Ancy Williams

How Google Web Crawler Works: Ultimate Guide in 2022

How Google Web Crawler Works: The Ultimate Guide in 2022

A search engine provides easy access to information online, but Google web crawler/web spiders play a vital role in rounding up online content. Search engines organize the online content based on the web pages and the websites visible to them. Moreover, they are very essential for your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Google’s web crawlers scour online data and feed results to the machine so that they can be indexed for relevance on SERPs. If you want your site to appear on search engine rank pages, you must give Google bots something to crawl.

In this article, we talk about 

  1. What is a Google web crawler? 
  2. How does Google search work?
  3. How do Google robots crawl your website?
  4. Why Google web crawlers are important for SEO?
  5. What are the roadblocks for Google web crawlers?
  6. How to improve web crawling?


What is a Google Web Crawler?

Google web crawlers also referred to as Google bots, Google robots, or Google spiders are digital bots that crawl across the world wide web (www) to discover and index web pages for search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. Google doesn’t know what sites exist on the internet. Google search engine bots have to crawl websites and index them before they deliver the right pages for the right keywords, and phrases people use to search a page.

Let’s say, for instance, you go to a new store for grocery shopping. You might walk down the aisle and look at the products before you pick out what you need.

Likewise, search engines also use Google web crawlers as their helpers to browse the internet for web pages before storing that page data to use for future searches.


How does Google search work?

To better understand the Google web crawlers, firstly you must know how Google search generates web page search results.

How does Google search work?

Google follows three main steps to generate these search results:

1. Crawling

Google web crawling means the search engine using Google robots to find out new content through a network of hyperlinks. The networking starts from an unknown page or through a sitemap.

2. Indexing 

Once a page is found, Google tries to understand what it is about and stores that information into a gigantic database known as Google index. This process is called indexing.

3. Ranking 

When a query is entered into the Google search box, Google finds the highest quality answers and then ranks them by the order of relevance, and finally serves them as a list called Search engine rank pages. The pages that appear on this list are highly ranked based on whether they offer the best answers while considering other ranking factors such as language, location, and devices.


How do Google robots crawl your website? 

When you launch a new website, Google web crawlers will discover it eventually. The bots crawl through the texts, images, videos, and more. If you want Google web crawlers to find and index your site quickly, you must follow these three easy steps:

    • Create a sitemap is a map that provides directions to the web crawlers for crawling. A Sitemap is uploaded to your root directory.
    • Use Google webmaster tools to submit your website.
    • Ask Google to index your website  Search engines try to crawl every URL which comes in its way, so if a URL is a non-text file such as a video, or an image, it will not read that file if it doesn’t have any relevant filename & metadata. 


Google search engines crawl the websites by passing between the links on the web pages. If your newly launched website doesn’t have links connecting your pages to others, you can ask Google search engines to crawl a website by submitting your URL on Google Search Console. Web crawlers act as an explorer in the new land. They are always hunting for discoverable links on pages and index them once they understand their features. 

Remember, Google website crawlers only sift through public pages on sites, they can’t crawl through private pages. Private web pages where the search bots can’t reach are labeled as “dark web”. Google robots or crawlers, while they are on the page, gather useful information about the page, and then the web crawlers store these pages in their index. Google search algorithm helps to rank your website high for the users. 


Why Google Web Crawlers are important for SEO?


Why Google Web Crawlers are important for SEO?

SEO helps to improve your website for better ranking. SEO efforts are designed to help a site gain online visibility. For ranking your website higher on SERPs, it is important for your pages to be searchable and readable for Google web crawlers, Google bots, Google robots, or say Google spiders. Crawling is the first way Google search engines look for your pages, but frequent and regular crawling helps them display changes made on your website. Since crawling goes beyond the beginning of your search engine optimization campaign, you can consider web crawler behavior as a proactive measure for helping you appear first on the SERPs and improve your UX.

Without web crawlers to scour online data and verify that the content exists, all SEO efforts will be unproductive.

Crawl budget management 

The amount of time that Google spends crawling a website is called as “site’s crawl budget”. The general theory of web crawling says that the web has infinite space, exceeding Google’s ability to explore and index each URL available online. As a result, there are limits to how much time Google web crawlers can spend time crawling any single website. Web crawling gives your new website a chance to appear in the top SERPs. You don’t get unlimited crawling from Google search engines. Google has a website crawl budget that guides its crawlers in – how often to crawl, which page to scan, and how much server pressure to accept. Heavy activity from web crawlers and visitors can overload your website.

To keep your website running smoothly, you can adjust web crawling through the crawl capacity limit and crawl demand.

Crawl budget management

The crawl budget is determined by-

1. Crawl capacity limit/crawl rate limit 

Crawl rate limit monitors fetching on websites so that the loading speed doesn’t suffer or result in a surge of an error. Google web crawlers want to crawl your site without overloading your server. The crawl capacity limit is calculated as the maximum number of concurrent connections that Google bots use to crawl a site, as well as the delay between fetches.

The crawl capacity limit varies depending on :

    • Crawl health

      If your website responds quickly for some time, the crawl rate limit goes up, which means more connections can be used to crawl.  If the website slows down, the crawl rate limit goes down and Google bots crawl less.

    • Limit set by the website owner in the Google search console

      A website owner can reduce the web crawling of their site.

    • Google’s crawling limit

      Google has so many machines, but they are still limited. Hence, we need to make choices with the resources we have. 

2. Crawl demand

It is the level of interest Google and its users have in your site. If do not have huge followings yet, then Google web crawlers won’t crawl your site as often as the highly popular ones. 

Here are three main factors that play important role in determining the crawl demand:

    • Popularity

Popular URLs on the Internet tend to be crawled more often to keep them fresh in the index.

    • Staleness

Systems want to recrawl documents frequently to pick up any alterations.

    • Perceived inventory

Without any guidance, Google web crawlers will try to crawl almost every URL from your website. If the URLs are duplicates and you don’t want them to be crawled for some reason, this wastes a lot of time on your site. This is a factor that you can control easily.

Additionally, events like site moves may increase the crawl demand to re-index the content under new URLs.

Crawl rate capacity and crawl demand together define the “site’s crawl budget”.


What are the roadblocks for Google web crawlers?

There are a few ways to block Google web crawlers from crawling your pages purposely. Not every page from your website should rank in search engine rank pages, these crawler roadblocks help to protect sensitive, redundant, irrelevant, or useless pages from appearing for keywords.

There are two types of roadblocks for crawlers:

    • Noindex meta tag 

It stops the Google search engine from indexing and ranking a particular web page. You should apply the noindex to the admin pages, internal search results, and thank you pages.

    • Robot.txt file

It is a simple text file placed on your server which tells Google web crawlers whether they should access the page or not.


How to improve web crawling?

How long does it take for the Google search engine to crawl a website? It depends on the number of pages your website has and the quality of hyperlinks. To improve the site crawling you have to:

1. Verify that your website is crawlable

Google accesses the web anonymously and will be able to spot all the elements of your web page only if everything is in order. The first thing you should do to improve your web crawling is by verifying that search engines like Google can reach your website’s pages.

2. Create a solid homepage

If you ask Google to crawl your page, start from your homepage, as it is the most important part of your website. To encourage Google web crawlers to crawl your website thoroughly, make sure that your home page contains a solid navigation system that links to all key sections of your site.

3. Beware of links that violate the guidelines

You can improve your site crawling by linking your web page with another page that Google web crawlers are aware of.



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How to Increase Domain Authority using High-Quality backlinks?

How To Increase Domain Authority Using High-Quality Backlinks?

Are you wondering how to improve your marketing plan? Or how to rank your website higher on Google? If so, then you might have heard the term “Domain Authority”.

For people working on search engine optimization it is important to know that among the several ranking factors on Google, domain authority is one of the important factors.

But, do you know what your domain authority is?

Let’s dive in to understand all about the term “ Domain Authority”

Table of Contents

    • What is Domain Authority?
    • What is a Backlink?
    • Why Backlinks?
    • What is a Good Domain Authority Score?
    • How is Domain Authority Calculated?
    • How to Boost Domain Authority?
    • How to Check Domain Authority?


What is Domain Authority?


domain authority

Domain authority of a website is a search engine ranking score that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Domain authority metric developed by Moz helps local businesses figure out where they may rank on search engines. They predict a page’s possible ranking through several channels, including hyperlinks to your website from another reputable site. Domain authority means the number of relevant backlinks your website has. The relevance of Backlinking also contributes to your Domain authority score.

But, how does Google determine what website to rank numbers 1, 2, and 3? 

It comes down to SEO, right? Well, it is more in-depth than that. Google has more than 200 factors; the number one factor that affects Google’s ranking is backlinks” 

what is a backlink? Why backlinking strategy is so crucial in 2022?


What is a Backlink?



Backlinks are incoming links or one-way links coming from one website to a page on another website. Google considers these backlinks as “votes”. You can link your website with another website that has the same industry as yours. 

For example, imagine that you published an article about “weight loss” on your website. Next, you might want website A, which has published an article on “weight loss diet plans” on his site to link to your website. In this case, Google will put more weight on links from sites about weight loss, weight loss diet plans, and so on. Here, website A has an external link to your website; your website has a backlink from the website.


Why backlinks?

Backlinks are votes from different websites. These votes increase the value and credibility of your content. More backlinks mean more votes, and more votes mean higher ranking. Pages with a high number of quality backlinks tend to have a higher ranking on Google search result pages. But, not all backlinks are valuable. 

A single but high-quality backlink from a relevant website having a high domain authority is more powerful than thousands of low-quality backlinks. 

Now that you know the advantages of backlinks, you can use them in your marketing strategies to improve your Domain authority ratings.


What is a Good Domain Authority Score?


What is a Good Domain Authority Score?

Domain authority score ranges from 1 to 100. 100 DA score is like Google, a YouTube. It works on a logarithmic scale, in which it’s easier to go from 1 to 10, than going from 10 to 20. A high domain authority score means you are likely to see increased ranking and more traffic. 

So, if you can get a lot of backlinks, you can get them from relevant sites and you can get them from authoritative sites that have high domain authority, your rankings are going to climb up. When you launch a new website its domain authority is 1. Local businesses which have fewer backlinks have lower Domain authority scores (possibly between the range of 10 to 20).

DA score is categorized as:

    • Below 30 is poor
    • 30 to 40 is below average
    • 40 to 50 is average
    • 50 to 60 is good
    • 60 to 70 is very good
    • Above 80 is excellent


Domain authority helps you to find out a website’s performance in search engine results. Are you wondering how domain authority is calculated? 

Let’s find out…


How Domain Authority is Calculated?


How Domain Authority is Calculated?

Different tools use different methodologies to calculate Domain authority. Moz alone uses 40 different factors to provide you with a website’s Domain Authority score.

The following 5 factors are used to calculate the DA score

    • MozRank 

MozRank counts the number of incoming links to a web page. It also checks the quality of these websites that provides your page with an inbound link or a backlink.

    • Link Profile 

This includes internal links and external links from the web page. So, if your post links to a high-authority website and gets linked back by other websites with high domain authority, then you would get a good DA score.

    • Root Domains 

When looking at your website, Moz also looks for the number of unique backlinks. If you have several backlinks from a single website then Moz considers it as a single root domain. That is why it is important to get backlinks from different websites. 

    • Moz Trust 

Moz checks out the trustworthiness of the website linking to your site. If you get a link from a governmental site or a university website then you are likely to get a high domain authority score.

    • Website structure 

For a high Domain score, you need to make sure that your website structure is easy for web crawlers like Google for crawling your pages. You also have to provide a user-friendly structure to give a great user experience to your visitors.


How to Boost Domain Authority?

Boosting your website’s domain authority is a long-term process. More backlinks and better traffic can help you to increase your Domain authority. It’s important to focus on being the best resource for your users to improve your domain ratings.

Here are some ways to increase your website’s domain authority:

1. Acquire high-quality backlinks from high-authority websites 


Backlinks play a crucial role in calculating a site’s domain authority. But, the backlinks must be high-quality ones. According to a report, 53 % of websites don’t get any organic traffic since they don’t utilize backlinks. There are multiple ways to discover backlinks and strengthen your profile. To get started you can look into your top referral sources and find relevant sites for backlinking opportunities.

There are many tools that can help you spy on your competitor’s backlink sources, you can acquire the same for backlinking. You can also secure high-quality links from reputed websites through guest posting.

2. Create great content that’s link-worthy


By creating good content, you can compel visitors to link to your website. How a good content plays role in backlinking?  Well, if your content is helpful people will start to share your content with others. This increases your chances of getting backlinks from high-authority sites, like government websites, university sites, etc. Linking to a high-authority website will help you to boost your root domains and increase your domain authority score.

3. Remove bad links

Auditing your website is an important step to improving your DA score. While incoming links are vital for your website’s domain authority and ranking, having unnecessary bad links can affect your DA score. Links coming from spammy websites lead to more harm than good. Sometimes it can even lead to a penalty from Google. To prevent this from happening, you should audit your website and remove all the toxic links as soon as possible.  Using various SEO tools, you can identify harmful links and remove them easily from your website.

4. Optimize your website 


Always remember your website’s structure and user-friendliness are the factors that drive traffic to your website. With proper structure, search engines can crawl your web pages easily and index them on search results. You can create a sitemap in WordPress which will then help the search engine crawlers to navigate through relevant pages with ease. A sitemap includes all the important pages of your site.

Google has gone mobile-first, so you should check how well your website works on smartphones. You must ensure that your website functions properly, and loads quickly.  You must also ensure that your website is safe to use. This can be done by getting an SSL certificate and moving your website to HTTPS.

5. Improve internal links


To provide a better user experience and to reduce the bounce rate on your site you must improve your internal link structure. With internal links, you can help search engine bots to crawl your website and index your pages on search results. Another benefit of proper link structure is that it passes link juice from one page to another page. Link juice refers to the value of a page that is passed to other pages. It builds the trustworthiness of your website which adds up to boost your domain authority. Plugins like All in One SEO can help you to improve your internal linking strategy.


How to Check Domain Authority of a Website?

It’s really simple,

1. Ahrefs 

Go to, put in a URL and you will get the domain authority score of your website. Ahrefs calls it a domain rating. It uses its own algorithm to calculate the DA score so you might see the variation in the score if you compare it with other tools.

2. Moz Link Explorer

.Moz Link Explorer

Go to Moz Link Explorer, enter the URL of any website, and view the Domain Authority score. Moz Link explorer also provides information about the number of unique backlinks, root domains, and keywords ranking for a specific domain. 

3. SEMrush


Go to the backlink analytics in SEMrush, and view the domain authority score of your or your competitor’s website in the overview tab. SEMrush is a very popular SEO tool that provides data about the Domain authority of any website.

Various authority checker tools help to determine the current domain authority score of a website. The best practice is to check your Domain authority score once a month.



Domain authority may seem complicated in the beginning, but all you have to do is put the right pieces in the right place to increase your DA steadily. 

Remember that the Domain authority score won’t climb up overnight. It is a long-term strategy. Utilize the points as we have explained in this article and wait for the results. 

For any queries on domain authority, message us or leave a comment.  

And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, and Instagram for more such helpful articles.


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How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses in 2022

How to Create Digital Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses in 2022

Are you looking for a digital marketing guide to grow your small-sized business?  

Then you are on the right page. In this article, you will learn the basics as well as advanced digital marketing tactics to grow your small business.  

But first of all, let’s have a detailed understanding of ‘Digital marketing’.


What is Digital Marketing? 


What is Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is the act of advertising your business and selling products and services online. Digital Marketing is any form of marketing that involves the internet and online-based digital technologies such as social media, web applications, mobile apps, websites, email, and search engines.  

Digital marketing is a dynamic process that allows two-way communication between a business and its customers. Traditional ways of marketing that use newspapers, Print-ads, or billboard ads are starting to become a rare sight. With Startups growing significantly every year by 10% in our country, it is important to create a solid digital marketing strategy to build a successful digital presence for your brand to expand your business.


Why Digital Marketing?


Why Digital Marketing?

Social media platforms like Facebook and Google generate more revenue than traditional media companies because they control more eyeballs. Today, online and offline worlds are coming together. In the future, traditional devices will be modernized to leverage digital media. A digital marketing strategy helps your business reach digital goals. That is why digital marketing matters.

If you are a local business owner still postponing your digital marketing plans due to reasons like lack of knowledge and limiting yourself to a particular kind of marketing strategy?  

Then better read this article till the end to discover the benefits of digital marketing for small businesses.


What is Digital Marketing Strategy for  Small Businesses?

Digital Marketing strategy involves many different channels such as online ads,  blogs, and social media for promoting small businesses to a wide audience of prospective customers. It is an online marketing strategy designed to optimize the promotion of business online. 

Here are a few commonly used digital marketing ideas: 

    • Search engine optimization (SEO) 
    • Search engine marketing (SEM) 
    • Social media marketing(SMM)
    • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising  
    • Content marketing 
    • Email marketing 
    • Affiliate marketing 
    • SMS marketing


1. Search engine optimization (SEO) 

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization is a  practice of improving your online content’s search engine ranking on major search engines like Google. It can be achieved by prioritizing certain keywords and phrases.  

2. Search engine marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing

Search engine marketing is used in conjunction with SEO. It leverages paid ads to improve visibility within the search engine.

3. Social media marketing (SMM) 

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is the practice of utilizing social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. to promote business products and services. 

Influencer marketing is a type of SMM that involves product mentions,  product placements, and endorsements from top social media influencers.  In simple words, influencer marketing is used by companies to collaborate with social media influencers to create sponsored content and giveaways to educate people about their products and services. 

4. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising 

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

Pay-per-click is an online method of advertising where a company pays the publisher only when a person clicks on the advertisements. 

5. Content marketing 

Content marketing

Content marketing focuses on creating, distributing,  and promoting relevant and attractive content to improve engagement at the website. Examples of content marketing are texts, blogs, podcasts,  webinars, videos, e-books, case studies, infographics, etc. 

6. Email marketing 

Email marketing

Email marketing helps businesses to send promotional content and offers directly to the inboxes of prospective customers via email. Automated Newsletters are most commonly used in Email marketing. 

7. Affiliate marketing 

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy in which a company pays a commission to an external website for traffic and sales generated by its referrals.  

8. SMS marketing 

SMS marketing

SMS stands for ‘Short Message Service’. SMS marketing allows a company to directly send text messages about offers,  promotions, news updates, and campaigns to their customers via SMS. 

There are two types of SMS messaging:

    • Transactional messaging

      It delivers information like order confirmation or shipping details. It helps to keep the customer updated and thereby builds customer loyalty. 

    • Promotional messaging

      It sends messages that include promotions of an offer, new product, or service. It helps to drive sales.

Now, the next question knocking for an answer must be  


How Much Digital Marketing Will Cost  A Small Business?

Well, the cost of digital marketing varies as per business size, business revenue,  and business goals. For example: 

    • Basic Digital Marketing – For Startups and Small businesses Intermediate Digital Marketing – Mid-sized businesses 
    • Advanced Digital Marketing – Large or enterprise businesses 


Startups and small businesses have a low marketing budget. So, they focus on cost-effective and basic digital marketing plans that include blogs, websites, and social media to drive traffic and generate revenue at a low price point. The cost of a basic digital marketing plan is several hundred dollars a month. Smaller businesses can start with the basic digital marketing plan and look forward to developing methods to reach the intermediate and advanced levels of digital marketing strategies.


Top Benefits of Digital Marketing  Strategy for a Small Business 

A digital marketing business plan is one of the best formulas for small businesses to engage and build connections with existing, new, and future customers. 

Utilizing smart digital marketing methods, you can reach a wider market of potential customers.  

Let’s discuss the advantages of using digital marketing strategies. 

1. Global reach

Global reach

Traditional forms of marketing strategies are restricted by geography while digital marketing happens online. It means that this online marketing strategy helps you to reach globally. Even a small business owner can reach the global market through his online store.  This online accessibility has opened a gateway for small local businesses to grow locally and globally. 

2. Local reach

 Small local businesses rely on local customers staying in their neighborhoods. A digital marketing strategy provides local visibility and brings nearby customers to their doors. 

3. Effective targeting

Effective targeting

Digital marketing allows you to extract data that helps you to find important information like the nature of the audience,  performance metrics of different campaigns, events, and so on. It helps you to modify existing strategies and set them as per business and customer needs.  

4. Lower cost

Lower cost

Digital marketing is cost-effective. This point is one of the biggest benefits for small businesses running on a low budget. Digital marketing helps to generate more leads and also saves money. Small companies can use highly targeted digital marketing strategies to find out cost-effective solutions to compete with large enterprises. Some digital marketing strategies like social media marketing and SEO won’t even cost you a penny. 

5. Multiple digital marketing strategies

Multiple digital marketing strategies

Depending upon the nature of a  business digital marketing provides different types of strategies. A small business like B2C might be a local business selling clothes that aims to gain local visibility. Every business owner needs to find out their business goals and choose an appropriate digital marketing plan to transform their business. 

6. Multiple content type

Digital marketing is not limited to traditional marketing, it provides you with more coverage. You have a wide range of content types like blogs, podcasts, webinars, infographics, e-books,  visual content, emailers, and whitepapers. You can choose any type of content, and reproduce it to fit as many platforms as you want. 

7. Increases engagement

Increases engagement

Digital Marketing or online marketing is highly engaging by default. Half of the world’s population is online every day.  The more you engage online, the more numbers of loyal customers you can reach. Users can share their blogs, save videos and engage with websites. This helps you increase brand awareness and drive sales.  Nowadays customers generally conduct online research to evaluate reviews before making a purchase. The first step starts with a search engine. In this way, small businesses with developed search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and pay-per-click strategies can connect with customers immediately and increase engagement rates. 

8. Analytics


Web analytics helps you to measure the performance of digital marketing campaigns in real-time This helps you to find out the flaws, optimize future campaign strategies and fix any possible errors on time. 


How to Create a Digital Marketing  Strategy for Small Businesses?

Digital marketing is crucial for all types of businesses and choosing the best marketing strategy is the key to success. Let us learn how to create a digital  marketing strategy for small businesses step-by-step

    • Determine your goals
    • Evaluate your existing digital marketing presence
    • Build your customer persona
    • Locate your customers at all funnel stages
    • Implement specific guidelines to reach your goals
    • Incorporate automation and personalization
    • Track your results

1. Determine your goals 

 Determine your goals

Companies marketing objectives must be tied to their major business goals. For example, if a business objective is to raise their online revenue by 30% then the marketing team’s objective might be to generate 60% of more leads through the website than the previous year.  Monitor the progress of your goals and modify your marketing strategy to improve the results. 

2. Evaluate your existing digital marketing presence

 Even if your digital marketing presence is close to “zero”, it is important to find out what your business has accomplished till now. Before building a digital marketing strategy, is it essential to know your digital presence in the market?  You must understand your main marketing channels like website, SEO,  email marketing, or Pay per click advertising to find out which of these are driving more leads and traffic to you. Start ranking each channel from most effective to least effective. 

3. Build your customer persona 

Build your customer persona

Once you know your business goals the next step is to know your target customers. But, how will you do it? Well,  simply put yourself in your customer’s shoes. This will help you to understand what would appeal to your customers from their point of view.  To create a customer persona you need to research, survey, or even interview your target customers.  

Firstly, create narratives like what does this person shop for? Where is he from? What does he read? Which social media channels can you find him on?  

Secondly, get more specific about their need. Ask yourself What do they need? What are their preferences? How can you help them meet their expectations?  

Combining quantitative information (location, age, income, job title) and qualitative information (goals, challenges, interests, priorities) can help you build an accurate and effective buyer persona that will be highly valuable to your business. 

4. Locate your customers at all funnel stages

Now that you know your audiences, the next step is to know how and where to find them. To locate your audience, you need to again refer to your analytics and cross-reference it with your customer’s persona.  

Let’s say, for instance, you are a room designing company. You decorate all types of rooms from a baby nursery, Girls/boys’ room, living room, or even classrooms for schools. There is a chance to have a diverse audience looking out for you. 

For example:  

    • Someone who is taking a lot of time to remodel his daughter’s room might discover you by googling phrases like “Best décor ideas for a  girl’s room”. If they find your work featuring in a blog post they might reach you. 
    • Someone interested in a low-budget living room décor finds your sponsored Facebook ad about discounts on your services. 
    • Someone who has already hired you once, and who you now include in your email campaign featuring offers that you are providing only to the old customers. 


Once you have all this information you can start to target different groups of customers via different channels.  

5. Implement specific guidelines to reach your goals

 Now that you have understood how and where to find your target customers, the next step is to tie everything together and create a specific plan to reach your goals. For example,  

    • Place lead magnets on the sides of all blogs, along with a call-to-action button at the end of your post. 
    • Share influencer content on social media to increase visibility and brand recognition. 
    • Encourage users to submit reviews on Google business to improve their local SEO score. 


6. Incorporate automation and personalization

As your campaign starts running, you need to find out more ways to make it as impactful and effective as possible. There are two ways – personalization and automation. Sometimes personalized messages are automatically delivered to the customers as a result of their actions. 

For example, if you purchase a product from Amazon, you might see a list of similar products as ads on your social media channels. 

Personalization and automation can take your marketing strategy one step further. 

7. Track your results

Track your results

Once you have the strategy in place, the final step is to look for holes in your digital marketing plan. If your strategy is up and running on a long-term basis, you must evaluate how your strategy is working. Monitor the progress chart of your campaigns at the end of every month. Note down which strategy is performing like a superstar. To keep track of multiple elements and campaigns, maintain a spreadsheet to compare the results of your campaign. Use metrics tools that are available on social media. Keep a habit of frequently engaging with your users. 



Marketing without a strategy is like driving with your eyes closed. Trust me – only the right strategy and the right content in place can help you get better results.  

Are you still looking for more help with implementing your online marketing strategy? Get in touch with us and see how we help you grow your small business to the next level.  

How do you create your digital marketing strategy? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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How to Increase Website Rank Position in Search Engines - The Ultimate Guide in 2022

How to Increase Website Ranking Position in Search Engines – The Ultimate Guide in 2022

Do you have a beautifully designed website with great content to share, but people can’t reach you just because your website wouldn’t rank? An organic search channel is an important factor to obtain new leads. That’s why it is crucial to improve your website ranking in search engines so people can find you more easily than your competitors and visit your website. That’s what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about.

Whether you know the basics of SEO or you are a newbie, to boost your website ranking on search results, SEO needs to be at the top of your priority. This article will help you to understand the process to rank on the first page of Google and to. increase website traffic step-by-step. So, if you are still asking me, “How to Increase Website Ranking Position in Search Engines?” keep reading.


What Is A Search Engine Ranking?


search engine ranking

When you search for your website online, does it come as the first result on the result page?

The spot a URL takes on the result page of a search engine is referred to as Search Engine ranking. This is how search engines rank your website ranking in search results. A wide variety of factors determine a website ranking given to a web page; including the freshness of content, the trustworthiness of the site, and the page’s metadata. All these factors can be influenced by Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as well as purchase ads.

Links are listed from most relevant to least relevant results. The most relevant and top-ranked results will appear at the top of the first few results on the first page. However, relevant web pages that don’t rank as well will appear at the bottom of the first page, or on one of the search result’s subsequent pages. For example, a higher-ranked web page will appear in the number one spot, while a lower-ranked web page will appear in the number nine spot.

Most search results pages highlight ten URLs, along with purchase ads and other features listed on the first page. Every marketer has a goal to achieve the first spot on the search engine results.


High Website ranking positions are a good source of traffic

Higher rankings in search engines will attract more traffic through organic search channels. Higher page ranks in the results for a search query will increase the chance of the searcher clicking on the result. This explains how higher rankings and increased traffic are connected.

Search engine optimization (SEO) can influence search engine rankings. However, different search engines calculate their search results for keywords using highly complex algorithms. Factors like the number of backlinks; usage of keywords in the contents, descriptions, and texts; URL structure; the trustworthiness of the page; page loading time; time spent on the website and bounce back rate; how often the results are clicked by the searchers and so on are assumed to be closely connected to Boost up rankings.


Why Search Rankings are Important for Small Businesses?

According to a study done in 2015, 67 percent of all clicks go to the top five results on the search engine ranking and 95 percent of searchers don’t even look at the subsequent pages. So, “if you are not the first, you are last”. It is clear that businesses that Rank in the number one position on the first page of the search engine results are more likely to –

    • Increase in Profit
    • Increase in Sales
    • Increase in potential customers
    • Maintain brand visibility
    • Retain their ranking position
    • Keep ahead of the competition


Why Search Rankings are Important for Small Businesses

Nowadays people do not search for information in traditional ways. Instead of looking for news in the newspaper, going to the library, and reading books, they reach for a computer, a laptop, or a phone to browse the net. The Internet has become the most powerful medium to increase awareness, visibility, and growth of a business. When you leverage your small business with Artificial Intelligence (AI), search engine optimization (SEO) becomes transformative. This is how your business is found; this is how your business becomes visible.

SEO helps you to build brand awareness for your business as search engine users are more likely to trust a site that ranks high on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Local business owners should utilize SEO to build a strong web presence, bypass competitions, and take their business to the next level.

The right online marketing strategies create amazing results for small businesses, and strategies like these can not only help small business owners generate revenues but also help them to bring qualified potential customers to their sites and provide better conversion rates.


How to Improve Google Search Ranking Step by Step?

Money alone can’t buy a higher ranking in Google searches. You will have to spend a dime to rank higher on Google.

Here are a few steps to help you improve your website rankings on Google:

    • Publish Relevant Content 

The quality of the content is the number one driver for your search engine rankings. The great quality of the content helps you to increase website traffic, which improves your site’s relevance and authority.

Publishes Relevant Content

Fine-tune your writing skills-

      1. First, make sure that your keyword is at the beginning of your title tag. This is because Google puts more emphasis on terms that show up early in your title tag.
      2. Second, make your content at least 1,200 words. According to a study average, Google’s first-page result contains 1,447 words.
      3. Finally, keep Keyword density up to 1%-3%

(Keyword Density = Total Keywords/ Number of words*100)

    • Optimize Keywords 

In SEO keyword optimization is important to discover the right keywords to drive the right traffic from search engines to your website. Keyword research helps you to find out the most searched and relevant keywords for your business.

Optimize Your Keywords


    • Match the Search Intent 

It is very important to match the user intent to keep the leads on your website. You must understand the three W’s – What, When, and Why, people are searching for specific content.

 Match Search Intent


    • Improve Page Speed 

Page load time is one of the key factors to ranking high. Make sure your site is as fast as possible to improve a good user experience and boost your search rank on Google.

 Improve Page Speed


    • Add Backlinks 

Backlinks are links coming from other sites to yours, such links from high domain authority sites help to bring traffic, establish authority and increase website rankings.

Add Backlinks


    • Fix Broken Links 

Quality links in your website content help to boost traffic, but broken links that show error 404 will affect your search rank and increase the bounce rate.

Fix Broken Links


    • Header Tags 

The use of H1 and H2 header tags makes the content more readable and user-friendly. The structural body of the content, and the use of optimized images, headings, and subheadings plays important role in improving the quality of the content, which is most influential in Google search ranking. The best pages are written for the user, not for the search engine.

Header Tags


    • Build Responsive website

Responsive web design is a “Game changer” right now. It will make your website mobile-friendly by improving its UI that automatically scales its content to match the screen size on which it is viewed. It solves many problems like resizing, scrolling, zooming, etc. The user-friendly design increases the amount of time spent by the visitors to your website. It also helps to improve your rankings in Search engines.

Build a responsive website


    • Optimize Local Search 

Nowadays people use their smartphones to reach for businesses “near me”. To get your business found; claim your Google My Business listing, provide relevant content in Google posts, get your business listed in local directories and improve your reputation online with good online reviews.

Optimize Local Search


    • Update the Content Regularly 

Regularly updated content is viewed more often by searchers. Audit your content on a set schedule and be sure to keep it fresh. It will also help you to increase the site’s relevancy.

Update the Content Regularly


    • Tracking and Monitor your Results 

Rank tracking is an important part of SEO workflow. It helps you to get information about how well your business stands in the market. Measuring the impact of your work and monitoring the ranking position in search engine results is an essential factor for SEO success.

Tracking and Monitor your Results

So that was a step-by-step guide to improving website ranking in Google search results. It is the best way to rank higher, but it’s not something you do once. It is an endless job.

Find opportunities… update content… monitor the rankings… track the traffic improvement… and REPEAT!

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How to Start Your Local Business?

How to Start Your Local Business?

If you are looking to start your own business, this article is for you. We will discuss here how to start your local business.  Starting your own business is one of the most exciting ventures and it gives you the independence of becoming your own boss. But it may go wrong if you don’t take the right steps.

In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 55% of businesses last for five years and 20% of businesses can’t even survive for two years.


10 Tips On How To Start Your Local Business

Your planning process plays a key role in determining whether your business will last long or not. If your planning is correct your local business is bound to get success. Let’s discuss some best business tips on how to start your local business.

1. Conduct market research

Conducting market research is the first step toward starting a new business. Market research is critical to help you determine whether your business idea is really practical or not. Market research should include understanding customer behavior, economic trends, product demand, demographic data, market size, location appeal, and pricing. You can gather all this information through existing resources or by conducting surveys and meeting potential customers. After successful market research, you will be able to figure out who your target customer is and how to develop products and services that will sell comfortably.

Conduct market research


2. Write a business plan

Writing a business plan is never too early for starting your local business. A good business plan serves as a guide for every aspect of your new business. Whenever you are thinking of how to start a small business, a business plan is a must. Prepare a business plan to define your business, products, and services, and outline your goal, operating procedures, and competition. Make sure that your plan includes a marketing approach, so people are aware of what you are selling and how to find you.

Write a business plan


3. Create a budget

Your business plan will give you an estimate of how much money would be needed to start your business. Try to maintain a spreadsheet to estimate every expense you anticipate, including costs for overhead, production, and marketing. If you don’t have the required fund, you will need to either raise or borrow the capital.

Create a budget


4. Pick your Business Location

Selecting a business location is one of the most important decisions you will make. You’ll need to find the ideal physical location for your enterprise. This is where you’ll register your business, obtain the required permits and pay the taxes. One of the best business ideas is to pick a business location that is economically cheaper and can attract more people.

Pick your business Location


5. Choose a business structure

Choose a business structure that will suit your preferences. There are different business structures like a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation. It’s very important to choose a suitable business structure for you because it can impact taxes, personal liability, funding liability, and much more. You can consult an attorney or accountant if you are confused about making any decision.

Choose a business structure


6. Choose a name and register your business

Naming your business is one of the most challenging parts of becoming an entrepreneur. Your business name should be one that reflects your brand and captures your spirit. Have a brainstorming session where you can note down every name that comes to mind, then test your favorites with trusted mentors, friends, and colleagues to gauge their reactions and feedback. Take some time to decide your final name and go with it. After finalizing the name, it’s time to make it legal. Register your business with the concerned authorities to get benefits like liability protection, and legal and tax benefits.

Choose a name and register your business


7. Apply for licenses and permits

A legally compliant business will surely run smoothly. The licenses and permits you need for your business will vary by industry type, state, location, and other factors. The requirement and fees will depend on your business size and also the agency issuing the license or permit. Federal and state governments have different charge amounts for licenses and permits.

Apply for licenses and permits


8. Open a business bank account

You must open a business bank account for your small business. Also, it is very important to separate business finances from personal ones. Contact your bank about requirements prior to opening a business account. Having a business bank account is mandatory today because you can’t keep cash all the time and it’s very beneficial when it comes to the safety of your funds.

Open a business bank account


9. Get your business insured

One of the good business ideas is to get your business insured. Insurance protects your financial investment from unforeseen circumstances such as theft, customer lawsuit, or property damage. A general liability policy is sufficient for a small business but if your business is big and you have a good number of employees you should also opt for worker’s compensation insurance.

Get your business insured


10. Create an online presence

If you can afford to, try to have a website for your business. You can also promote your business online by using social media platforms. Your online presence will definitely help you gain some popularity and promotion.

Create an online presence

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Learn How To Manage Your YouTube Channel For Small Business Branding In 2022

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What are the best methods to manage your YouTube channel so that your small business will grow in 2022? Yes, if you are managing your YouTube channel properly then you are here to make a lot of money. In this article we will discuss creating a YouTube channel for small businesses, managing a YouTube channel, YouTube channel tips, YouTube marketing ideas, and many more.


Tips To Manage Your YouTube Channel

Creating a YouTube channel can provide several benefits for both small and large businesses. A YouTube channel provides new ways to get your products and services in front of potential customers. A YouTube channel is a channel within the YouTube website that serves as a homepage for an individual or company’s YouTube account. Anyone who joins YouTube will be given a personal YouTube channel that they can customize and use to share information. Below are the steps to create a successful YouTube channel for your brand or business:-


1. Create a Google account

If you don’t have a Google account, create it. If you already have then you can link it to YouTube. YouTube uses login information from an individual’s Google account to create a YouTube channel.

Create a Google account


2. Set up a YouTube brand account for your business

You can set up a YouTube channel for your business or brand once you have logged into YouTube using your Google credentials. To do this, sign in to your YouTube account and click on the icon at the top right of the screen once logged in. Select the gear icon to go into your YouTube settings. Choose “create a new channel” and then select ” use a business or other name. You can then fill in the “brand name” with your business or brand name and click “create” to finish setting up your YouTube Brand Account.

Set up a YouTube brand account for your business

3. Customize your YouTube brand account

You should first customize your brand account to ensure it appears professional and unique to your company. To add a description to your YouTube channel, click the ”customize channel” button that is displayed at the top of your account page. After that, you can add the description of your company, your location, your email, and other relevant information.

Customize your YouTube brand account

4. Type of content you want to create

You should create those contents that target your desired audience. Creating a variety of content can help keep your channel relevant and attractive to users.


5. Create a Channel Trailer

Create a trailer for your company’s YouTube channel. Keep the trailer short that shows a quick introduction of your brand.

Upload your first video: After editing and finalizing your video, you can upload it on your channel by simply clicking the upload button on the top right of your account screen.


6. Optimize your videos for easy sharing

Insert keywords in the title, tags, and description sections of a video so that it is easy to find by your target audience.

7. Sharing the videos

Once you have uploaded a video to your company’s YouTube channel, you should share the video link on all of your social media platforms.

After creating a YouTube channel, it’s the turn of managing the channel in such a way that it has a strong YouTube presence. You have to be smart enough to understand the YouTube business marketing aspect where the videos should be informative as well as attractive. Here are some YouTube channel tips that will help you in managing your YouTube channel to gain maximum popularity:

Sharing the videos


  • Plan your video content

Planning your video content plays a key role in managing your YouTube channel. Plan your videos ahead of time to keep your content interesting and attract more viewers and subscribers. If you have a theme, stick to it. For example, if you have a health benefits-related YouTube channel, focus on uploading health-related videos only. Having a theme lets your viewers know what to expect from your channel.

  • Use the right equipment and gadgets

Quality videos help attract more viewers. It’s a good YouTube channel tip to have the latest equipment while making videos. DSLR, tripod, and mirrorless cameras can be good to have. This equipment can help you create quality videos with the right lighting and good audio.

  • Look for inspiration from other videos

If you are lacking creative ideas to make your videos, you can watch other videos on YouTube and get ideas from them. There is no harm in taking ideas and inspiration from other sources but try not to copy them.

  • Select your shots wisely

Make sure you’re only uploading quality content to your YouTube channel. Choosing the best shots ensures you keep your viewers engaged. This is yet another video marketing strategy to stay among the best in the YouTube community.

  • Use attractive video titles

To help your video content rank higher on YouTube, use a descriptive and engaging title. This is one of the important aspects of YouTube’s marketing strategy. Include those keywords which are often used by viewers to search for something on the internet and on YouTube. You can also include relevant tags to put your videos in certain categories on YouTube.

  • Engage with your viewers and subscribers

Once you’ve uploaded some videos and received comments from viewers, spend time replying to them. You should also interact with them over social media. It will help you in connecting with viewers and convert them into your channel subscribers. It is a good YouTube idea to be friendly and responsive to your viewers. If they like you and the content you provide, they’re more likely to subscribe to your channel and keep viewing your videos.

  • Upload your videos regularly

When you have started a YouTube channel, it’s important to upload content consistently. Consider having an upload schedule so that your viewers know when they can expect new videos from you. This will help you retain your subscribers with you.

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10 Best Practices For Website Landing Page

10 Best Practices for Website Landing Page

If you have been browsing the internet, chances are you have already come across landing pages. Anyone in the marketing field is no stranger to landing pages. When you click on an ad, you are taken to a page. This page is referred to as a landing page. Sometimes, a landing page can be the page that follows a call-to-action button or one that serves as the homepage of a website. You might have clicked an attractive ad before in a bid to look for more information. Other times, you may have abandoned the website landing page either because it was too confusing or it did not hold enough information.

Essentially, the purpose of a landing page is to encourage you to convert to a lead or customer. This tells you that landing pages are uniquely powerful components of a business’s digital marketing strategy. Usually, landing pages contain lead forms that ask visitors for their contact information in exchange for something valuable, otherwise known as an offer. Regardless of the several existing landing pages, the intent is the same across all of them- to acquire more leads.

Still, building a landing page can be deceptively easy. Regardless of whether you are using a plug-and-play solution like HubSpot, Unbounce, or Marketo to make your landing pages, going in blind is not recommended. This article provides you with some of the best practices proven over time to boost conversion rates. Keep in mind that a targeted, uniquely designed landing page with a solid format and sound copy is all you need to get almost anyone to submit their contact information.

Why do You Need a Website Landing Page?

Imagine how protective you are of your personal information. What will it take for someone to willingly give up their contact information over the internet? Is there a point in creating a particular page just for people to fill out a form? How about just using your homepage or about page?

You will be able to answer all these questions at the end of this article. But to answer briefly, a landing page gets rid of distractions by removing navigation, competing for links, and alternate options to capture your visitor’s full attention. Landing pages are specially designed to create conversions.


Best Practices for Website Landing Page

Let’s now cover the Landing Page best practices that will go a long way in boosting your conversions. 

Best Practices for Website Landing Page

1. Ensure the design is straightforward and easy to navigate

I have no doubt you have ever landed on a page and just got confused or somewhat lost. Or sometimes, you are looking for a particular icon to help you execute a specific command, and you simply can’t find it. Probably because there are too many dropdowns, display ads, and distractions. You may actually be losing conversion because of this reason.

Your landing page design must reflect your brand colors. It should look like something you would want to include on your website. Besides this, you also want to make the page navigable.


2. Create a benefit-focused headline

More than two-thirds of the people who visit your landing page will bounce off the page. Keeping this number low is vital for the success of your business. So, how do you achieve this? Ensure that your visitors know and understand what is in it for them within seconds of arriving. 

The first thing people will encounter when visiting your page is your headline. That being the case, your headline should clearly and concisely communicate the value of your landing page and offer.


3. Settle for an image that illustrates the offer

Visual representation is critical. An image representation should represent your target audience. The main aim of the image should be to convey a feeling; it should provide a clear illustration of how your visitor will feel once they receive your offer. Some images may work better than others. It will be best for you to always split-test your options.


4. Make sure your message matches your ads

One of the main reasons you should be using landing pages is to ensure that you send people to a page that matches their expectations. Matching your landing page copy and design to the ads you are running in search or social is essential in making sure that your visitors have made a “good click.”

It will also be ideal for you to consider creating variant pages or using dynamic text replacement to ensure message match if you are running many ads with different headlines.


5. Include social proof and case studies

Regardless of how good you are or how good your offering is, including the voices of satisfied customers and community members will add an air of authenticity to your claims that even the best copy will lack. Even more important is that you should humanize these testimonials by including personal details such as full names, place of residence, job title, biographical details, videos, date of purchase, or even portraits. Understand that most of your visitors are going to distrust the typical marketing spiel unless you are profoundly original.

If you are in a position to include the nice things your customers have said about you, do it. So what if you do not have a large cache of compliments? Simple- lean on logos instead as long as you obtain permission. A few different platforms will integrate with your landing pages to keep reviews fresh such as Trust Pilot and Yelp. It is even possible to use simple embedded codes. 

However, try and keep these reviews at the bottom of the page. This ensures that your audience is not distracted from the action you want them to take.


6. Perform regular tests and updates for your landing pages

While best practices are essential, A/B testing your landing pages is one of the best ways to ensure that you are converting as much as possible. Do you maybe feel that your problem-focused headline is not working? Or do you probably want to ask questions in a different order on your form? Or maybe you have your boss insisting that your CTA button should be fluorescent pink? Well, the best thing to do is test it out before you commit and make decisions based on data rather than gut instinct.

The content on your landing pages should be up to date for obvious reasons, just like any blog post or site page. If you notice that your previously best-performing ad is falling off, the problem may be outdated landing pages. Sometimes even a simple refresh of the background colors, some fresh copy, and a new CTA will prevent fatigue. It will also serve as a signal to Google and any other ad platform that the content is fresh.


7. Create a mobile-friendly landing page

It is essential for any marketing to make your landing pages compatible with any device or viewable on any screen size. A significant number of people browse using their smartphones. This implies that their screens will be smaller, interactivity will be more limited, and load times will be longer.

Looking at all these qualities, none is good for your mobile conversion rates. That means you’ve got to ensure better performance by designing a mobile-responsive landing page that adapts to these devices. You can shift the layouts, make CTAs more visible and shrink images or remove them entirely.


8. Search optimization

Optimizing for search with target keywords is very critical. Much as you will be driving visitors to your landing page through email blasts, social posts, and other marketing strategies, your page needs to be optimized for your paid campaigns and organic search Which means that when someone searches for your key phrase, they should find your landing page.


9. Place the important information above the fold

Like an email, you want to ensure that all the critical stuff is visible first when someone is clicking through your landing pages. Initially, the term ‘above the fold” refers to the upper half of the front page of a newspaper. Nowadays, this term more often describes what is visible on a screen before scrolling down. If you want to enhance visibility, keep your headline, call to action, and your unique sales proposition above the fold. Be careful not to cram more than you need to onto the screen, as it can make it difficult to see your CTA. Still, ensure that everything a visitor needs can be seen from the get-go.

There are things like testimonials, client logos, and case studies that you can comfortably place below the fold. Even suggested content can be placed below the fold. 


10. Ensure your landing page loads quickly

Higher chances are that you already have landing pages if you are a marketer. A high bounce rate on a certain page could be a result of the long load time. While it can be pretty easy to cut corners with one-off landing pages, make sure that there is nothing too heavy or big on the page. When your landing page takes a long to load, it may damage any SEO you have done for the page.

How Do You Design a Landing Page?

It is not enough to only know the best practices regarding your landing pages. Ultimately, you will need to come up with one. When this time comes, you need to know how you can design one. When you think about design, what comes to your mind are creativity, colors, and pretty pictures.

But for a landing page, we look further into the meaning of design to mean functional, effective, and direction-oriented. To develop a well-designed landing page, you will have to tap into both your right and left brain. This article looks at how you can incorporate both concepts to get yourself a landing page that will convert your visitors.

  • Structure of the Landing Page

The good thing about landing pages is that you do not need to get too creative. Many landing pages are characteristically structured in this manner because it has been proven to work. While it is still okay to infuse your creativity through branded elements and images, you must stick to a landing page format that people are used to seeing. Here, we look at the five elements of a good landing page:

Headline: commands the visitors’ attention

1. Lead form: sits above the fold to capture visitors’ information

2. CTA: action-oriented and compelling

3. Relevant image

4. Copy and description: informs and entices your visitor to complete your form.

This doesn’t mean that your landing page is only limited to the components mentioned above. You are at liberty to include more than this. Ensure you know your audience, where they are from, and where they are in their buyer’s journey to know how much you need to include. 

  • The layout of the Landing Page

Most people do not read every word of your well-crafted copy. Often, people will skim through and pull out the most important bits of information. You need to ensure that these bits stand out so that your visitors do not meet anything important. This brings us to a few critical things:

  1. Ensure that you place the most important information above the fold so that your visitor can see it without needing to scroll down.
  2. Do a blink test on your page. This means that a visitor should be able to gather the main message in less than five seconds.
  3. Make use of negative space to prevent your visitor from feeling overwhelmed. Negative space will enhance comprehension, engagement, and focus.
  4. Use bullets and short paragraphs to convey your message. This makes your copy easy to digest.
  5. Try working out the important copy into an F-pattern. This is the direction that most people scan a page online. Ensure that you work with the flow of visual patterns to drive people to the key points. These key points will get them to convert.

  • Page Colors for Landing Page

It is only expected that the design of your landing page, which includes the colors you use, should bear a reflection of your website. You realize that you are aiming for a long-term relationship with the people who visit your landing page. The implication here is that people visiting your site need to familiarize themselves with your branding colors and unique style. Ideally, the more people recognize your brand, the more trust they develop in you. And the more people trust you, the easier it is to get them to do what you want them to do.

Consider using alternate colors on the elements of your page that require to stand out. One of these areas is your CTA button. What you’ve got to embrace here is the art of contrasting colors; you will want to go for colors that can easily draw your audience’s attention. Go ahead and research the colors that perform well-the colors that convert best- and use them on your landing page.

  • Images on your Landing Page

One of the first things that people will see on your landing page is the image there. People naturally process visuals quicker than they do text. Consequently, the images on your landing page set the tone of their entire experience. The question, however, is- how do you choose between the millions of stock photos taking up space in your computer? Let’s look at a few things that will guide your selection, shall we?

1. Your target audience: The knowledge of your target audience will come in handy when selecting the images for your landing page. Ask yourself questions like: “what is your persona?”, “How does your persona look like?”, “What is their dressing code?” “what are their interests?”. Such questions and their answers will guide you in determining the images to be placed front and center on your landing page. If you are looking to appeal to your audience, then your images must represent them in some way.

2. The point of focus on your landing page: The concept of knowing where you want your audience to look on your landing page is based on the idea that people follow directional clues. It is like where someone is pointing. What I’m trying to say is that if you want people to do a particular thing, consider an image that drives their attention toward that very action.

3. The message: Ultimately, the images on your landing page should act as a reinforcement to your message. Keep in mind that every element on your landing page has a specific purpose. Because your image is the first thing that people will see, it is important that it helps clarify what the visitor can expect from your page. The whole point is that you need to make sure that your image adds value.


Most of the tips covered apply to all landing pages. Still, lead gen landing pages require a little bit of something else to work optimally. This list goes over some of the few extra pointers that will make a difference, especially for your nurture-based campaigns:

    • Reduce friction with multi-step forms
    • Include a privacy policy
    • Avoid manual entry
    • Say “thank you.”


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