commerce websites are websites to build if you want to earn money on the side or want to start a business.

5. Social Media Websites

With close to 2.77 billion people on social media, you can tell that its popularity cannot be understated. Different social media platforms exist. It does not matter what your target audience is. The high chances are that you will either find them on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Snapchat. Still, social media sites may take many other forms. Usually, social media sites are created to allow sharing of thoughts, images, or ideas. Sometimes, it is simply to connect with other people concerning a particular topic.

Social Media Websites

While you may not be able to redesign the platforms themselves, you have some control over how your page appears. You can create content that attracts social media shares.

When doing this kind of website, go for a consistent look across all your social media pages and web pages. This allows users to know your brand is behind the page instantly. Settle for the same logo and color choices. Go for a specific voice and a personality that shines across all content.

Focus on content that has a high potential of being shared on social media. This includes entertaining videos, memes, infographics, free offers, and in-depth reports.

6. Non-profit Websites

Non-profit websites aim to provide information on a charity and set a platform where people can donate. Gone are the days when you could just provide a phone number for people to call. Today, it is possible to develop a non-profit website for a charity that accepts donations directly on the website.

Non profit site

Most charities often seek help with creating a website since they are usually on a strict budget and can’t afford to hire a large agency.

7. Personal Websites

As the name suggests, a personal website is just that- personal. For this reason, you can choose only to publish blog posts, or you can expand and sell merchandise. You can even decide to create a community. If you intend to feature a person as a brand, creating a personal website should be your go-to.

personal website

Ideally, what defines a persona website is the title. This title is the person the site is about. It is an ideal website choice for public figures and influencers. Aside from the title, there are no conventions for what personal websites include. The content depends heavily on a genuinely expressed topic and the personality’s style, tone, and point of view.

8. Wiki websites

A wiki website is a digital encyclopedia that allows people to collaborate online and write content as a community. With this type of website, you can submit and publish information. Wiki websites are of two variations. There are those like Wikipedia, whose goal is to create freely accessible knowledge about various topics. Other wikis are focused on specific interests like popular culture and so on.

wiki sites

But the subject of the wiki is not that relevant, anyway. Because even businesses can use wiki websites to publish helpful documentation that answers common support questions, in this way, wiki sites work like forums. Using these websites in this manner helps reduce the cost of customer support services. It also reduces the overall number of support tickets that users submit.

Still, Wiki sites are not only for business- owners. Anyone can build this type of website. If you are an influencer, this may just be the website you need. It is a great way of engaging your fans.


In Conclusion

When it comes to the type of website to build, various choices exist. What you settle for will largely depend on your needs and resources. This article aims to give your insight into some of the common websites you can look into when creating one. Remember that good design is much more than simply an appealing look. It should potentially drive user engagement. It should be highly targeted to the needs of the audience viewing the site.

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