jordan philips

How to Optimize Website Sitemap for SEO in 2022

How to Optimize Website Sitemap for SEO in 2022

Every complex website must have a sitemap if you look from an SEO standpoint. Sitemaps are a vital part of your technical SEO plan. It helps Google crawlers to better scan your website. Search engines utilize sitemaps to index your website. Having search engines crawl your website more intelligently, you can improve your website rankings and drive more potential traffic. 

In today’s article, we will learn all about Sitemap

Table of contents

    • What is a Sitemap in SEO?
    • Why do we need a Sitemap for SEO?
    • What are the types of Sitemaps in SEO?
    • Why Sitemaps are important in SEO?
    • How to create a Sitemap for SEO?


What is a Sitemap in SEO?

A sitemap is a file placed on your site which provides you with information about the pages, texts, videos, URLs, and other files. Search engines like Google use sitemaps to understand your website and its structure in a better way, while web users can use them to find specific pages on your site. It can help you in SEO if your site’s content is well-prepared and attractive to web users.


Why do we need to Optimize Website Sitemap for SEO?

A large and complex website must have a sitemap as it is a list of web pages created for crawlers to find your web content as fast as possible. Your website will benefit from having a sitemap, and you will never be punished for having one. It can help crawlers to scan larger and more complex sites. A sitemap is important for SEO as it provides faster indexation, better indexation of deep pages, and monitoring of index pages.

You need a sitemap if –

    • Your website is too large web crawlers might overlook some of your newly updated web content.
    • Your website content is changed frequently.
    • You need to index your new content fast.
    • Your website has a lot of heavy media content such as videos, and images. Google takes additional information from sitemaps into account for web search.
    • Your website is recently launched and has a few external links. Google crawlers scan the web by following the external links from one page to another. If your site is new Google might not discover your content pages if no other site is linked to them. A Sitemap helps Google to find out the newest web pages or all web pages together on a website.
    • Your website has a large archive of content pages that are not properly linked to each other. If your pages do not naturally reference each other, you can list them in a sitemap to make sure that Google discovers them.


Let me tell you something loud and clear –

“A sitemap does not help to boost your rankings.”

A sitemap is not for you if –

    • Your website is “small”.
    • Your website is a portfolio website.
    • Your website is widely linked internally.
    • Your website doesn’t have heavy or fresh media files.
    • Your website is a one-page presentation. 
    • Your website is a SaaS application or website for an organization.


What are the Types of Sitemaps in SEO?

There are 2 kinds of sitemaps often used by SEO professionals for their SEO strategy to target search engine crawlers and users.

What are the Types of Sitemaps in SEO?

Let us know about the 2 main types of sitemaps.

1. HTML sitemaps (Hyper-Text Mark-up Language)

HTML sitemaps are written for the users to browse, not search engine bots. It is visible to the website user. Search engine bots crawl through the HTML sitemaps and send strong user experience signals to Google.

HTML sitemaps

HTML sitemaps are often placed at the footer of your website to help you navigate from one page to another. Your HTML sitemap should have links that help users navigate from your site. You can organize your HTML site map such that – it is the directory of your website.

2. XML sitemaps (eXtensible Mark-up Language)

XML sitemaps are written for search engine bots to crawl, not the users. XML sitemaps are used to share technical details of your site, like how many pages you have and how often they’re uploaded. These are digital maps that help Google discover important web pages of your site and how frequently they are updated. You might want to communicate with your search engines when things change on your website. 

XML sitemaps

XML sitemaps are important but mostly underrated. An XML sitemap is for websites that are new, large, utilize lots of images, and videos, and have lots of orphaned pages. They allow search engines to discover fresh pages even if they are not linked to the main website. Search engine crawlers prioritize XML sitemaps for faster crawling.

An XML sitemap is further divided into –

  • Image sitemap: Image sitemap is used for images to get featured on Google Image Search.
  • Video sitemap: Video sitemap is used for videos to get featured in Google Video Search. It helps search bots to better understand the video content.
  • News sitemap: News sitemap is used for news to get featured in the “news section” Google SERPs. It is mandatory for a news website. It can not contain news articles that are published 2 days prior. A news sitemap can not have more than 1000 URLs. You can break 1000 URLs into multiple sitemaps and use a sitemap index file. 
  • Mobile sitemap: Mobile sitemap is used only for the specially formatted version designed for mobiles. As per reports, there is no need for a mobile sitemap in SEO for a mobile-friendly website.


HTML Sitemap vs XML Sitemap

HTML and XML both are coding languages used to create web pages. When it comes to sitemaps, the only difference between them is that XML is written only for search engine crawlers, while HTML focuses on making a user-friendly website for humans.


Why Sitemaps are Important in SEO?

Well-executed SEO means making your site crawlable and accessible.  A sitemap in SEO is important as it keeps your website organized.  

Here are a few benefits of using Sitemaps for SEO –

    • Makes your website user-friendly
    • Make it easy for search engines to classify your content
    • Helps you to find internal linking opportunities
    • Organize large sites
    • Determine areas to improve website navigation
    • Provides faster indexing
    • Automatically index your updated content
    • Increases visibility of your website in SERPs


How to Create a Sitemap for SEO?

Having a good sitemap for your website greatly increases the chances of your website’s content showing up in relevant searches. If your business makes money from your website, then have a look at the following steps to create a sitemap.

1. Review your website structure 

The first thing you need to check is to see how your website structure is built. See how the existing content is structured on your site. Start from the homepage and see where your homepage links to. You might figure this out easily with the help of menu options on your website. But, when it comes to SEO, all pages are not created equally.  Keep the depth of your website in mind while reviewing your site. Pages away from your website’s homepage will be difficult to rank.

As per the search engine guide, you should aim to create a sitemap having shallow depth, which means it takes only 3 clicks to navigate to any of your website pages. That’s much better for SEO.

You must create a hierarchy of pages based on how you want them to be indexed and their importance. Follow a logical hierarchy while prioritizing your content. 


2. Code your URLs

Now that you have gone through all of your web pages and determined the importance of each page and matched that importance in your website structure; it’s time for coding the URLs.

The best possible way to do this is by formatting each URL with XML tags. It will be very easy for you if you have experience in HTML coding. The “ML” in the term XML stands for mark-up language which is the same in HTML. Start by getting a text editor to create an XML file. The text editor must be a plain text editor like windows, notepad, or TextEdit for Mac users. 

Then add the code for each URL.

    • Location
    • Changed frequency
    • Last updated
    • Priority of the page


Here is an example of how coding will look for each one

    • weekly
    • 2022-1-2
    • 3

This method is best for small size websites as you have to manually enter the text on each page. Text editor makes it easier when it comes to adding code for each URL, but you need to be sharp as it is a manual job. Take your time and ensure that you go through each step properly.


3. Validate the code

While coding manually, human error is natural. But, for your sitemap to run properly, you can’t make any mistakes in your code.

Luckily, there are software tools available online to validate your code to make sure your syntax is error-free. You can find multiple tools on Google search for sitemap validation.

The sitemap validator tool helps to check whether your sitemap is formatted correctly or not. It will inform you straight away in case of any syntax error. You can check what is the problem in your sitemap and fix that issue before submitting it to Google.

For example, if you miss out on adding an end tag in your syntax or something similar, it can be quickly identified and fixed.


4. Add your sitemap to the root and robots.txt

Find the location of your root folder and add your sitemap file to this folder. It will add the page to your website as well. This is not an issue, lots of websites have this. Just type in the website address and add “/sitemap/” to the URL and see what pops up.

Here’s an example for the Apple website

Now, this can be taken 1 step further by looking at the code on different websites by adding “/sitemap.xml” to the URL.

For example,  

By adding a sitemap to your root folder, you might want to add it to the robots.txt file which you will find in the roots folder as well. 

But, what is the robot.txt file?  why it is important to add your sitemap file link to the robots.txt file?

Well, the robots.txt file is just a simple text file that is placed in your website’s root folder. It has different uses. It gives direction to the unknown crawlers by using a set of instructions to tell search engine bots which page on your site they can crawl and which page they should ignore. On the robots.txt page, if you add “disallow” on your site, crawlers ignore it.  This file allows you to block specific robots from crawling your website. 

For example, if a site is under development, it makes sense to block the robots from having the access to crawl the website until it’s ready to be launched.

Robots.txt file is the first place that the spiders or crawlers visit when accessing a website.

If you have multiple sitemaps, you can add all sitemap files locations in a sitemap index file. The XML format of the sitemap index file is the same as the sitemap file, making it a sitemap of sitemaps.

When you have multiple sitemaps, you can either specify your sitemap index file URL in your robots.txt or you can specify individual URLs for each of your sitemap files.


5. Submit your sitemap

Now, that you know how to create and add a sitemap to your website files, it’s time to submit it to the search engines. For the next step, go to the Google search console. On the Google search console dashboard, Navigate to Crawl and select Sitemaps from the drop-down menu. Next, click on Add/ Test sitemap on the right-hand side of the screen. You can test your sitemap for any errors before you continue. In case of any mistake, you can quickly fix it and then submit it.

Google handles everything else ahead of this. This helps search engine spiders to index your website with ease, which will increase your SEO ranking.



If you wish to take your SEO strategy to the next level, you must create a sitemap of your site. If you don’t want to change the code manually, the internet is full of resources that can help you create a sitemap for SEO without needing to manually edit the code.

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How to Use Google My Business Profile to Get More Customers in 2022

Nowadays in order to gain more visibility on Google, local businesses create a Business profile also known as a ‘Google Business listing’. To Utilize your Google Business Profile, you need management and editing capabilities to work as an effective lead generation and Search Engine Optimization tool.

So how to manage your Google Business Profile?

You need to create a separate Google My Business profile to manage your Google Business profile.

Setting up a Google Business Profile is by far the easiest way for people to find a local business on Google search and Google Maps. 

With a Google Business profile, you can interact with your customers through messages, showcase your products and services, build customer trust through reviews, understand how your customers find your business, and even specify what health and safety measures you have put in place to protect them.

Formally known as Google My Business, your Google Business profile can be managed and updated directly on the Google search either from your computer or if you are always on the go, using your smartphone makes it easy to make your business information accurate at all times.

Any business, small-scale, mid-scale, or large-scale is eligible for a Google Business profile. The good news is – 

  • It’s easy to setup
  • Takes minutes
  • Doesn’t require any particular computer skills 

And I almost forgot… it’s also totally FREE!

Having a well-optimized Google Business Profile in 2022 is going to be more important than ever before for every local business.

Let us first understand what Google My Business is.


What is Google My Business? 


What is Google My Business_

Google Business profile or Google My Business is a free Business listing from Google. It helps local businesses to manage their online presence across Google search and Google Maps. It allows customers to find your business online. You can verify and update your business information on your Google My Business profile. 

For example, if you run a business like a restaurant, a medical store, or a retail shop that serves customers at a particular location, your Google Business profile can help them find you. A verified business is considered reputable on Google.

Google My Business profile helps you to claim ownership of your Business profile and also provides you the rights of management. It allows you to utilize its free features to gain visibility on Google.

Now that you know Google My Business, let me tell you about Bing business place which will also help you gain visibility for your business.


Why “Bing Business Place” is important for local businesses?

Bing business place is a FREE service that allows you to manage your business listing on Bing Search results and Bing Maps. 

    • Bing Business Place helps local businesses stand out from their competitors by updating business information like store time, latest pictures of storefront and interiors, etc.
    • To ensure that your users always see the accurate and latest information about your business, you might want to add your business listing on Bing search and maps. It allows you to edit the Business name, address, map location, contact details, website, etc.
    • It provides tips on how to make your business listing more visible.


As a local business owner, you should take advantage of both services. Google remains a dominant search engine, but the search behavior of users is constantly evolving and millions of internet users turn to Bing to help them navigate. Bing commands billions of people and high-intent searches per month.


How to optimize your Google My Business profile? 

Google Business profile optimization is the key to getting found in local search. An optimized Business profile can improve the engagement of customers, boost the local ranking to provide more visibility with your business and convert more leads.

Here are the ideas to turn your Google business profile into a 24*7 lead-generating tool for your business.

1. Set up a Google My Business account

Firstly, understand that the Google business profile and Google My Business account are separate entities. In order to optimize your Business profile, you need to create a Google My Business account and later connect it with your Google Business profile. 

Set up a Google My Business account

To create a Google My Business account 

    • Search for
    • Sign in with the Gmail account you use for business

Once you create your business profile, don’t forget to claim your Google business listing on Google maps. It helps your local business to get found. 

2. Fill in every section 

Completeness of your Business profile helps Google to rank you higher in local searches. You can provide the latest and updated business information to gain trust and build a reputation.

Fill in every section

Some of the important aspects of your business profile that need to be filled right away are:

    • Business name
    • Address
    • Phone
    • Website 
    • Opening hours/ working hours 
    • Products and services
    • Posts and reviews
    • Questions and answers 
    • “From the business” description


3. Verify your business 

Once the profile is created, get your Business verified. To verify your business head to and click on “Start Now”. Verification makes sure that the information in your Google Business listing is correct. 

Verify your business

The information includes your business name, address, phone number, website URL, and store time.

Google will send you a verification code which you will have to enter on the website. You can get the verification code by postcard or a phone call, further instructions will be provided after you create your business profile.

4. Include high-resolution photos

Google likes visual content, so utilize plenty of good quality photos of your business inside and outside.

 To add photos to your Google My Business profile, select the photo tab, click “add photos” and choose the photos you want to upload.

Include high-resolution photos

Points to remember:

    • Add a high-quality cover photo that will represent your brand.
    • Showcase different aspects of your business such as products, services, and storefront.
    • The standard photo size is 800×600 pixels (Photos smaller than 800×600 will be enlarged to fit the screen and larger images will be cropped to fit the space)


5. Use keywords in your profile

Use of the relevant keywords in your Google business profile is one of the important optimization tips. This will help customers to find local businesses like yours while they are searching on search engines. Include keywords that are most relevant to your business such as services and products you offer or the location of your store.

Use keywords in your profile

There are two areas where the use of keywords plays a vital role in getting your business found 

    • “Name” field:  Name field is important because it serves as a link to your business profile.
    • “Description” field: Adding keywords in the description field helps your profile show up for related searches. The description area is the place that potential customers will see when they find you in search results.


6. Enable messaging

This feature allows customers to directly send a text message through your Google Business profile.

Enable messaging

This is a great opportunity for consumers to get in touch with you.

7. Performance measurement 

Monitoring your Google My Business profile on a regular basis is very important. You can set up alerts via Google My Business account. If someone leaves a review you will get a notification on your phone or desktop. 

Performance measurement

Check how things are working, how many views or clicks you are getting, and whether the visibility is increasing or decreasing. By checking GMB listings you can make required changes in your business plan.

8. Get customer reviews 

Reviews from your customer play an important role to show your business higher in search results. If you get a list of search results for a restaurant, which one would you choose? The one with a 5 yellow star rating or the one with a 1-star rating with no reviews at all?

Get customer reviews

Reviews influence customer choice, so this is the key ranking factor in Google’s algorithm.

Keep in mind – 

    • Always have Good ratings and customer reviews
    • While asking for reviews from customers, keep it polite.
    • Thank your customers who post a review, whether the reviews are good or bad.


9. Ask and answer questions

Google offers a feature “Questions & Answers” on your Google Business profiles. Answering the questions in this section will give potential customers confidence that you are a credible business.

Ask and answer questions

You can do this simply by logging in to your Google My Business Profile and going to your “Questions & Answers” section.



This guide will help you to know how to make your Google My Business listing accurate and complete. Follow the above steps and you will reap its benefits. It will help you to improve your ranking in local search results.

Have you tried optimizing your Google Business profile? Share your tips in the comment section below.

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If you are running a small business, you might not have the budget or time to invest in high-cost marketing strategies to achieve your business objectives. You need to focus on low-cost marketing solutions to introduce your small business to people even without advanced marketing expertise.

Twitter is the 5th most popular marketing tool in social media marketing. According to Twitter’s solid Q4 reports, its daily user base grew 13% to reach 217 million. With these numbers, Twitter becomes one of the best channels on social media to build trustworthy relationships with followers. Easy Twitter marketing ideas open a gateway to encourage two-way communication between the marketers and the existing as well as future customers.

Why Twitter?

Twitter …

…is free.

…allows small business owners to promote their business in seconds.

…expands your reach to the audience.

…allows you to provide instant customer support and services.

…allows you to communicate with your followers.

…share the latest updates about your company.

Twitter is an educational platform where people can build or destroy a company’s reputation. It allows people to tweet about you, your firm, and your business. So, it is important to log in to Twitter regularly to check for any negative tweets to avoid the fall of your business. It is important to maintain a positive reputation.

Let’s dig this goldmine to discover new opportunities, customer insights, and a loyal fan following for your small business.


What Is Twitter Marketing Strategy?


What Is Twitter Marketing Strategy?

Twitter marketing is a plan to create, publish and distribute your content to your followers through a social media channel. The main objectives of this type of marketing strategy are to drive more traffic, generate more leads, boost conversions, enhance brand recognition and expand sales to grow your small business.

A winning Twitter marketing tip is to craft your content beautifully. An attractive content might just hit the bull’s eye and go viral!


Why Use Twitter Marketing Strategy?

Twitter is an engagement goldmine. It is just like a business owner sitting in the mine not knowing where the gold is. You need to dig deep to find something golden. Twitter allows you to dig deep to find your audiences, polish your business strategies and shine like a superstar business.

According to statistics, Twitter has around 336 million monthly active users. Such phenomenal numbers had led many small-scale businesses to incorporate Twitter marketing into their plan. The chief financial officer of Twitter says the main goal of Twitter marketing is to double the revenues.

Twitter marketing can help a small business to fulfill social media marketing requirements in four ways:

1. Strengthens the Brand – A good brand value, no matter big or small is vital for a company to shine through. It is very important to have a recognizable voice and crystal-clear company values. If you share good information and the latest company updates through your tweets consistently, people will start to recognize you, your brand name, your company name, and your industry, thus creating a reputable business in the market.

2. Establish Stronger Relationships – Developing and maintaining good relationships with your customers is imperative. This strategy will allow you to get more coverage on social media and expand professional relationships with your followers. The best part about using Twitter from the user’s point of view is how fast the big brands like Reebok, Nike, or Business models like IRCTC responds to your queries or even complaints and provide services. This is proof that even big companies consider Twitter a boon in social media.

3. Improves Organic Search Engine Rankings – Twitter helps you to grow your followers or customers organically. It acts as a search engine medium that allows users to do sufficient research about different businesses, their products, and services. Tweets that link to your blog posts can generate inbound hits, which helps you to rank your site higher by Google.

4. Monitors your profile –Twitter is also a great source of news media. It helps you to monitor unfavorable customer reviews, testimonials, and even complaints on social media. There is no other way to find out whether the consumer is happy about your services or not. It allows small business owners to check in, learn about the issues faced by customers and fix them on an urgent basis.

Now that you have sorted, keep reading to discover the secrets used by expertise to grow a small-scale business on Twitter.


What Are The Twitter Marketing Ideas Used For Small Businesses?

Exposing your local business to a powerful social networking site such as Twitter, can boost growth and build a business. With the best Twitter marketing strategies, you can bring users to your website and convert them into potential leads.

Following are the best Twitter marketing practices to grow small businesses

  • Identify your objectives
  • Customize your profile
  • Include relevant hashtags
  • Run polls and surveys 
  • Use the right call-to-action button (CTA button)
  • Create Twitter list
  • Create Twitter moments
  • Curate Content
  • Schedule your posts
  • Evaluate your performance


1. Identify your objectives:

One way to find out if your Twitter marketing strategy is working fine or not is to set ambitious goals. Identify your goals.

Identify your objectives

For example, do you want to drive users? Or maybe you have a strong user base and want to boost sales.

Whatever is it, note down your goals and identify meaningful metrics by using Twitter analytics to track what is working for your business. These metrics include

  • Engagements – likes, views, comments, and retweets
  • @Mentions – How many followers mentioned you or your company name in their tweets
  • Impressions – How many people watched your video or saw your tweet

2. Customize your profile: 

Optimize your Twitter profile to provide better visibility.

Customize your profile

Create an interesting Twitter handle by following these tips.

Keep it simple – Choose a perfect username for your Twitter handle so that it can be found easily by your audiences. It is the first impression on social media. Companies can simply use their name as a Username. For example, our username is “ecsioninc”

Mention the issues you solve in the bio section – Use the format:

“We help (your demographics) get (the issues that you solve) by (a method used for solving the issue).”  For example, “We help businesses to get more leads by paid ads”

A compelling author bio can attract prospective customers and compel them to contact you for your services.

3. Include Hashtags:

Find out relevant hashtags and use them in your tweets to get better visibility on social media platforms. When people search for business-specific topics or conversations they use hashtags in the search engine to reach relevant topics.

Hashtags can help you increase engagement. Even non-followers may land on your page by using hashtags. 

4. Run polls and surveys:

Features like surveys and polls help brands to converse with their followers. You can encourage users to join the conversations and learn about their priorities and concerns. For example, ask them playful industry-specific poll questions, find out their preferences and finally improve your marketing content. You can also run surveys on your Twitter handle and learn from your followers to help refine your business.

5. Use the right call-to-action button:

The use of relevant Call-to-action buttons in your tweets can help you get more visits to your website. Compel your audience to share your content, visit your website, and use a coupon from your landing page. The basic purpose of CTAs is to reach your marketing objectives. For example, if your social media audit shows low sign-ups, use CTAs to compel the audience to subscribe.

6. Create a Twitter list:

What is a Twitter list? For those who don’t know, this is one of the most important features on Twitter. It helps you to create a list of curated groups of accounts.  For example, your home page shows you all kinds of stuff from different people you follow, but that is like out of control. Creating Twitter lists can help you add relevant people to that list.

7. Create a Twitter moment:

The Twitter moment is an extended format where people find a dynamic way to tell their stories. It is a powerful feature that marketers can take advantage of in their business. It is a group of collected tweets that are collected under a Twitter moment name. The good part of this feature is that anyone on Twitter can see your moments even if they don’t follow you or you don’t follow them.

8. Curate Content:

Don’t just rely on your own content. Share content from different sources that are performing well and retweet helpful articles on your Twitter account. It helps you diversify your posts and better connect with your audience.

   NOTEPublish only the third-party content that matters to your audience

9. Schedule your posts:

Schedule your tweets when your followers are most active. The scheduling feature can help you save time and reach your audiences at peak hours even when you are not around.

Schedule your posts

For example, you are a company headquartered in India but have customers from around the world. You might want to schedule specific tweets/posts for the audiences of America. Scheduling tweets allows you to post during peak hours.

10. Evaluate your performance:

Use different platforms to get an insight into your best and worst-performing tweets. This allows you to evaluate what your audiences are looking for. It helps you to refine your content and discover which strategy is performing well in your Twitter marketing campaigns.



Don’t waste your marketing budget. Implement the best Twitter marketing practices to achieve long-term business goals. Keep it real, and resonating for your followers to show the best of your brand.

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The keyword is “KEY” to drive truly qualified leads to your website. Keyword  Research in SEO helps you to reach business goals like getting more pageviews,  higher ranking on search engines, capturing potential leads, and so on.  

In this guide, you will learn one of the important concepts of SEO – Keyword  Research 

If you are a beginner then this guide is for you. Read on to learn every aspect of keyword research in search engine optimization

It is important to define what you want to achieve before you begin. So today my  goal is to define: 

  1. What is Keyword Research? 
  2. Importance of Keyword Research
  3. Benefits of Keyword Research
  4. How to Perform Keyword Research for SEO? 

Now let’s begin… 


What is a Keyword Research for SEO? 


Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of finding focus keywords to drive more traffic to your business. It provides insight into the search data that your target  audience is looking for on the Google search engine, which helps you to understand 

What searchers are searching on search engines? 

How many searchers are looking for it? 

Let me simplify it for you,  

Imagine you are planning to publish a blog of pasta recipes, where you want to write on topics like – 

Pasta recipe step by step | Easy recipes

Pasta recipes with white sauce | Simple Italian recipes 

Easy pasta recipes | Recipes for beginners;

but you are unsure how these blogs are going to drive traffic

So, if you want to drive good traffic then you need to take care in choosing the right keyword to get the right traffic. 

This all starts with keyword research. 


What is the Importance of Keyword Research for SEO?


 Importance of Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the most important steps in search engine optimization for getting the right traffic to your website. The difference between a website getting millions of traffic through an organic search channel and those getting no traffic at all are the keywords you employ in the content. If you don’t pay attention to this factor, it is sure you will miss the mark on your market. 

If you are still asking, why keywords research?  

Let me simplify it a little more for you, 

Say that you are writing a lot of different topics around Pasta recipes, but you are not sure about how your blogs will drive traffic.  

For example

Someone wants to make a pasta recipe so he goes online and searches for “Best pasta recipes” or “Red sauce pasta recipes” on his smartphone and the search engine shows him results. But your page is not listed on the first page of the search engine page results.  

“Easy pasta recipes | Recipes for beginners “may not be the right choice of keywords for your pasta recipe blog. 

Generally, people do not go past the first page on the search engine page results.  So, the aim of a blogger is to get to the top position on SERPs.

So, Hey! 

You need to find the best keywords to align it to your content and find out what the target audience is searching for online. 

That’s the idea why we would do Keyword Research for SEO.  


Benefits of Keyword Research for SEO


Benefits of Keyword Research

If you have a website, but you are unaware of what people are looking for online will leave your business stranded in a desert of inactivity. 

This issue is solved by researching keywords. 

So, let’s understand the importance of keywords in SEO. Here are a few benefits of  Keyword research. 

    • Gives You Direction

When you start researching keywords, this gives you more focus and direction.

For example, if you are writing a food blog, you may have an idea about what you are going to write. But you must focus more on what people want to read. This will help you to understand people’s reading interests. 

    • Makes you find new topics

If you have a topic in mind keyword research helps you expand. 

    • Gets you the best listing in search engine

Proper research on keywords can help you to choose low-competition keywords with the highest chance of being listed.

    • Helps you to target the right audience

When you build a website, you need the right traffic to be successful in your business. A good keyword search will help you gain the right audience. 

    • Gives you life skills

Learning about the dynamics of researching keywords can never go in vain. All these topics you’re learning are going to help you throughout the journey of your life. Once you learn to find the right keyword, you can employ it for any website or business.


How to do Keyword Research for SEO?

Now that we have understood what keywords are, let’s learn how to do Keyword research. 

Firstly, understand that you can look for keywords in all those places where people do searches – 

  •  Google

 It is the most commonly used search engine by people to search for queries online. Google search provides actively searched queries that can help you to get the most targeted keywords. 



For example, let’s say for a search query “simple pasta recipes” you get a  list of suggestions by Google search engine. You can use these keywords to align it with your blogs, if the content is good there is a chance to rank in the top position. 

Let’s also know about Google’s LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing)  which help to deeply understand the content on the webpage. LSI  keywords are texts or phrases closely related to your search topic. 

For example, imagine that you just published a blog about “Ice-cream recipes”. 

Google will not only scan your page to find the term “Ice-cream recipes” in your title tag and your content; but it will also scan your page for terms like  (“Ice”, “cold”, “milk”, and “cream”, “dessert”). 

When they find all these related keywords in your content, they believe that this page is about the topic of ice-cream recipes.

A recent Google Research Paper says that semantically-related terms help to determine a page’s topic. 

  •   YouTube 

YouTube is not a search engine, but if it was a search engine it would rank 2nd most popular search engine after Google. Billions of hours of videos are watched on YouTube every day, so many people go to YouTube to get an idea about what kind of content is being searched for and consumed. 



  •  Quora

Forums where people post a question and hold discussions are the best sources to discover “long-tail keywords”. You can search for the term – “Keyword Research” and check how many questions have been listed out by people who are seeking answers to their questions. You can list these questions and discover “long-tail keywords”. 



  •  Google Keyword Planner

It is a free tool that allows you to discover important keywords and find data for keywords like estimated monthly search numbers, competition, and ad pricing.

Google Keyword Planner


Usually, this tool is used by marketers to identify keywords for their running ads, but you can discover the right keywords by using this amazing tool. 

Paid tools like Ahref, SEMrush, Keyword Insights, Keyword Everywhere, etc are available in the market and are actively used by people to find out keywords, keyword trends, and content ideas. 


  • Competitor Research

 This is one of the underrated forms of research in digital marketing, but the most powerful tactic is to find relevant opportunities by researching their competitors. There are tools that allow spying on your competitor and their keywords.

Competitor Research



Keyword Research is an essential part of digital marketing and search engine optimization. It helps you understand what works and what doesn’t.  

“Keywords can either make or break a successful business” Use of the above-mentioned tricks can help you find potential keywords.



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How To Improve The SEO Of Your Website On Google Search

How To Improve The SEO Of Your Website On Google Search?

We all know that search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo are serving millions of users per day who are looking for answers to their questions or for solutions to their problems. Google alone has more than 3.5 billion searches per day. If you want your website to rank higher in Google searches you will need to play by Google’s rules and need to learn how to improve the SEO of your website. Top Google rankings are a pinnacle of online business prosperity.

As per the latest survey, the first result on Google gets 31.7 percent of all clicks while results on the second page receive just 0.78 percent of clicks. One of the best ways to ensure that you are making maximum use of your content is by improving your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. This article will focus on how to improve the SEO of your website on Google searches.


What is SEO and Why is it important?

SEO can be understood as a set of rules for optimizing your website so that it can achieve higher rankings in search engine organic results. Website SEO is the process to follow to increase the visibility of your website in search engines and get more traffic.

SEO is important for online business because it can keep you at a higher place on Google search, it improves the usability of a website, it helps in increasing your website’s trust among users, and it also helps to put you ahead of your competitors. If you have a website, blog, or online store, SEO can help you get free targeted traffic from search engines.

What is SEO and Why is it important?


Tips to improve the SEO of your website

Follow these suggestions to improve your SEO or improve your Google search ranking for your website:

1. Understand the Google ranking algorithm

To improve Google search ranking it is very important to know the Google algorithm. Google is a platform that constantly changes its algorithm and most of these changes aren’t publicly announced. Google usually shares major update announcements but the exact inner workings of the algorithm are still unknown.

The best knowledge we have of Google’s algorithm comes in the form of major updates like the content should be relevant and not copied, mobile compatible websites will get priority, websites should not use unnatural links to boost their rankings, etc.

Understand the Google ranking algorithm

2. Know your current search ranking

To improve your Google ranking, you should first need to know where you stand. There are many tools like Semrush which help to assess your rank. You can compare your SEO keyword ranking with your competitors here and find out where you have to improve your website’s Google ranking.

Know your current search ranking

3. Improve your page loading speed

Page loading time plays an important role in website SEO tactics. If your website load speed is low your ranking will get harmed as Google will recognize it very quickly. A slow website will also impact the way your website visitors engage with your pages. The latest research shows that 40% of visitors will abandon websites if the page takes longer than 3 seconds to load. So, it is extremely important to optimize both your page speed and server response time.

page loading speed

4. Create your content around a Primary keyword and relevant Secondary keywords

Understanding what keywords are best for your target audience and content type can help you build a strong content strategy to boost SEO. Your content should be written in such a way that it flows naturally. Primary and secondary keywords should naturally come up in your content so that you don’t have to stuff your content forcefully.

Create your content around a Primary keyword and relevant Secondary keywords

5. Improve site navigation

Search engines reward sites that provide a positive user experience. If site visitors cannot find what they are looking for, they will most likely leave your site. This will impact your bounce rate, time that visitors spend on your website, number of pages they view, and ultimately it impacts your search engine rankings.

To avoid this, keep your website easy to navigate. Developing a clear navigational structure will help visitors find what they are looking for in your site. The rule of thumb for navigation is to never make a page more than 3 clicks away.

Improve site navigation

6. Optimize your website for mobile devices

One of the important SEO tips is to optimize your website for mobile devices. That’s because over 60% of Google searches are coming from mobile devices. Google recognizes this aspect and ranks websites accordingly. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, it’ll hinder the user experience, adversely affecting your Google ranking.

Optimize your website for mobile devices

7. Expand your Backlink portfolio

A big part of SEO strategy deals with backlinks and whether you are generating backlinks from high-authority sites. Backlinks increase the credibility of your website. All of your data claims should be linked to trustworthy and authoritative sources. A diverse backlink portfolio tells Google that your site is an authoritative source and that you are generating links in a natural way.

Expand your Backlink portfolio

8. Use effective header tags

Using effective header tags helps search engines understand your content better. Headers let search engines know what your content is about, and if you insert proper keywords into headers, the search engines will have an even better understanding of your content.

If your site is just a wall of text, it’s going to discourage people from spending a long time on it. Headers make everything look more appealing, which is always beneficial. By using effective header tags in your content people will love to read your content and spend more time on it, and subsequently, your SEO ranking will rise.

Use effective header tags

9. Optimize images

Optimizing images on your website is a good SEO strategy. Huge images can slow down your page loading time and will ultimately hurt your ranking. Resize or compress your images to optimize them. Image optimization helps your content rank higher on Google image search while also improving your site’s visibility.

Optimize images

10. Use clean URLs and Meta descriptions

Your URLs should be clean, focused, and optimized to get most of the search engine ranking results. Your URL should also include the keyword or keywords you are targeting. Meta descriptions must also be optimized to improve the SEO of your website. Keep them concise, clear, and unique.

Use clean URLs and Meta descriptions


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Effective Website Ideas To Start A New Business In 2022

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Do you know that websites can help you earn money? Yes, you can create your own website to earn money. In this article, you will get all your answers to questions like, which website would be the best for new business in 2022, which type of website is best for earning, the best options to f in 2022, etc. Web development is an ever-evolving process in which there is always a scope for new ideas.


Top Profitable Website Ideas for 2022

There are thousands of opportunities available online with profitable website ideas that you can easily convert into income. If you are looking for some effective money-making website ideas to start a new business in 2022 here are some of them:


1. E-commerce website/Online store

An evergreen website idea is to build an eCommerce store. Developing and running an online shopping website is now easier than ever. It does not require you to be a technical person. Most people prefer to buy stuff online rather than in stores. Hence, running an online shopping website is one of the best website ideas for business. E-commerce platforms like Shopify and Woo-commerce can help you to create an online shopping website easily.

E-Commerce Website Online Store

2. Sell online courses

Creating and selling online educational courses is a very popular website idea in 2022. You can create an educational website with courses and study material for students. These types of websites have a vast scope. You can create websites for tuition help. It will help students with their usual academic questions and answers. You can also create educational websites which help learn new languages through guides, videos, and other tutorials. Career guidance-type websites are also a good idea.

Sell Online Courses

3. Start a job Hunt website

Creating a job hunt website is a very popular website idea as most job seekers prefer online job hunting. Job hunt website is easy to monetize and you can make money based on user-generated content. An online job portal allows companies to post job listings and facilitate job seekers by browsing and searching for jobs.

Start A Job Hunt Website

4. Start an online food delivery website

A food delivery website idea will never go out of trend. The online food delivery business is booming tremendously and will be a very profitable website idea. You can bond up with local restaurants and shops and create a website that showcases them which will allow customers to order food online. You can then pass the order to the restaurant or shops and they deliver the food.

Start An Online Food Delivery Website

5. Start a News Website

Starting and Maintaining a News website is also a good website idea in 2022. You can monetize this website idea by using display ads and by selling membership subscriptions. A news website is used by most educated people across the globe. Initially, you can add a few articles apart from current affairs news on your website. Later, you can invite guest authors, start a podcast and sell merchandise to make a sustainable business.

Start A News Website

6. Start a Podcast Website

A podcast is an episode-wise series of audio files that users can subscribe to download and listen to. Podcasting is also a good and trendy website idea. Podcasters are making good money online through sponsorships, advertisements, selling products, and more. Podcasting requires a little knowledge of hardware and some practice with recording and uploading files.

Start A Podcast Website

7. Wedding Website

A website dedicated to weddings and allied rituals is another good website idea for a small business. You can accept membership from people for complete wedding planning services online. Customers can be offered wedding specialized services like photography, videography, event management, etc. This website idea is quite new and it can gain you a lot of money in 2022.

Wedding Website

8. Website for Handmade Artwork

You can create a website to sell handmade products like wooden artwork, picture frames, designs, drawings, and many more. Many people are fond of buying handmade products online and this type of website will surely give a lot of money.

Website For Handmade Artwork

9. Website for Second Hand Products

Starting a website for the sale and purchase of old items is also among the very effective website ideas for a business in 2022. The demand for old items is even more than for new ones. You can build a website platform to buy and sell old products like books, furniture, vehicles, property, gadgets, etc.

Website For Second Hand Products

10. Search for Helpers

An online search platform for services like helpers for basic housework, driving, repairs, washing clothes, and home improvement can do wonders. You can make money by creating such a type of website. It will be really useful for people who find it difficult to find helpers for household tasks. Your website will be very useful for such people and they will not mind shelling out some money for your services.

search for helper

11. Price Comparison Websites for Transport and Travel

Through your website, you can give people an online platform to compare and find the best price for freight and travel services. These types of websites are really very helpful for people and they are money-making too.

Price Comparison Websites For Transport And Travel

12. Search for Healthcare

Another one of the very effective website ideas to earn money is creating a website for healthcare services. This type of website is never out of demand. Your website should provide healthcare services like ambulances, medical stores, specialized hospitals, nurses on rent, medical equipment on rent, and so on.

Search For Healthcare

13. Sports Website

You can create a complete sports website where users can check the latest match scores, read about teams and players, upcoming matches, play quizzes, etc. This is one of the very good website ideas to earn money in 2022.

Sports Website

14. Spiritual Website

You can create a website or blog and motivate people through spiritual learning and techniques to live their lives in a spiritual way. You can collaborate with some spiritual gurus and add their teaching and videos to your website.

Spiritual Website

15. Create a Fashion Brand

You can create your fashion website. Fashion and lifestyle are other profitable website ideas that have a ton of potential. You can create your own unique fashion brands, such as stickers and prints, and sell brand products online through a website.

Create A Fashion Brand

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10 Best Practices for Small Business Website

One of the most significant and most popular ways of building an online presence is by creating a website. In this digital era, businesses are beginning to rely more on their websites as the primary contact point.  Consequently, small businesses need to be very attentive to what their sites are saying to customers. Once you establish an online presence, you can develop a more detailed digital marketing strategy. Your strategy will depend on your business goals.  

It is very likely that as a small business, you have encountered the concept of digital marketing. While it appears easy, there is so much more to this concept than just the surface. Before we go into the best practices, we must understand why a small business website is crucial.

Any small business’s primary aim is to produce some sort of sales. It could be a product or a service you want the community to purchase. Your business needs to be seen. Not just by word of mouth- even though this will also get you somewhere. Still, you want something that will get you noticed by the masses.

Your small business requires a website for two key reasons:

  • Accessibility- 
    A small business website provides a platform where potential clients and customers can access it 24/7. Most companies or businesses close at a particular time of the day. This means access is limited to the specified time. Having a business website solves this problem effectively and efficiently. That is because a website remains open for accessibility throughout. So, your customers and your potential buyers won’t be limited to strict business hours.


  • Visibility- 
    No product will sell unless people see it. The same concept applies even to small businesses. Visibility is one key factor in attracting and getting sales for small businesses. It goes a long way in enhancing brand recognition and building authority in whatever field you are in. The first place that will provide potential customers with information regarding your products and services is your business website. Not just that. It also provides a business with a place to produce and release valuable content to help drive sales and build reputability.


This article looks at some of the best practices for building and improving a small business website. It will give your insight into web design standards such as color scheme, navigation, and utilization of your social media and email marketing to ensure more tremendous business success and leads optimization. Let’s jump right in, shall we?

10 Best Practices For Small Business Website

10 Best Practices for Small Business Website

1. Use a Simple and Easy-to-Use Navigation

When it comes to website loading, the less time it takes for people to find what they are looking for, the better. Most people expect minimal loading time and simple navigation. One clear thing is that you really don’t have the luxury of time through your website. If visitors do not find what they are looking for, they will get frustrated and leave your site.
Consider following this navigation layout for your website:

– Home
– About Us
– Services/Products/Who We Serve
– Blog/Content
– Contact Us

You can choose to include subheadings to provide further guidance to consumers on the information they are looking for. The most important thing is that you do not want to overload your navigation system. Ensure that your most important pages have the highest accessibility. Optimize the viewer experience of your site if you’re going to make all the difference for your brand.

2. Focus on Developing a Good Design

A good design creates a good impression. A good impression will attract more leads and more sales, eventually. The overall design of your small business website is very vital. It is not just the face of your brand. Your small business website has the potential to attract new business and convert consumers to clients. Don’t just for an aesthetically pleasing design. Your web design must be functional. It must appeal to your consumer’s senses. When visitors come across your site, what do they see, hear, and feel? This appeal will directly affect your reputation.

3. Invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Visibility is a very critical aspect when it comes to your small business website. Does your site appear in Google search results? Search engine optimization is a very vital practice. If you are hoping to stand apart from your competitors, invest in learning how to optimize your site and its content. It’s okay if you cannot do it yourself- that’s why we have experts, right? In the long run, you will be able to increase the overall quality and quantity of your website’s traffic, helping gain exposure to your brand through organic search engine results.

4. Be Familiar with the Content you Create

Are you looking to build your brand’s exposure? Or perhaps you want to create a sense of trust and authority with your small business website? Simple- check on your content creation. Is it SEO optimized? Because SEO-optimized content will help bring in those views that will hopefully convert into sales down the line. It’s not about any random stuff. This is an opportunity for you to take advantage of your site.

Let your site be a place to expand your knowledge of your business. Let it be a platform for you to showcase your expertise. Make use of social media channels to drive traffic to your site. It’s not about any random stuff. This is an opportunity for you to take advantage of your site. Let your site be a place to expand your knowledge of your business. Let it be a platform for you to showcase your expertise. Make use of social media channels to drive traffic to your site.

5. Provide Contact Information

An up-to-date and readily available contact information will make it easy for sure prospects to reach you. And that’s not all. Contact information shows how credible your business is. People will find it difficult to believe you if they have a hard time connecting with you. Your prospects will have a hard time believing you can help them with what they need. Ensure you provide up-to-date contact details, including your phone number and email address.

6. Build a Mobile-Friendly Website

Most people access websites via their mobile phones. You might build a great website that looks fantastic when viewed on a desktop or laptop. But if your website becomes very cluttered, disorganized, and difficult to navigate when viewed on a cell phone or tablet, you may need to rethink.  A mobile-unfriendly website will cause you to lose potential leads. About 8 out of 10 consumers will stop engaging with a site that does not display content properly on their device. Go for a responsive design that automatically adjusts to the size of your website. It will serve all devices with the same code that adjusts for every screen size.

7. Social Media

No one can understate the power of social media in business. And you can use the various social media platforms to promote your brand and even drive content. In line with this, ensure you link your social accounts anywhere you can. You can connect it to your emails, guest posts, social bios, or blog articles.
More than two-thirds of the existing websites include social media website icons in the footer.

This kind of statistic already shows that this is a standard. It is one of the best practices recommended for the most traffic to your site. Your social media icons will steer your audience outside your website. Because of this, it may cost you traffic increasing the bounce rates and hurt results. For this reason, place your social media icons in your site’s footer. This ensures that a visitor only finds the social icons by the time they’ve probably explored your site for a while.

8. Email Marketing

Although considered an older form of maintaining connection, email marketing is still one of the most effective ways of conducting a follow-up. Email marketing plays a significant role in keeping customers and potential customers in the loop of your services and content. By looking at statistics, email marketing is still a very relevant form of marketing. Ensure that your site’s email capture forms synchronize with your email marketing system to enable smooth access and connection.

9. Consistency

Make your website consistent with the look of your business cards, brochures, and other promotional materials. Your website serves as a point of contact with your customers. Inconsistency will lead to confusion between projects. Customers will not be sure of who they are dealing with—being consistent shows that you are organized and have your act together as a business.

10. Display Quality Photos

HubSpot reports that people can recall up to 65% of visually depicted information for 72 hours. On the other hand, they can only remember 10% of the information they hear for the same period. About 37% of the population are visual learners. Using this to your advantage, you should feature high-quality photos and logos. Quality photos that speak about your brands will help your audience gauge your brand and content quickly. In what way are quality photos compelling?

    • You will attract more views to your site. The more the views, the higher the chances of conversion.
    • You will decrease the bounce rate. A reduced bounce rate means more traffic and a chance to rank higher.
    • Photos from a link between customer and company. In the long run, users are more likely to choose your services.
    • Photos increase user engagement which makes them spend more time on your site.


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